Beneath "Beneath Sheep's Clothing" with Julie Behlin and Michael O'Fallon and Connie Shields - Well Worth Your Time.
Julie Behlin made a penetrating analysis of the Marxist takeover of our schools and minds and she and the brilliant Michael O'Fallon take us on a deep(er) dive. Come with us.
I hope you have already watched Beneath Sheep’s Clothing, Julie Behlin’s remarkable, accessible, intelligent, compelling and informative documentary on the Marxification of our society. Spoiler alert: the UN is a profoundly Marxist organization, organized to destroy private rights, property, thought, action, sovereignty, carry out a global genocide, shape the human population into the Marxist “New Man”, using, abusing or discarding us in any way the Great Ones at the top see fit. That’s why we urge you to help get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US here:
Both Julie and Michael are faith-based people but whether you are or not, their piercing analysis and historical knowledge are breathtaking and well worth your time.
Once we watched Beneath Sheep’s Clothing, which lays out the UN’s real agenda very clearly, we realized that Beneath Sheep’s Clothing, which articulates the problem elegantly and eloquently, couple with the solution laid out in the 10 Million Patriot Challege at had to come together.
The astonishing Connie Shields found Julie,
reached out to her and made the match, so to speak.
This is an important alliance. Please watch Beneath Sheep’s Clothing and share it with your Circle of Influence. And please take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge, help get us out of the United Nations Death Machine and share that, too.
There is no savior coming to town on a white horse. The only horse any supposed savior is riding is made of wood
Cassandra could do nothing but warn her father, Menelaus, the King of Troy, that the horse would be the source of their destruction. Having been cursed by the God Apollo because she would not yield to him, as every Priestess of Apollo was, I suppose, supposed to be willing to do, he assured that she would always speak the truth but would never be believed.
You’ve had the Cassandra experience when you told your friends, neighbors, relatives, co-workers the things that you know in your gut to be totally accurate, but which violate their carefully curated beliefs.
And it is truly awful, isn’t it?
But now we have something infinitely better: we have a way to keep the Trojan Horse from disgorging its cargo of commandos into our world. We have just a moment or two, in the time of diplomatic negotiations, to get the US out of the UN. Other countries will follow, and it just might precipitate the collapse of some currencies and such, but it is possible if we, you and I, make it happen.
How, you may ask, do we do that? By pressuring the Congress of the United States to pass the Act with a super majority so that the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2030 (HR: 6645/ S: 3428) can pass the House and the Senate and survive an Oval Office veto.
That’s when the hard work will begin. Since every institution of society has been corrupted by the would-be masters driving the deadly UN choo choo train,
we have to fix them all. And it’s going to take some time.
But think of the amazing opportunity to get it right!
Please, please, please get the USA out of the UN!
Im in Australia, and our dopey government are following the US off a cliff. You guys getting out of all the BS is our only hope (in addition to yours). If the US frees itself from tyranny, our government might - might - follow you out. Its our only hope that you guys save yourselves 🙏