The UN is Waging a War on Childhood and Children. They and Their Pedophile Allies are Winning the War.
There is only one force on earth that can stop the utter corruption of children: adults who say, "NO! Not now, not ever, not this child, not any child!"
Our children, all of them, worldwide, are being branded by despicable and intentional destroyers not only of innocence and trust, but of the capacity to become a competent adult. Their tool? Comprehensive Sexuality Education, brought to you by the United Nations and its subsidiary organizations, WHO, UNESCO, UNICEF.
This is not, fundamentally about sex and sexual pleasure for the pedophiles any more than rape is about sexual gratification for the genitals of the rapist, It is about power, absolute and utter power over the body, mind and soul of every child on the planet, making them a willing, compliant and endlessly docile rag doll of a person, fit for the subservience of a 15 minute city denizen.
I am a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. I was, for a decade, the only Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist associated with the Westchester County Family Court and saw every single child in whose life the Court was in any way involved.
Before that, I was the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Liaison in a major New York City teaching hospital (St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital), teaching staff, including other doctors, about child neglect, abandonment, cruelty, abuse and destruction. Because, make no mistake about it, children can be marred and maimed so deeply that they never recover.
If you brand the skin of a human, as slaves were branded, the victim moves past the pain, mostly, but the skin never loses the memory of the devastation. Neither does the mind, the heart and the soul.
MK Ultra/Monarch/Nazi experimentation/Satanic abuse cults (yes, horrifyingly, they are a reality. I have personally treated some of their victims) taught the monsters who were seeking to know how to break people quickly, efficiently and permanently. The best, surest and most impossible to heal from? Repeated overwhelming sexual trauma starting as early as possible, without a single safe, reliable person, space, respite, retreat or recovery point.\
And that is precisely what the entire pedophilia pedagogical model is designed for. Its breadth, depth, audacity and comprehensive nature is, quite literally, impossible for a normal person to have conceived of and imagined implementing. We are dealing with astonishingly demented lunatics, folks, justifying my designation of these psychopaths as BSC! Bat Shit Crazy!
If you want a world of slaves who neither will nor can revolt, neither will nor can question your authority to rule and oppress them, and you also happen to be a pedophile, you would create the literally insane inversion of reality, morality and meaning being passed off as education, as Comprehensive Sexuality Education (US), as SOGI 123 (Canada) and a variety of other balsamic terms in other countries.
Starting with:
Training parents to become predators of their own children (“masturbate your child from birth”) and
Setting aberrant, deviant “goals” for educator predators (e.g., by age 6 children should be able to discern IF they want to have sex with another person and WHETHER they want that sex to be Oral, Anal or Genital, by age 9 children should be proficient in the on-line “use” of pornography, the development of “lust” by age 4) while
Phony “rights” are created out of thin air (e.g., every child has the “right to a sexual partner”, anyone has the “right” to “consent” to anything regardless of age) and
Dissolving protective (e.g., since there is no minimum age of consent for any kind of consent, the special class of “parent” and “parental rights” loses all meaning)
Curricular content which focuses extensively and exclusively on delusional, highly politicized myths (e.g., gender fluidity, identity politics, climate change, Systemic Race Theory) all supporting a Marxist reshaping of society
the war on children is, indeed, just another, although especially appalling, cold blooded and intentionally destructive aspect of the United Nation’s vicious war on humanity.
Think about it: if every child on the planet is mis-educated via lies, pseudo-science, genetically altered through DNA and cytoplasm-destroying “vaccines” and traumatized out of normal self-protection, morality, independent thought and resistance, the pedophiles and their friends can do anything, take anything, inflict anything, construct anything, constrict anything and destroy everyone.
Substantiation? Visit LAW - Prevent Genocide 2030 to read the United Nations March 8, 2023 Judicial Review for yourself. This document lays this out for every legislator, jurist and lawyer in the world.
Edwin Cameron, in his forward to this fundamentally and flagrantly flawed document of destruction, writes this, “The Principles aim to be practically useful to the widest range of stakeholders. From my own experiences, in my life and in my work, I know they will be of immediate significance to critical audiences. Here I include judges, who, in particular bear the critical responsibility of guarding the rule of law while upholding human rights and non-discrimination guarantees. The Principles are based on general principles of criminal law and international human rights law and standards. They seek to offer a clear, accessible and workable legal framework – as well as practical legal guidance – on applying the criminal law to conduct associated with: sexual and reproductive health and rights, including termination of pregnancy; consensual sexual activities, including in contexts such as sex outside marriage, same-sex sexual relations, adolescent sexual activity and sex work; gender identity and gender expression; HIV non-disclosure, exposure or transmission; drug use and the possession of drugs for personal use; and homelessness and poverty.
And I foresee that these Principles may also be of practical use to others in the criminal justice system and beyond. Here I include prosecutors and legal practitioners, legislators, government officials, policymakers, national human rights institutions, oversight bodies, legal service providers, victims’ groups, civil society organizations and academics. All these may play a critical role in mitigating the detrimental human rights impact of misapplied criminal laws” [Emphasis added by REL]
Indeed, P 9 of this utterly shameful document tell us that the audience is:
” a) legislators, at all levels, who are responsible for the drafting, adoption or review and reform of laws;
b) administration officials with delegated legislative powers, including powers to adopt secondary legislation, binding rules, regulations and policies;
c) judges, including magistrates, presiding over criminal cases;
d) prosecutors and legal practitioners (e.g., defense lawyers, legal aid advocates, paralegals) involved in criminal cases; and
e) judicial benches in higher courts, such as Constitutional and Supreme Courts, seized of cases considering the lawfulness of certain criminal law provisions and administrative penal provisions, where pertinent.”
Page 19 says, “PRINCIPLE 9 – CRIMINAL LAW AND PROHIBITED DISCRIMINATION Criminal law may not, on its face or as applied, in substance or in form, directly or indirectly discriminate on any, including multiple and intersecting, grounds prohibited by international human rights law. Prohibited grounds of discrimination include: age; sex; sex characteristics; gender; sexual orientation; gender identity; gender expression; race; colour; national or social origin; nationality/citizenship; ethnicity; disability; immigration status; property; birth or descent, including on the basis of caste and analogous systems of inherited status; language; religion or belief; political or other opinion; membership of a particular social group; marital or family status; pregnancy; childbirth; parenthood; health status, including HIV status or drug dependence; economic and social status; occupational status; place of residence; indigenous identity or status; minority or other status.
PRINCIPLE 10 – CRIMINAL LIABILITY MAY NOT BE BASED ON DISCRIMINATORY GROUNDS No one may be held criminally liable for conduct that does not constitute a criminal offence if committed by another person and where the criminalization of such conduct constitutes prohibited discrimination under international or domestic law.”
All of which means that if something is legal for someone somewhere, it is legal for everyone, everywhere.
So global application of the law needs to be globally distributed (just another sledgehammer on national sovereignty which is, alas, only one among many) and if somebody can get away with it, so can everybody. And no child is protected by anything because there is no longer a special protected category of “child” nor a special designated protector called the “parent”.
And the pedophiles have insinuated themselves everywhere, legalizing their slime, normalizing it, glorifying it. TriTorch has spent years researching it and has recently published this long, disturbing, but deeply meaningful article on his/her substack.
Paul Elias Alexander republished it on his stack, which is where I saw it. I want to offer both of them a shout out and republish it here in its entirety.
Children are, by their very nature, dependent upon adults for sustenance, support and protection. They depend on us for truth, not lies, for guidance to grow upon and incorporate so that it becomes their own internal moral compass.
If we allow the UN to destroy children, we have voted with our compliance, our silence, our cowardly and foolish acquiescence.
We must defend children at the local, school, community, church, Boys and Girls Club, Disney disconnected, “Pride”/gender “ideology”/medical mutilation repudiated and repulsed, trans and gay matters removed from education (adults can love whom they choose - back off the kids NOW!)
This is a community matter, not just a parental one, but if you are a parent and you do nothing, you are violating your child just as surely as if you raped that child.
And, ultimately, it all comes down to killing the beast that the Pedophile tentacle is attached to: the UN. There is, functionally, one beast:
The way to kill it is to withdraw your country from that beast. Visit and take action there.
And read this amazing substack start to finish. Then help TriTorch out financially if you can, subscribe to the stack to support him and share this stack.
Get other people involved. Let them know why it is so very imperative to protect olur kids, all of them, and get out of the UN.
Some people ask, “But isn’t there something that we get from them that we need” My answer? Nope, there is nothing there for us but fine words, the opportunity to pay them huge amounts of money and receive, in return, like the fools that we have been, enslavement, destruction and death.
Sounds like it is time to leave. Help do that very thing by taking the 10 Million Patriot Challenge here:
Demons Disguised as Guardians: Philanthropic Organizations & Schools Lead the March to a Pedophilic Wasteland
Thank you for covering this. I’ve been saying for years the #1 currancy on this planet is children, until that changes we are lost.
Right on Dr. Laibow. It's like the whole world is one big Milgram experiment and the children are the victims. If a politician, teacher, doctor, or other authority figure says to do something, the world complies, how sick. My heart breaks for these children who have been so betrayed by the very people who are supposed to protect them. What a sick society, God help us.