UN Movie Night: 3 Must-Watch Videos. When You're Done, I Believe You Will Be Motivated to Get Us OUT of the UN and Get the UN OUT of Us!
Rustle up some popcorn and settle in. After you've watched these movies, please take the Action and then share with your Circle of Influence.
Video 1: A beautifully planned and executed piece of trash which is emblematic of the UN modus: wrap lies, corruption, deceit and destructive policies in shiny spangles, pretty ribbons and seductively attractive words so no one will see the massive rot within.
The UN, root and branch, is nothing short of a whited sepulcher
They do have the capacity to produce high production value trash, though.
Video 2: A vitally important piece of the puzzle dating back to JFK’s presidency, in which the US officially agrees to surrender its entire military to the UN so we can be in a state of permanent [Orwellian politispeak] “peace”.
You can access the highly disturbing “Freedom From War” mentioned in this video here: Freedom From War : Department of State : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The John Birch Society, by the way, as you probably already know, has been advocating for the US to exit the UN for many years. They are quite right.
Video 3: A brilliant examination by Ami Horowitz of the UN machine and its vast indifference to mission, meaning or morality.
This remarkable documentary was made in 2009. Nothing about the UN has gotten better: it has grown exponentially, gotten bolder, more corrupt, more efficient in disrupting sovereign nations and consolidating its power and seeking ever-more comprehensive power and nearly inconceivably vast resources to destroy us.
There is, in my mind, only one sane, reasonable, rational, non-suicidal conclusion to a clear-eyed examination of the United Nations: RUN!
As it happens, on January 4, 2025, President Trump directed Secretary of State Rubio and the US Ambassador to the UN, Elise Stefanik, to examine the international organizations, treaties, etc., the US is involved in and report to him which of those organizations are contrary to US interests, which should be exited and which can be repaired.
This is an amazing and unique opportunity which we must seize. Prior administrations have treated UN membership as a sacred cow which could not be slaughtered, no matter what the provocation. This one is willing to look at the possibility of actually getting out of this tyrannical international nightmare.
I urge you in the strongest possible terms to take a few moments to visit PreventGenocide2030.org and take the Action on the Home Page to tell President Trump that you know continued membership in the UN is contrary to US interests and you support leaving the entire organization and all of its parts.
Please take the time to share this post with your social media and other contacts.
You see, changing national policies and bringing about meaningful change requires massive political support. And that means each of us helping to alert, educate and motivate our Circles of Influence. What’s at stake here? Why should you bother? Because the UN is hell bent for leather on killing most of us and enslaving the rest of us under the most brutal conditions slaves have ever known. The plan, called Agenda 2030, is to put us all either in the grave or into gulags composed of our own altered DNA where we have neither rights nor individual worth.
Or we stop them.
True, what we have is a narrow window of opportunity, but we still do have that.
And soon it will be gone. Let’s make sure we take action now, not next week, not next month. Now.
And thank you
Thank you. Happy to educate myself further on why I’ve felt for years we need to disengage from this monstrosity. I, at this time, feel that mostly it’s a communist or tyrannical entity. Both situations I abhor. I’ve heard WHO is an offshoot of the UN &I abhor what I’ve seen of that. The leader of WHO has a horrible resume & I understand is close friends with the CCP leader, Xi. I will watch & share your post & it sounds like I’ll raise my voice again, ‘Get the US out of the UN & the UN out of the US.’!
The iron mountain report to find a good forever enemy to keep the military industrial complex going without war between nations but create fear of space aliens and other fake enemies was commissioned by none other than than JFK !!
In fairness to JFK, it was only finished under LBJ.