Well, Dang! Unlock Alberta Hits Another One Out of the Park with "From Grassroots to Grifters?" Where are All the Donations Going? Where is the Bang for the Buck?
People fund what they believe in. And we have a right to ask what happens to our money. A great many freedom groups have no interest whatsoever in answering that question. Why not?
Did you make a donation to a freedom group, lawsuit or activity you believe in? Were you touched by activists sharing their urgent need for funds with you, so you reached into your pocket and gave them money?
I hope so.
The agencies and organizations seeking to destroy our rights and whatever else they have their tyrannical sights set on certainly are not going to help us gain/regain those freedoms, nor would we want them to. Taking money from the other side means the other side now owns you. It’s a very quick way to be turned from opposition to controlled opposition.
So, we share our resources with someone doing something that we believe in. And, more likely than not, so do a LOT of other people. And the donations can, if things go well for the recipient, add up to a LOT of money, at least in normal people terms.
Then what? Can you, after making a donation, visit the online, interactive spreadsheet showing income and outgo in detail?
Have you received (or been able to access) filings in lawsuits or action in programs telling you what is happening with the thing your helped to funf and what happened to your money?
No? Why not?
Here is Connie Shield’s article on the issue of funding and the absolute need for transparency in any organization or movement to which you give your trust and/or your money:
And here is some serious good news about freedom efforts and transparency:
You can learn more about C3, The Council of Concerned Citizens, here: Council of Concerned Citizens C3 - Prevent Genocide 2030. Let me know if you would like to become involved in this project here: releyes3@gmail.com.
PreventGenocide2030.org is about #ExitTheUN. Right now, we are asking you to
And it will take a LOT of people doing that to make it happen. You know how bad the UN is, and you understand that the problems facing us all have a common origin: the UN. But a great many people need to hear that message.
Those folks include everyone with a business or property or an ownership stake in anything at all. Huge numbers of them do not realize that the coming of Agenda 2030 means that their ownership and control of their companies, cars, children, assets, etc., will be taken away as society is Marxified fully and completely.
We aim to tell them.
The C3, The Council of Concerned Citizens has been created specifically to initiate a significant public education program to generate the political will to get the US and other countries out of the United Nations. We will be talking to the people who have the most to lose in terms of asset bases and property, asking them to help us to help protect them.
We call it “Funding Freedom”. Our partner organization, the Institute for Health Research, a tax exempt 501 (c ) (3) organization, will accept the donations that will find this effort so donors will receive US tax receipts. And there will be a spreadsheet available to all donors, large and small, showing precisely what money has come in and where that money is going.
That’s a promise. Total transparency, precisely as Connie says we should have.
Connie, by the way, is a pivotal member of the working group creating this effort.
We are not quite ready to ask for your generous donations since we are working on details like getting the spreadsheet up and running, but I wanted to let folks know to watch for our announcement when we launch C3, the Council of Concerned Citizens to protect rights and help the US #ExitTheUN, making it easier for other nations to do the same and weakening that organization substantially, perhaps killing it.
Meanwhile, make sure to visit PreventGenocide2030.org often, take the 4 Tweets for Trump action and tell your friends when you do so they can comment, like and retweet your posts and take the action themselves, too.
Stating income and expenses should be standard procedure in the truth movement. I think we also need to not incorporate AT ALL, just go our own way, maybe have a website with a database of organizations or groups that pledge to make their income/expense statements public. Incorporating only says that one agrees with government. We don't need to be governed, only children do. I hope you make it a trend that truth activists display their financial statement - that is part of being open and free. It needs to be done and people can see it in action and then a trend can begin.
Yes the relentless shameless begging continues in the name of 'supporting free speech', freedom, truth, lives matter and on and on yet nothing gets better for anyone outside 'NOT the MASSES'.
Been like that for time init?!
Meanwhile small businesses are tyrannically demolished, the as called 'cashless society' advances until there is only individuality where we are totally dependent on what comes in from a central system. It appears planners of this system have had their hands at it for a very long, long time, so if it has been this long and at this point we are heading to a system where earn what is given to you by said system there is no growth in any direction outside what is allowed.
You will not be able to share or support anything or anyone outside what is allowed so you can scratch the idea of getting anything you are not suppose to have. You are then left with a system you did not want, ask for or desire in fact, you are completely in servitude, enslaved accepting whatever comes including assistance if you wish to die.
Sounds ominous you think?!