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Are the Embalmers Clots Occurring in the Living?

Whistleblower from a Catheter lab speaks out about observations
Cross-post from Vejon COVID-19 Review
Bioweapon pipeline: Globalists->UN->WHO->CDC->You. This post, with its video, is, quite literally, horrifying, but is equally essential watching. "Embalmers' Clots" appear to be occurring in living patients - and occurring only in the COVID-jabbed, and, as the two brilliant doctors conclude in their discussion, the cause IS the contents of the jab. Watch it, comment on it, share it. Then visit and demand that your country #ExitUN since that's where this atrocity originates. Globalists->UN->WHO->CDC->Your body. -

How can you discount over 20 years of experience in dealing with clots and not thoroughly investigate the phenomenon?

Conversation with Whistleblower and Dr Shankara Chetty.


I have been unable to corroborate the accuracy of this information but wish for the science around embalmers clots and these patterns to be fully investigated.


Fibrous clot removed from an artery.

Left lower leg deep vein thrombosis. On the left of the clot is the venogram showing the clot within the blood vessel.

Clots in both legs involving the external iliac veins, extending into the inferior vena cava.

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Vejon COVID-19 Review
Vejon COVID-19 Review Podcast
Comprehensive overview of COVID-19 looking at the research from Dr Philip McMillan delineating autoimmunity in the disease.
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