Brief But Important Video: Please Watch and Share EVERYWHERE. (Updated Link)
Maria Zeee and I talked recently on InfoWars' American Journal, and Greg Reese created a useful, short version of our conversation.
Bottom line: we MUST hold Trump’s feet to the fire and make sure that he and the Republican Congress understand that we understand that every single campaign promise they were elected on requires that we get out of the UN. Every problem that they have promised to solve has been created directly by our adherence to the policies, dictates and demands of the United Nations, an organization to which we have no valid allegiance or treaty obligations of any sort. As in NONE.
That means that every person concerned with any of these issues is a potential advocate for #ExitTheUN. Let’s help them see that!
Share the video, ask them to visit and take the action there and sign up for this paywall-free substack.
And here is the full interview with Maria Zee:
Why sign up for the substack and help your Circle of Influence to do the same? because in addition to allow us to communicate (I read all the comments and respond to a great many of them), this stack now serves as the Health Freedom Newsletter forum so we can share news and info, lectures, guests on our two weekly podcasts, etc.
Thanks for your help!
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