First, They Came for the Ostriches.... Will There Be Anyone Left to Speak for You if You Do Not Speak for the Ostriches?
Natural Immunity is the enemy of the globalist "pandemic" lie, so 400 research ostriches with amazing natural immunity are marked for extermination by the Canadian government. Not on our watch!
Did you know ostriches dance to music? Did you know that ostriches are the largest living bird? Did you know that the United Nations, via the WHO, wants to deny the reality of natural immunity, whether it’s yours or an ostrich’s? Did you know that ostriches have robust immune systems, providing insight into natural immunity and the antibodies that they develop to various diseases are being studied to yield treatments and cures for human diseases?
Did you know that the Canadian FOOD Inspection Agency (CFIA) has decided that 400 healthy RESEARCH ostriches, some of them 35 years old, must be destroyed because, well, because somewhere there might be bird flu or, more accurately, natural immunity to bird flu, posing a significant threat to the organized lies of the entire propagandemic scheme and scam?
Note: these animals are not food, so the jurisdiction of a FOOD Inspection Agency to kill them makes no logical sense. They are licensed and permitted animals and are healthy. But if natural immunity becomes a widely understood phenomenon, then the entire “Only vaccines will save you! you must have vaccines!” fraud, based on nothing but pseudo-scientific, utterly absurd pandemic “We’re all gonna die without vaccines” fear porn, falls apart.
Remember, as you read this, that, to these vicious global totalitarian lunatics, the only difference between you and an ostrich, or a chicken, or cock roach, in terms of culling, is how much opposition you put up. The leaders are genocidal madmen. Their henchmen are either cowardly operatives who are willing to “just follow orders” for their own comfort and gain or witless dupes. Either way, they are making the utterly horrific WHO “One Health” tyranny a brutal and, quite literally, mad, reality.
Never forget that anything WHO does is carrying out the dictates of the UN, which it serves. And under the One Health plan, every being, resource, animal, plant, human, mineral, drop of water, molecule of air, quite literally belongs to the WHO and, thus, to the UN.
What do you own? Absolutely nothing, certainly not your ostriches, dogs, cats, children, houses, cars, businesses, bodies or DNA. The intended culling of this herd of healthy research animals is a sentinel event and is, happily, shaking many people world-wide, from blissful ignorance (or comforting denial) that such things not only can happen, but will, if we allow the UN to continue moving forward with its Sustainable Development Goals/Great Reset, that is, with Agenda 2030.
The brutal and senseless culling 400 beautiful, healthy research ostriches being studied as part of an international research program (Japan, Canada and the US) because they provide such powerful natural immunity antibodies and related information on how to stimulate human natural immunity was scheduled to take place today, February 1, 2025 but was stopped -for now- by public pressure leading to a temporary restraining order, giving the owners of the ostriches 30 days to “go through the [as yet undefined] judicial process”. To add your voice to the public outcry, click here: Save Our Ostriches - Prevent Genocide 2030
You see, it’s not just the ostriches in British Columbia. It’s us, too
In the same way that massive public support has helped to impede - and, we anticipate, prevent the slaughter of 400 ostriches, much more massive public support can help to impede, and prevent the destruction of us and our rights and, indeed, our DNA and our lives, from the mad medical marauders and political plunderers using the uber-destructive UN and its parts and pieces against us. Click on the image below and take action to force President Trump to withdraw the US from the UN.
Whether you live in the US or not, your lives, property (including your ostriches) are not safe until the UN is weakened and destroyed. And the fastest route to that outcome is for the UN to lose the globalist powerhouse that US participation provides.
You can take action at to help mobilize the political pressure to accomplish this essential goal no matter where you live. The impact of the US presence in the UN is global. Everyone on the planet has a huge stake in protecting their rights and freedoms, property and societies. Trump needs to hear from all of us, loud and clear: “Withdraw the US from the UN completely and do it NOW!”