Brand New! Tweet Trump Now: All of His Campaign Promises Can ONLY Be Kept AFTER He Signs Us Out of the UN. So, Let's Motivate Him to Do Exactly That!
Illegal Migration, Protection of Children, MAHA, Restoring the Economy: Each problem has been caused directly by following UN policies. Once we #ExitTheUN, we can fix the problems, not until then
President Elect Donald J. Trump has pledged to withdraw the US from WHO (World Health Organization) on Day 1 of his presidency. While that sounds good, it is merely pimple popping on the backside of the beast. We need to make sure that he gets it right to assure the US will #ExitTheUN on Day 1.
As satisfying as it might sound, or even seem, popping the WHO pimple is both ineffective and futile.
And Donald J. Trump, as President of the United States, has the opportunity, authority and responsibility to write a simple letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations withdrawing the US from that beast. Totally. Permanently. Completely.
But he won’t do that unless we hold his feet very, very close to the fire. Now.’s brand new Twitter (X) campaign gives you a quick and easy way to lean heavily on the President Elect and remind him that not one of the campaign promises he made, not a single one, can, in fact, be kept unless he gets the US out from under the UN’s weight and grasp entirely.
Endless Illegal Migration is forced on UN members by the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights1 and International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families2
Destructive hyper-sexualization, pedophilia, abolition of parental rights and gender insanity are forced on UN Members by the 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty3 and Comprehensive Sexuality Education45,6
Weaponized, toxic food and deadly “health” measures, including censorship, are forced on UN Members by Codex Alimentarius7 and the World Health Organization8
Economic destruction, municipal capture and destruction of property rights are forced on UN Members by the International Labor Organization9, Pact for the Future10, World Trade Organization11, World Intellectual Property Organization12, Climate Change13
As if that were not enough control and tyranny, have a peek at the full UN Organization Chart":
No More! We need to #ExitTheUN if we are to reclaim our Constitutional Republic, our Rights, our Informed Consent and, in fact, our future. It is, quite literally, up to you and me.
Look, @ [inserted space] Real [inserted space] Donald [inserted space] Trump is a very active site, as you might expect. Thousands of tweets roll by without much chance to look at any of them for very long. Unless huge numbers of people are posting, commenting, liking, forwarding, reposting similar items any given item does not have much impact. But making sure that these 4 tweets have massive impact is precisely our strategy. When you visit and send a Tweet (all 4 of them, in fact) let your social media network know about it so they can like, comment and re-tweet your tweets. Then ask them to visit and do precisely the same thing.
Hint: the system lets you resend the same tweets every day although it blocks you from resending them twice on the same day. Hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
And here’s a little something you might not be focusing on.
The WHO did not get all of what it wanted in its pandemic response power grab. Some people conclude that means that we have avoided the danger of total capture by the monster.
Unfortunately, the situation is not nearly that rosy: literally every single dangerous and damaging aspect of the nightmarish Pandemic Preparedness Treaty/Framework/Agreement/Or Whatchamaycallit is covered again and again in document after document from UN program after UN program. The One World Government would-be tyrants and their minions are exceedingly clever and have thought out and deployed this system of utter control very carefully over a very long time. Each control maneuver is actually replicated again and again in the highly reduncant and interlocking:
Climate Change documents and agreements,
DIE documents and agreements,
SEG documents and agreements,
Sustainable Development Goals documents (including C-40 and its ilk),
Digital ID documents,Judicial Review and
A host of other tortured and twisted faux-protective, interlocking and layered self-justifications for world domination and dictatorship.
The US has accepted as legitimate the faux-nation state known as the United Nations and “signed” “treaties” with it as if those treaties could be legitimate in any possible way. They can’t and they are not.
There is no partial solution. The only good UN is a defunct one. So when the US does #ExitTheUN, it must be completely and finally with no ties still connected lest they ultimately capture and destroy us.
Act Now!
1. Tweet President Trump to #ExitTheUN so he can keep his campaign promises here:
2. Tell everyone you can reach on Social Media to like, comment and retweet your tweets and
3. Use your Social Media presence to help as many people as possible take the “4 Tweets For Trump Action” at and share it with all their contacts
4. Rinse and repeat!
Any present time, the sooner the better, and for any additional reason(s), is the right time to remove the USA from the UN and the UN HDQ from American soil. The UN is a never healing, open sore and no cure is possible except complete removal.
Oil and water can mix with the proper modifications or additives, but the US Constitution and the UN Charter are as opposed as daylight is to darkness. They can never mix.
If USA is paying for everything why are we forced to follow nonsense unqualified persons? The US can be self sufficient.