Of course “they” want to get rid of a very intelligent man RF who speeks the truth about this plandemic that this world experienced. That this world that the W H O wants to push a new fear probably for this fall called disease X. And cause more deaths to add to their agenda. I am praying for a great man R. F. and more should to help stop evil.🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Continued orayers For him and I will share this post with many individuals in my circle. Thank you Dr. Rema for all you do!

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Blessings Reiner - Love to you and your wife. We shall win this fight!

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So awful what they are doing to Reiner. Just like Julian Assange. Regarding Stripe, you could bypass them by just using Ko-fi for donations. A lot of us do that and it was easy to set up. Thdy have cool buttons to use too. https://ko-fi.com/

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I tried to be a paying subscriber and got the error message you were referring to. Hope this gets worked out.

Thanks for posting this letter and developments in RF's case. I know you are no fan of Trump, but I'm sure you would agree that it doesn't matter, they are using lawfare against him as well.

Destroy everything good and try to legitimize/legalize everything bad. I hope RF is right when he says their day will come - in this world.

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"The judge says he will convict regardless of the evidence." Of course, in the climate god state of Idiotistan everything is possible. A lot of people including Dr. Lanka and Dr. Kaufman had told Fuellmich to concentrate on the center of the fraud, the non-existent virus, but he dismissed it.

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Isn't that reason enough for a mistrial? Or don't they have that in the New German Reich?

I'm sure they are pulling the same crap on DJ Trump.

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There is no New German Reich, only a new German stupidity and government criminality and too many people too brain washed, too stupid, to cowered, too ignorant, too greedy.

The Father of the Vaccine Donald Warp Speed Drumb is not the savior, in case you thought that.

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I have always thought that Trump was a giant red herring. A focal point of hate, like "two minutes hate" in 1984. You get to call anyone who votes for him on a least-of-evils or whatever basis as not only deplorables, but now domestic terrorists. By creating a bunch of axioms (about Trump, covid shots, climate chance, everything), never proven, and using the jackboot of the state to enforce them, Trump serves the deep state very well. A significant minority of the population thinks he deserves all the manufactured lawfare against him. Love him or hate him or anywhere in-between, he is being used to set up similar mistreatment, distreatment, and maltreatment, to modify some of their lingo, for anyone else they want to target.

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If we believe our vote counts, which I still hold a bit of confidence. I am voting for the lessor of two evils which means Trump. I always identified as a Democrat prior but they have become downright rotten from Clinton going forward to sniff sniff Biden and they have changed to downright communists. I saw good but only heard evil. If he is so bad and serves deep state then why is he the most attacked President during my lifetime that I can remember anyways. Good has become evil and Evil has become good.

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if Trump was indeed "good" he would have been dead by now. Fatal accident (alias assasinated by orders from the top mob money makers). Same who killed al previous US presidents. Leviathan + Vatican => death squad against Truth-


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I knew some9ne would say that.

No one is coming to save us.

However this lawfare has to stop. I don't want to see it in my supposed country nor in

Other supposed western so called democracies. It's obscene. A parody in front of our noses...see what we can do? See what we will do to you too? It's not a minor thimg..

It is a testament to corruption that is now gonna become a daily part of all our lives...

We are finished.

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Corruption? Oh no…

SHOCKING: Washington State Attorney General's Office Claims COVID-19 Shots 'safe and remain effective' - https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/shocking-washington-state-attorney

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Dear Dr. Rima,

Not sure if you follow David Sorensen and his brilliant work at stopworldcontrol.com. Yesterday before reading your article, I received an email from David regarding the film “Master Plan For World Domination” that he has been working on for a year. (not released yet) Dr. Reiner is in this film and I would like to include this information in the letter that I am writing. Did you receive this email, if not would you like me to forward it to you? Here is a video that I am going to re-visit today, not sure when it was made:


Latest film - End of Humanity:


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My confidence wanes in the world’s judicial systems. They are captured by the threat of violence!

Asymmetric war.

No rules of law has only one outcome imo.

Violence. Do Not get me wrong, I advocate the opposite. Realize the battles being waged at many different levels and see the outcome if this isn’t turned around soon. They are powerful by monetizing their forces at every level imaginable.

If we are going to prevail we must get control of central banks worldwide.

This is the real battleground of which it gets very messy. Rip Kadaffi! We came, we killed him. Sec of state, u know her name..

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Will be praying!!

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Prayers up for heroic Reiner Fuellmich and his wife. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Glad I came across this article because I had not heard anything since Greg Reese had put a video out about the illegal abduction of Reiner. Prior to that I saw one of his associates saying he had stolen the funds for the committee but she looked very nervous about making this statement like as if she was coerced into doing so. The UN/WHO/WEF are all really one an organization operating as one. I know the US gives the WHO about $400M per year and the Gates of Hell foundation matches it so Bill has lots of influence over them. We must stop them by all means necessary.

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Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take the action there to pressure Congress to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023, which will force the US to disengage entirely from the UN Debacle.

Do it now and spread the word, encouraging everyone you can reach to do the same.

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This so disgraceful, such a corrupt world we live in. I send a my heartfelt plea that at some point the criminal persecution of this brave man will end with his freedom. He did nothing more than shine a light on the truth. Evil is among us.

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Thank you so very much for this update, and address. I love and pray for this Dear Man everyday.

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Will be praying

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Miles Mathis wrote "We will start with the alleged arrest of Reiner Fuellmich, the German lawyer allegedly pursuing new “Nuremberg” style trials for Covid genocide. The story makes no legal or logical sense, so I assume it is fake. I have said before I thought he was controlling the opposition, slow-walking these lawsuits by filing them in the wrong jurisdictions against the wrong parties on the wrong legal points, but he needed some final exit from this manufactured story, one that would do as much harm to his cause as possible. So they are painting him as a petty and comically inept embezzler, one who can't figure out how to pay off a loan. Despite being a top international attorney, we are supposed to believe he is just that stupid when it comes to finances. His fellow Corona Committee members Hoffman, Fischer, and Templin are accusing him not only of embezzlement, but also. . . wait for it . . . “violent anti-Semitism”. Yeah, we should have seen that coming. I guess he is also anti-Trans, pro-life, pro-Amish, pro-Palestinian, and a Swift-hater. You have to laugh at how transparent this whole thing is."

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I do not believe that Reiner is controlled opposition. He is opposition who could not be controlled, which is why he is not under their physical and legal control.

There are major errors in your summary but, yes, he is a thorn so they want to destroy him.

Of all the people in this wildly penetrated "movement", so far, at least, I believe that Reiner is one of the un-controlled, real opposition leaders.

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Thank you for the update. I'm trying to follow the journey of ReinerF but the Internet isn't helpful.

I'm from South Africa, our justice system is also compromised.

The Beast is the Israelite-spirit of the Old Testament - the Leviathan = LeVI'TaN in Hebrew. Meaning Levite Dragon: murderous (Holocaust) magicians, they crafted the whole Bible. Mark my words. They hide behind the innocent and ignorant Jews (whom they gleefully sacrifice when they want to achieve their evil agenda) and then shout "You Anti-Semitic pigs" at the rest of the world who blame the ordinary Jewish peoples for the crimes that it commits.

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