Debate! Debate! Sturm und Drang and Accusation and... Wait!!!! Do You Hear What I [Didn't] Hear?
Well, Tump and Harris lied and accused and deflected and schmoozed through the performance art known as a Presidential Debate. But, to my ears there was a booming, echoing silence on, well, reality
K: You like Plan 25. D: Not my plan - I haven’t read it on purpose
D: Why haven’t you fixed anything? K: I negotiated peace before the war broke out in Ukraine.
K: You will cut taxes for the rich and increase them for the poor with taxes and tariffs.: D: If you hate my tariffs so much, why did you leave them in place?
D: I will negotiate peace before I even have any authority to negotiate anything. K: You are not nice to our military.
K: I have a dream and a vision and know what the American People want and started out life as a middle-class kid and you are a mean rich kid. D: You are a Marxist, you father was a Marxist and you are soft on crime.
D: I fixed the country. You ruined it. K: I fixed the country after you ruined it.
You know, political theater, more of same. Look tough, big guy, say how great you have been and how great we are for the glory of the Nation. Look en-gloried in the glowing vision of what might be for the real American, the little guy, the average guy.
In my opinion, the whole thing was an example of negative space: the reality of the picture revealed, and revealed powerfully, by what is missing, empty, not there, not even suggested.
In other words, revelation through absence.
What was missing, aside from any shred of a shadow of a whisper of a whiff of actual, factual discussion?
Well, for one thing,
K asserted the government should not tell you what to do with your body, but, apparently, that only applies to the reproductive organs of your body, since she, while in office, was party to the government telling 100 million Americans what they had to do with the rest of their bodies or face draconian and dire consequences.
D failed to mention that his government tenure saw billions of dollars gifted to programs designed to deploy US Government bioweapons disguised as syringes and D’s tenure in the White [ed Sepulcher] House and K’s saw both of them wheeling, bobbing and pirouetting in a morass of deadly deceptions, compulsions and compulsions which resulted in an ongoing wildly successful iatrogenocide which has claimed between 17,000,000 [per Denis Rancourt and team] to 500,000,000 [per James Thorp] people worldwide. And we are in the EARLY STAGES of that holocaust!
And both K and D are or were in positions of oversight and responsibility for the Fraud and Death Administration (FDA), the Center for Disease Creation (CDC), the Holocaust and Hell System (HHS), Destruction Assured by Ruthless Population Annihilation (DARPA) and more, so much more. Neither acknowledged the disastrous consequences of their own administration’s death-supporting policies and programs (which is to be expected) but neither whispered about the other administrations’ evils.
And isn’t that exactly the sort of collusion, collaboration, teamwork and sportsmanship required for a smoothly running, carefully choreographed theatrical performance? You betcha!
Nor did K or D utter so much as an exhalation of carbon dioxide over climate change realities or the unrealities of climate change being used to destroy society in order to “protect” it.
Amazingly absent from both the meaningless exhortations of middle class kid raised by a working mother with a small businesswoman assistant mother K nor gifted with far less than $400 million rich kid now multi-billionaire was the threat posed by the woefully misnamed “sustainable development goals” of the comprehensively destructive Agenda 21/2030 and all of its interwoven destructions racing towards us.
Did we hear from either D or K that there is now before the US Congress a critically important Act called the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 and that its passage is essential for the US to continue a meaningful existence as a sovereign nation?
Not a whisp. You can, by the way, and should, visit and help to make that happen when you take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge.
Did either of them raise so much as a zephyr of a breeze about the Pact for the Future, set to be adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 23 this year, which paves the way for the UN to become not only the world’s supreme governance body but, along with the Digital Compact, provides for us to be rendered subhuman and used for the purposes of the oligarch’ without regard for our bodies, our language or other purposes, at whim. Might that not have been useful for America and the world to share that information?
Nary a word, not a whimper, not even a whisper of the total loss of sovereignty coming right up.
Nothing about the totalitarian dangers of the World Health Organization to the “One Health Approach”, which takes absolute control of every living being, and nonliving element, on the planet to “protect” us from … remaining alive
Nada. Zip. Crickets.
Monkey Pox is a hoax? No vaccines for that or anything else?
Any statement that the Public Health Emergency of Outer CinThere was, in this theatrical event, some obviously scripted “he said, she said”, with lopsided “Trump only” fact checking and smirking, simpering, shaking and sneering enough to convince the gullible that real facts were being reacted to by real people.
K has a plan to create an opportunity economy where the hopes and dreams and fears and needs and wants and unicorns and magic beans of every American will be fed and watered and controlled through a Marxist command economy, er, through a Diversely Equitable, Imposed, Enforced “Commissariat of the Free”, perhaps? D has a plan to end wars even before he is legally authorized to do so by sheer force of will and charisma alone (always a reliable substitute for knowledge and facts), no plan for decent healthcare (although he is working on working on having his people work on working on it).
Education for lust in 4-year-olds and the destruction of societal boundaries and norms by toxic Pride and biological lies worthy of a Marxist on massive meth? Utter, total silence
A military so weakened by mandated, government not supposed to tell you what to do with your body but doing it under massive threat and coercion bioweapon shots that it can barely stand upright? Did you hear anything about that?
Oddly, neither did I.
Compensation and help for D’s victims of the I never mandated any shots, but you should get my beautiful vaccines and K’s people harmed by the experimental shots that we mandated but people were free to lose their livelihoods and homes by not taking shots? Nope. I guess I missed that topic of discussion.
Eliminating hunger through regenerative and organic agriculture? Hmmm…. maybe I was asleep for that part of the debate.
There was so much more that no one heard because the authors of the script did not want it whispered, breathed, thought or thought about.
And, as in any compelling piece of theater, our thoughts and emotions were [meant to be] carried away and we were meant to never, never, look up, down, in front, in back, around the corner, under the rug.
It was called by William Butler Yeats, a “willing suspension of disbelief” or a state of trance.
So , who won the “Presidential Debate”? In my estimation, the Globalist Cabal was the clear winner, since both K and D are just that.
You and I certainly did not win that experience..
I wonder why 'stars' like Taylor Swift think they need to put their endorsements in. By endorsing Kamala she probably lost 1/2 of her audience. As as viewer of the Debate, I waited for something important to be revealed...and got crickets. I can't see where any independent could've been swayed by the lackluster 'performance' by either candidate. If you turned the volume off and watched Kamala, you would think she can't talk without her hands waving around. It's bizarre. Curiously, I'll bet the polls were not impacted at all. We'll see.
337,000,000+ Americans, and this is the pair we must choose from to represent us on the world stage and guide the nation? Sad day, citizens, sad day. However...
Here's one solution: Deliberately spend some time getting to know your neighbors.
Seriously. They've stolen our neighbors from us with their "shelter in home" COVID nonsense. So,...
Make a concerted effort to spend time being neighborly. Chatting. It doesn't need to be about politics, or religion, or any other "hot button" topic. Just get to know one another better. What are their interests? What ethnic food do they like best? How is their garden coming along? Who in town does the best bicycle repairs? Which local thrift store has the best selections? How do you deal with powdery mildew on your squashes around here? And there is always the weather to discuss. (When is the first frost, usually? What do you do to protect your tender plants?)
Times are coming, and may soon be here, when neighborly cooperation may be our collective salvation.
But that sort of collective cooperation is a lot harder under stress when times are tough, and you don't know the names of your neighbors, or have their cell phone numbers in your phone.
So, do it now, this fall, soon, while the air is clear and the sun is still shining, before the stormy winter of our discontent hits home with a vengeance.
Whoever winds up captaining the ship of state, we're in for some bad weather.
The storms and stress *are* coming. But together, as neighbors, we can weather any storm.
Hope starts over a cup of tea or coffee, often enough.
Be a good neighbor.