I wonder why 'stars' like Taylor Swift think they need to put their endorsements in. By endorsing Kamala she probably lost 1/2 of her audience. As as viewer of the Debate, I waited for something important to be revealed...and got crickets. I can't see where any independent could've been swayed by the lackluster 'performance' by either candidate. If you turned the volume off and watched Kamala, you would think she can't talk without her hands waving around. It's bizarre. Curiously, I'll bet the polls were not impacted at all. We'll see.

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Why? Answer= 🤑💰💵💸💴💶

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Yeah, I wonder if manufactured recording artists like in sync, new kids (get off my block) and just about every one of those so-called artists, including taylor switch have a soul.

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Doesn’t it say a huge amount about the intelligence of the population that Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Harris would be factored into one’s decision making?

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Ho i forgot to add a more occult answer: star = tsar = czar = cesar

They think they godly king and we giving them power by growing their egregor eveytime they shine like rats… hum sorry i meant star… just kiddin😜

Another fun reversed word is gerant of a bizness is quite like a regent of a castle.

Castel, castle, spellcast, casting, podcastle 😎 by our words and work we are building our home by casting as these star do. Some do great and their pod castle are fortified by their numerous stand on many subject.

I am glad to join the writting of my hand and arm to us, the army of harmony.

J’adore les mots ! I gotta love these letters and numbers 🤓 to write crazy stuff anyway

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

337,000,000+ Americans, and this is the pair we must choose from to represent us on the world stage and guide the nation? Sad day, citizens, sad day. However...

Here's one solution: Deliberately spend some time getting to know your neighbors.

Seriously. They've stolen our neighbors from us with their "shelter in home" COVID nonsense. So,...

Make a concerted effort to spend time being neighborly. Chatting. It doesn't need to be about politics, or religion, or any other "hot button" topic. Just get to know one another better. What are their interests? What ethnic food do they like best? How is their garden coming along? Who in town does the best bicycle repairs? Which local thrift store has the best selections? How do you deal with powdery mildew on your squashes around here? And there is always the weather to discuss. (When is the first frost, usually? What do you do to protect your tender plants?)

Times are coming, and may soon be here, when neighborly cooperation may be our collective salvation.

But that sort of collective cooperation is a lot harder under stress when times are tough, and you don't know the names of your neighbors, or have their cell phone numbers in your phone.

So, do it now, this fall, soon, while the air is clear and the sun is still shining, before the stormy winter of our discontent hits home with a vengeance.

Whoever winds up captaining the ship of state, we're in for some bad weather.

The storms and stress *are* coming. But together, as neighbors, we can weather any storm.

Hope starts over a cup of tea or coffee, often enough.

Be a good neighbor.

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Here's another solution: get the US out of the Death Machine known as the UN right now.

Take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge at PreventGenocide2030.org and pound on Congress to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023. Do it right now. We are out of time and these monsters, neither of which were discussed at all by the stooges on the debate stage, are moving rapidly towards our destruction.

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Sep 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

That is such great advice. Thanks.

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

We are so f_ _ _ _ d. Feels like the United States Corporation has already been taken over.

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I heard feminism on steroids spewing words which create racism, divide the marriage bond, and, encourage distaste for beautiful little newborns and preborns. Marxist brainwashing! All dished out with a smile which sort of looks down on another person.

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

It was very mean of her not to ask how Donny's perfectly normal ear is after the fight, fight, fight charade.

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Tell that to Cory Comparatore's widow, Roc.

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Your observations are correct and fair. There is no candidate who wants the good of the country. The elections in many other countries are the same.

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Sep 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

They are just playing games while our lives are at stake. Crazy crazy times. The world is a stage with really bad actors!!!

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Perfectly put! Thank you!🙏🏽

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You nailed it.

The debate was a silly pissing contest for the amusement of people focused on "the issues" not THE ISSUES. 😑

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Wonderful - an objective critic! - You're a refreshing change from the mainstream media and worthless political pundits who are pathetically declaring a winner in last night's "debate". As you point out we the people were the losers. These things are so hard to watch. Are these two the best we've got? Certainly not. The best from either side can't break through so we can vote for them.

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Trump is certainly a big disappointment in still pushing vaccines. But supposedly he won't push them to be mandatory like I'm sure Harris will (as evidenced by her requiring her entire staff to be vaccinated in order to work for her at the present time).

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Great article. Thank you.

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Excellent. And that’s truly all that needs to be said about this theater production!

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And to you I say the same: tell Cory Comparatore's widow it was all a charade.

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Looks like it was a charade. Sorry.

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Sep 11Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

"Two WINGS same DRAGON!" 😢💔

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Yes. In my opinion both sides almalgamate the make of the mystery beast system. Both together in a system of total distraction keep us spinning meanwhile through trials, mullers reports, impeaches,etc the sovereignty of all nations is at risk with the upcoming summit of the Future 22 Sep. There is no where for this to go down because since the Rev 9 11 day the beast was released and through all presidents we've ended up in a totally catastrophic financial situation...it will crash. That is what they want. So the void can allow the antichrist to fill in and seize power of a global governance. Another example... the border...we have had millions of shady enemy infiltrated into our country. The current administration failed. The left vs right blame each other. We were promised a wall so great that Mexico would pay for. But that wall didn't help. And the difunct dog-taik spinning madness back and forth makes a show like the care or are doing something meanwhile too late. The enemy is within and ready to totally disrupt when the Antichrist pulls the trigger. God help us please we pray

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Spot on, Top.

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Amen brother we must look up and ruck up. Exfil I hope soon here

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