H5N1 Health Emergency? DePop Porn Redux. Newsom Leads the Pack: Have a New Jab (or 6), My Pretty! (Updated)
CA's Newsom calls Emergency for non-transmissible PCR "identified" "virus" that Big Pharma has been selling millions of vaxx doses "against" for years! When we ignore them, they get very unhappy.
But they keep trying.
Look, forget that old COVID shot. COVID is so Last Pandemic! Bird flu is so, so, so much worse. Trust me. I’m a Doctor President Employer Principal Airline Executive Union Boss Health Minister Governor, and I am really, really concerned about your health. Here’s something ever so much better
Gavin Newsom, improbably, illogically, insanely and insidiously declared a Health Emergency in California “as the virus rampages through dairy cattle in that state” [sic] on December 18, 2024.1 He did so because when one lone, single, solitary hospitalized patient was “determined*” to “have**” “H5N1 Avian Flu***” in Louisiana it threatened all of California. Er…. Wait. What?
Before we continue, here is an early anatomy of Newsom’s Fear Porn Redux:
*Determined = concluded on the basis of a PCR “test” run at unspecified cycles against an assumed genome of the not-yet-existent virus
**Once the not-yet-existent virus was “determined” to be present, the symptoms shown by the patient were concluded to be caused by the not-yet-existent virus which had been “determined” to be present, and the patient was said to “have” the virus in a causative relationship to his clinical picture
H5N1 Avian Flu, in the form of a virus which did not yet exist, was held responsible for the symptoms shown by a patient with co-morbidities based on “identification” of the guilty virus via a test incapable of accurately identifying causative agents (i.e., diagnosing) in illnesses. Despite the absence of human-to-human transmission EVER observed for this dishonestly labeled “High Pathogenicity Virus” which does not actually exist yet, officially generated terror is intended to abound.
In Louisiana. Governor Gavin Newsom, you really need some reality fact checking here.
The patient, a 65-year-old with underlying medical conditions, has respiratory symptoms. As detailed above, the “diagnosis” was “made” with PCR “testing”. The reporting was made by faithful media lapdogs whose bark is totally irrelevant to any bite of the “deadly” “Pandemic” “virus”.
By now, every sentient person on the planet understands that PCR “testing” is a wellspring of inaccuracy, with vast numbers of errors induced by manipulation of procedure, data and results. Used for “diagnostic” purposes, it is a political, not a scientific, tool.
In fact, Governor Newsome, and all of your corrupt and death-slinging equals,
Of course, not one of the many articles I could locate would specify where in Louisiana the patient was hospitalized, what the actual condition of the patient was or whether the patient was in hospital WITH Avian Flu or BECAUSE OF Avian Flu. IS there actually a patient “from Southeast Louisiana” in hospital because he or she is ill from (not with) this deadly Highly Pathogenic virus-which does not exist yet?
But, with something [maybe] rampaging [sic] through cattle in California, Governor Newsom has reacted to the dangerous [sic] Public Health hazard [sic] faced [sic] by California with alacrity. And stupidity. And deceit.
Note for the geographically perplexed asking what a case in Louisiana has to do with a health emergency in California: Answer: Not a damn thing. Louisiana is 3137 miles from California.
Note for the Public Health-focused: H5N1 Avian Flu is NOT transmissible between humans. Although the CDC disingenuously labeled what they “identified” in the Louisiana and California patients as “Highly Pathogenic” (that is, capable of causing disease), neither the label nor the identification of the virus-that-does-not-exist makes a whit of sense.
CDC sequenced the material from the patient in an undisclosed Louisiana location and another from a child in California some time before that USING THE WORTHLESS AND THOROUGHLY DISCREDITED PCR TECHNOLOGY2,3 and the results are, to my understanding, very much in the category of an SNB4
Anatomy of an H5N1 SNB
The 61 human cases recorded in the US since April, 2024, have all had only minor symptoms: the death rate is 0%.
But wait! We are not done with Dumb and Dumber by any manner of means! The announcement of the H5N1 virus supposedly identified as infecting a child in California was announced by CDC on December 10, 2024, while that of the virus supposedly identified in the 65-year-old Louisiana man was announced on December 26, 2024.
Note for the Sequentially Challenged, including Governor Gary Newsom:
In every year, including 2024, December 10 (when the CDC released its “identification” of the CA child’s pathogen) and November 22, when the child’s “Avian Flu” was “confirmed” by the CD, come before December 18, when you declared your State of Emergency. December 26, when the CDC identified the virus from the elderly man in Louisiana come after December 18 so the child in your State, Sir, could not possibly have contracted a disease from the 65-year-old man with co-morbidities in Louisiana. But the hospitalization of the man in Louisiana is why the Health Emergency was declared. And, given that you have had 34 PCR “identified” cases in California, all inconsequential, since April of 2024, what, exactly is the Emergency?
Perhaps because your advisors told you the following nonsense?
“In 2003, world-renowned virologist Robert G. Webster published an article titled "The world is teetering on the edge of a pandemic that could kill a large fraction of the human population" in American Scientist.5 He called for adequate resources to fight what he sees as a major world threat to possibly billions of lives. On September 29, 2005, David Nabarro, the newly appointed Senior United Nations System Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza, warned the world that an outbreak of avian influenza could kill anywhere between 5 million and 150 million people.6 Experts have identified key events (creating new clades, infecting new species, spreading to new areas) marking the progression of an avian flu virus towards becoming pandemic, and many of those key events have occurred more rapidly than expected.”
Or, perhaps, just maybe, your handlers are distressed by a dip in their vaccine sales?
You see, Governor, all of us who still have the capacity of rational thought understand that you are loyally doing your job for your masters, churning the economic riches up for them from the bottom of Pandemic Pond:
And you are not alone! Servants of the globalist Destructocrats are everywhere. On December 3, the UK purchased 5 million doses of an H5N1 vaccine “against” a viral clade that does not exist in the UK7 even though
“H5N1 continually mutates, meaning vaccines based on current samples of avian H5N1 cannot be depended upon to work in the case of a future pandemic of H5N1. While there can be some cross-protection against related flu strains, the best protection would be from a vaccine specifically produced for any future pandemic flu virus strain. Daniel R. Lucey, co-director of the Biohazardous Threats and Emerging Diseases graduate program at Georgetown University, emphasizes, "There is no H5N1 pandemic so there can be no pandemic vaccine."8
But that’s OK with the Nothing Burger Chefs because, you see, as we learned on March 20, 2024, “Many of the potential pandemic shots are pre-approved by regulators, based on data from human trials showing the vaccines are safe and prompt an immune response, a process already used with seasonal flu vaccines. This means they might not require further human trials, even if they have to be tweaked to better match whichever strain does jump to humans. Data on how well the vaccines actually protect against infection would be gathered in real-time.”9 [Emphasis added by the author]
That translates very directly to “Do they work? Are they safe? Nobody has the foggiest idea, but who cares! Somebody’s buying them. We’re selling them. Case closed!”
In all, the WHO said there are close to 20 licensed vaccines against the broader H5N1 strain of flu”
On May 30, 2024, CSL Seqirus scooped up the contract for 4.8 million doses of - Wait for it— “a pre-pandemic vaccine that is well-matched to the H5 of the currently circulating H5N1 strain.” Those 4.8 million doses, which are only a part of the National Pre-Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Stockpile, will be manufactured at CSL Seqirus’ Holly Springs, North Carolina manufacturing facility, which was built through a 2019 partnership with the BARDA (Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority). That plant “is the largest cell-based influenza vaccine producer in the world and is the first such domestic facility.”10
It is interesting to note that the author of the article sharing the information about Seqirus’ contract is Daniel R. Lucey, MD, MPH, FIDSA, the learned authority whom I quoted above saying, "There is no H5N1 pandemic so there can be no pandemic vaccine."11
So while there can be no pandemic vaccine against a pandemic that does not exist, there can most certainly be a significant amount of money flowing to keep the vaccine manufacturers and their staff and lobbyists and publicists and agents and assigns off the street corners where they would hang out if they were not suckling at the large and abundant public teat.
AND on July 2, 2024, the ever-vaccine-loving and abundantly generous US government signed a contract with Moderna, the safe-and-effective COVID 19 mRNA vaccine manufacturer, whose first and only product was so safe and effective that we are now in the era of childhood myocarditis, blood clots, strokes, reduced fertility and Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. The contract is for $176 million and will allow the government to “stay ‘nimble’ in case it needs to act quickly against any kind of circulating strains of a pandemic flu virus.” Of course, the article goes on to state, not only is there no pandemic, but there is no human-to-human transition and the vaccine won’t be ready until 2025 anyway. But if something changes, Moderna could get a move on and whip something up quickly.12
Way back nearly a month before that, on June 10, 2024, the European Union secured 40 million doses of vaccines13 for a virus that has not appeared on Planet Earth to “protect…” whom, exactly?
Never willing to be left out of the vaccine sweepstakes, on December 18, 2024, FDA approved 3 new vaccines for the H5N1 pandemic virus that does not exist and has therefore, not been able to cause a pandemic, even theoretically.
And scientists, sweeping up as much of the massive windfall that pronouncements like yours guarantee, Governor Newsom, in the weird parallel universe in which Masato Hatta, et. al., exist,
for example, we learn that mRNA vaccines (you know, the safe and effective ones that are killing and maiming vast numbers of people and destroying fertility around the world - those mRNA vaccines) are a really, really good idea.
“The success of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine technology in the COVID-19 pandemic, marked by its rapid development and scalability, demonstrates its potential for addressing other infectious threats, such as HPAI A(H5N1). We therefore evaluated mRNA vaccine candidates targeting panzootic influenza A(H5) clade viruses, which have been shown to infect a range of mammalian species, including most recently being detected in dairy cattle.” 14
Since California is the 5th largest economy in the world for the seventh consecutive year, with a nominal GDP of nearly $3.9 trillion in 202315, your declaration of a State of Emergency is very good news indeed for the sales forces of quite a number of companies.
One of them would be CSL Seqirus (referenced above), whose single dose H5N1 AUDENZ vaccine was approved back in February 2020. The new FDA approval on December 18, 2024, is for AUDENZ in a multidose vaccine16 which serves up an impressive slug of 25 mcg of mercury per shot.
“AUDENZ 5 mL multi-dose vials contain thimerosal, a mercury derivative, added as a preservative. Each 0.5 mL dose from the multi-dose vial contains 25 mcg mercury.”17
Babies 6 months and older have been offered up to receive this amazingly toxic metal.
And here is the science, cited in the AIDENZ Product Insert, which we all should follow, of course, on exactly how this witch’s brew works to protect us:
Mechanism of Action
A specific post-vaccination hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody titer has not been correlated with protection from H5N1 influenza illness; however, HI titers have been used as a measure of influenza vaccine activity. In some human challenge studies with other influenza virus strains, antibody titers of ≥ 1:40 have been associated with protection from influenza illness in up to 50% of subjects.”
In case you missed it, Governor, there is no science, no protection, no logic, only politic$ and profit$. And harm.
And your declaration of a Health Emergency guarantee massive sales at home and abroad. You also guarantee vast and multi-focal harm to your people, the ones to whom you are, at least theoretically, a servant, with a deep responsibility to protect them.
Not only are you supporting mass misery and murder, misinformation and manipulation, but you are also doing so for your own profit and that of your friends, controllers and paymasters.
And, perhaps worst of all, you are doing the bidding of the largest Death Machine on the planet: the United Nations. Its subsidiary special agency, the World “Health” [sic] Organization, has, in fact, never met a vaccine it did not love.
Here is the plan for all current vaccines, plus 500 novel ones, to be mandated for every man, woman and child on the planet by 2030
found in
Folks, people like Newsom and their minions are working hard to implement measures to destroy society and destroy us along with it.
Each of the serious problems that Trump promised to fix, and others he did not touch on, exist because the policies and programs of the make-believe Super National State called the United Nations is orchestrating these issues, from illegal migration to economic destruction to deadly vaccines to 15 minute cities to Bio-Convergence to destruction of children through education, pedophilia, make believe gender nonsense “science”, toxic food and drugs and more and more and more.
Just in case you have had enough fake pandemic, manufactured disaster from the Destructocrats, I invite you to put help end this deadly program. How? Get the US out of the UN here: PreventGenocide2030.org.
Although it sounds overwhelming, it is actually quite simple, and we’ve made creating the political pressure to do it really easy: You can reach out via Twitter (X) to tell President Elect Trump to get the US out of the United Nations. He has the authority to do that. We have the ability to make that happen. Click here, PreventGenocide2030.org, to spend a few minutes doing exactly that. Then share the action there with all of the people that you can possibly reach.
Our numbers are our Force Multiplier. Having your contracts comment, retweet, share these tweets and take the action on their own is the key.
Act like your future depends on it. It does.
A Scientific Nothing Burger
Living in California is a challenge every damn day. Now Gruesom is declaring another emergency.
I’m not getting a pcr test or getting jabs or wearing a mask this time either.
I can't even deal with Newscum so ignoring him. Happy New Year, Dr. Rima! ❤️💕🎉🍷🍾🌟