How Could Pedophilia Become Normal Behavior? With Decades of Careful Planning, the WHO and the UN Preparing the Ground and a LOT of Money
This is an extraordinary look at how the Destructocrats captured this territory to normalize perversion and emotional destruction of children.
I do not know who the author of “Scientific Progress” is, but he or she has done a wonderful job of parsing out the particulars of how and why WHO, serving the needs of the UN, serving the needs of the controlling Destructocrats behind them (including, according to Scientific Progress, a strong Masonic presence, have worked so long and so hard to do that.
We know that children are being corrupted on the orders of the UN. We know that to protect them from gender lies presented as an ideology and a science that confuses, damages and destroys young people and their capacity to love and therefore to form families and reproduce.
We know that the only effective way to stop it while we still can is to get the Heald of State to write a letter withdrawing from the UN. Trump will be the Head of State come January 20, 2025.
Click here,, to send 4 quick and impactful tweets (X) to Trump to demand that he get the US out of the UN.
Then let your friends know so they can retweet, comment, share and repost. It is critically important for you to motivate your own friends and colleagues to do exactly the same to multiply our force and build the vast popular pressure we need to help Trump realize that he MUST withdraw the US from the UN,
By the way, that will extricate us from all of the parts of the UN, such as the deadly WHO. Sounds like a plan to me!
Another of our beautiful and highly intelligent WOMEN who researches data that is pertinent to situations in our world and presents the results for anyone who is interested in the survival of humanity can read and evaluate this information to gain a broader understanding of situations in our current world.
Thank you for presenting information that helps fill gaps in our understanding of the evil that is and always has been in our midst but was unrecognized until lately with Trump's push to expose this evil. Keep doing the work of GOD
Listen, it's unknown to me why but Paedophilia has been around since humanity has been around. It's every where. You can find it referenced in the Bible. I do not understand what drives an adult to seek sexual gratification with a child but this is not a NEW concept.
Paedophilia is exploitation and it's just one more thing that needs to end if humanity wants to move forward and actually evolve.
Those that 'use', people; the psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists the one's born without Empathy are in charge and this MUST change if humanity is to advance. Pretty straight forward. Put Empathy in charge for a while, imagine a world where humans respect ALL living things including each other's autonomy BUT work together toward prosperity for this planet and everything on it in perpetuity. I believe this is possible. It all hinges on the acceptance of personal accountability friends.