Another of our beautiful and highly intelligent WOMEN who researches data that is pertinent to situations in our world and presents the results for anyone who is interested in the survival of humanity can read and evaluate this information to gain a broader understanding of situations in our current world.

Thank you for presenting information that helps fill gaps in our understanding of the evil that is and always has been in our midst but was unrecognized until lately with Trump's push to expose this evil. Keep doing the work of GOD

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Listen, it's unknown to me why but Paedophilia has been around since humanity has been around. It's every where. You can find it referenced in the Bible. I do not understand what drives an adult to seek sexual gratification with a child but this is not a NEW concept.

Paedophilia is exploitation and it's just one more thing that needs to end if humanity wants to move forward and actually evolve.

Those that 'use', people; the psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists the one's born without Empathy are in charge and this MUST change if humanity is to advance. Pretty straight forward. Put Empathy in charge for a while, imagine a world where humans respect ALL living things including each other's autonomy BUT work together toward prosperity for this planet and everything on it in perpetuity. I believe this is possible. It all hinges on the acceptance of personal accountability friends.

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Pedophilia has, indeed, been around forever. What has not been around forever is its normalization and its institutionalization by the people who think they run the world, and its generalization so that EVERY child becomes the target of pedophiles, starting with his/her parents who are instructed to begin masturbating the child from birth.

What has not been around forever is the justifying lie that "every child has the right [sic] to a sexual partner as early as possible", nor the normalization of a child of 4 achieving lust, nor a child of 6 "able" [sic] to "decide" [sic] whether to have sex with a person and whether that sex should be oral, anal or genital.

What has not been around forever is the intentional misinformation that gender is fluid and that boys can be women and girls can be men, that men can have babies, etc.

That is part of the index of lies by the destructocrats and must be eliminated from our minds. More important, it must never reach the minds of impressionable and vulnerable people known as "children".

All of this comes from the UN. Hold Trump's feet to the fire and send 4 Tweets for Trump at PreventGenocide2030.org to help get us out of the UN.

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Cross-posted. So important to get this information out. And to get out the messages to Trump.

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Looking at human history, there is no question our society could devolve into this level of depravity. From cannibalism to head hunting; even the Bible describes how one king began the practice of human sacrifice as did other civilizations. Society as a whole finds it hard to believe humans are capable of unimaginable harm to our fellow man, and that some who practice these acts are incapable of rehabilitation. It is likely that some societies in the past had figured this out and imposed the death penalty to protect their citizens from these psychopathic predators, who if put back into society would continue to do irreparable damage. This damage spreads far beyond the original victim, much like throwing a rock in a pond, causing waves to radiate out far beyond where the rock was thrown.

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The pedo ticket is easy bribery or blackmail. If no one cared it would mostly disappear. Regular people are just not into perversion. For the record, children's innocence needs to be protected until they are adults and fend for themselves.

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Thank you Elsa, great work as usual!

The effort to get legalization of pedophilia in the world is tied to the massive level of human trafficing, and I have read that the US is the epicenter of it all. BTW, you may recall that California just made it legal.


The new head of ICE has said his first priority is to find the approximately 380,000 children that the Biden administration "lost track of." If he is successful in that, he will do a great deal to rip the scab off of the pedophilia industry wound within the US.

It is a worldwide problem and I believe it is an essential element of the control the deep states of the world hold over politicians, media execs, global industrial leaders. Their access to children must end.

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Another of our beautiful and highly intelligent WOMEN who researches data that is pertinent to situations in our world and presents the results for anyone who is interested in the survival of humanity can read and evaluate this information to gain a broader understanding of situations in our current world.

Thank you for presenting information that helps fill gaps in our understanding of the evil that is and always has been in our midst but was unrecognized until lately with Trump's push to expose this evil. Keep doing the work of GOD

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Thank you for your kind words, Douglass.

Information that does not lead to action is not going to save us. That is why PreventGenocide2030.org and this substack are focused on information that leads to actions that lead to solutions.

For example, when you visit the homepage at PreventGenocide2030.org you find 4 Tweets for Trump. Once you take those actions and send your demand that we Exit the UN to Trump on his Twitter (X) account, you can ask your friends and contacts to like, comment, repost and retweet them and take the action on their own.

This helps build the massive political demand to Exit the UN, holding Trump's feet to the fire and pressuring him to be the populist president that he campaigned as.

Please take and spread this action.

It is said, after all, that God helps those who help themselves, so we are helping ourselves and helping God help us that way.

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I am just part way through this 10-part series on "WellhereWeGo' Odysee channel

• Pedophilia the Jewish Legacy Pt 1: Personal Mental Preparation, Introduction, Setting the Stage, and the Jew as Human Trafficker (Read Description) [2:24:22]


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All Jews? Some Jews? Ones you do know? Ones you don't know?

Bullshit, Julius.

Just more success in the divide and conquer campaign of the Destructocrats and Controlagarchs.

Looks like they are succeeding with you.

Too bad.

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Vultures eat dead animals.

"All vultures? Some vultures? Ones you do know? Ones you don't know?"

That's how your argument sounds. Julius is rightfully describing the NATURE of the jews, and this whole individualism is the conditioning applied to our rotting societies so they won't notice the most obvious facts, like the characteristics of different people based on their genetic code.

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• Logos Academy Episode 14: Moral Decay – Zach Kidd (LogosRevealed)


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• North American Man/Boy Love Association


The Orthodox rabbi and the Man/Boy Love Assoc. - Brad A. Greenberg

He’s known as the NAMBLA Rabbi. NAMBLA, if you remember, is the North American Man/Boy Love Association, of which the defrocked priest Paul Shanley had “affiliations.” The man pictured is A.J. Horowitz, who according to The Awareness Center is a practicing rabbi and child psychiatrist in South East Asia—and a convicted sex offender.


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• Merchants of Sin (2017), by Benjamin Garland


Here is an audio reading with commentary by Alex Linder


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Me and my biologiske twins Human Rights and Neuro Rights In Denmark, the Danish Stat use us for 12 years because of AI United Nations Familie Court for 7 years the Danish Stat Court let a person and his wife take my kids from me In DK, No need for that I am a Good person with a BA In Art

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In the context of war, “perfidy” is a form of deception where one side promises to act in good faith with the intention of breaking that promise. It is a breach of law and degrades expected protections. It is an act of utter selfishness. It is a betrayal to every principle that safeguards civility. It is a feigned sincerity. It embraces symbols and verbiage (i.e. religion, culture, etc) that masks the hypocrisy seeking to undermine and destroy. Thus, one sounds and looks as if he supports the accepted position, but in reality, is bitter and resentful.

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