We can only hope that this POS faces justice. Seems the evil Cabal is still in control.

We must demand a Nuremberg type trial for these mass murderers. But this time the evil is global, so is the coverup.

In the end God wins.

Stand for Freedom… our children and grandchildren are depending on us.

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Getting out of the UN Death Machine is essential. Please visit PreventGenocide2030.org and take the Action Items there, then share it like crazy.

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Always shocking to find out the category level of intelligence the criminals display like this. You said it!

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I could not listen It was too awful

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I believe you answered your question: How dare you, Francis? Your answer: Clearly you lack the gene for shame. I'll add: you lack the capacity for empathy, caring, love. I believe you agree (and more).

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I mainly transcribe counter-official narrative testimony from experts, from bereaved and injured and from those who do not comply (for whatever reason), but I also have a small but growing collection of transcripts of videos that, in my view, exemplify, shall we say, the Kool-Aid. Here's a related one:

Dr. Francis Collins and Diane Baker perform a parody of “Puff, the Magic Dragon” for Camp Fantastic

NIH YouTube Channel, August 10, 2020



DR. FRANCIS COLLINS [playing guitar and singing]: Poof coronavirus came from overseas, infecting folks across the land, Seattle, NYC.

[DIANE BAKER, in a red hat with multicolored decorations, appears from the left, making swimming motions with her arms as she walks in front of him before the camera, towards the right]

DR. FRANCIS COLLINS [singing]: A little bat's virus, love those human cells, next thing you know the cases grow and the world has gone to— it's a family show, heck. Poof coronavirus came from overseas, infecting folks across the land, Seattle, NYC.

[DIANE BAKER, stage right, reappears now shaking a plastic orange corona virus toy; she walks in front of Dr. Collins, before the camera, towards the left]

DR. FRANCIS COLLINS: Poof coronavirus called COVID-19 quickly spread like a wildfire now we're in quarantine. Now no one can travel or even leave their homes. Schools are closed, all kids must know avoid the danger zones. We all must do our part to protect the ones we love, so if you meet at least 6 feet and handle doors with gloves. Oh!

[DIANE BAKER reappears from behind Dr. Collins's shoulders, first left, then right, waving and smiling]

DR. FRANCIS COLLINS: Poof coronavirus came from overseas, infecting folks across the land, Seattle, NYC. Poof coronavirus called COVID-19 quickly spread like a wildfire now we're in quarantine. We miss our Camp Fantastic and joining in the fun, but nasty little little viruses don't care for anyone. An historic pandemic of its like we've never known, poof coronavirus how quickly it has grown. We will all get through it but things won't be the same. What will we learn from this dark turn? How will our lives be changed? COVID might be scary, but hope is on the scene.

[DIANE BAKER reappears from left, in front, nodding and smiling as she walks to the right]

DR. FRANCIS COLLINS: We'll beat coronavirus when we have that vaccine! Oh!

[DIANE BAKER at right, grabs her throat with her hands and sinks down]

DR. FRANCIS COLLINS: Poof coronavirus came from overseas, infecting folks across the land, Seattle, NYC.

[DIANE BAKER appears at left, without hat, now holding up a package of Skittles candies]

DR. FRANCIS COLLINS: Poof coronavirus called COVID-19, quickly spread like a wildfire now we're eating Skittles

DR. FRANCIS COLLINS AND DIANE BAKER [singing together]: in quarantine




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I wish I could believe that you made this up.

Auschwitz Commandant grows roses. NIH Commandant sings folk parodies. Thank God our leaders are nice people.

I am literally sick to the stomach.

If you have a collection of this, I will post them with a barf bag advisory.

Thank you, I think.

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Here you go--



I have many more transcripts in this category to post, however, I'm focussing on the main archive of transcripts (2021-2023) right now. You can find that main list of transcripts here:


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This is what I feel like doing to Francis Collins and his guitar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8V_hCqO6UQs

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And let us not forget that he is a professing Christian (says one who is also)

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Look at his actions, not his cheap, lying words!!!!

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You are a gem dear lady, the way you convey that which could sway the day is an art, I wish you a lovely day, kind regards.

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Yikes!! Deceived and deceiving or what?!?! Sad. 😢

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If you really think about it....

He is an awarded business and academic leader, a scientist and also a preacher. He preaches about God. He might be the false proffet... i mean he is A false proffet, an illuminati prince, boss of Faucci..... I don't know, maybe biblical false proffet, he checks all the boxes and he's he likes to throw it in our faces.

I've been pointing out since the beginning of pandemic that those who criticize Fauci are the accomplices of Francis Collins of the Collins illuminati bloodline family. The family who first brought witchcraft from Brittian to America in 1600's via then family patriarch named.......


"Can you believe how dumb and corrupt Fauci is"--Kennedy bloodline illuminati prince

"I know, right?"---- Collins bloodline illuminati prince.

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There is apparently some molecular mechanisms particular to SARSCoV2 which are affiliated with Cystic Fibrosis (the disease which Francis Collins cured in al laboratory. )

Which I have not yet investigated is evidence linking SARSCoV2 creation with CF "genes".


"The new genetics" Leon Jaroff/ Francis Collins [1990]

"Physicians will have to adjust to the new reality of wrongfull life suits"


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Collins … Cat Cough-Up Crap

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OMG! P L E A S E Stop this noise. What a useless piece of CHIT!

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Crime against humanity? Bet he sleeps well at night and will enjoy all of his remaining years.

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The folks who have standing to go after these psychopaths aren't going to. They are too compromised to do it. No jail time for this scum. Sleazy Francis is reveling in his knowledge of it.

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Oh. My. God. This ba$tard.

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