Does the wearing of dark 🕶️ actually make a person an SS agent? Are we absolutely certain the people who "protected" Trump were bona fide SS agents or part of the inner sanctum? Has Trump ever been accused of or involved in paying people off in his past to keep shtum about certain events? Why has Trump, in recent times, publicly stated ( and he said he'll only say this once as it's too upsetting) that there was blood everywhere & all over his hand, contrary to the evidence? Are there any pictures of the podium floor supporting that statement? What has the treating Doctor had to say? Why did Trump ask for his shoes & why did one the alleged SS throw one off the podium? Why did Trump go out of his way to praise the SS in the first instance but in a recent interview admitted he was given NO warning? Far too many people within the self proclaimed "freedom movement" wiping the slate clean for this bloke & if you disagree they use the lefties approach by declaring the piss weak TDS attack. Laughable if it wasn't so serious.
There is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense, unless...
This was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, for One given the Crown of Jerusalem.
Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.
Humbly, I work for Humanity on Our planet, and do not support the divisions the moneyed psychopaths in control here create to keep Us conquered. I would not call Myself a "patriot" so much as an Earthian.
While I agree that We would best do something to solve for the Ones aiming to kill Most, and have the rest for Their servants, slaves, sex toys, and sacrifices in 15 minute prisons, eating bugs, with CBDC's and social credit scores, neuralinked like Borg, I suggest that the answer lies in removing Their single tool to power.
That tool accounts for Our energy added into Their system - We are paid accounting tokens (in many forms) for the energy We add. This tool, called "money" most often, but can be called "trading" or "bartering," is unnecessary in an abundant world as demonstrated in societies that emerged in abundance.
In societies where They had all They needed for the taking - mostly "island paradises" - no accounting for the energy Each added arose. Rather than the psychopaths being promoted to power, the caring Ones took care of things and the psychopaths learned to choose Their behavior Ethically or be cast out (or killed).
And what it would take to remove the need for money is getting the free energy tech They hide from Us out in the open. Accounting for Our energy added becomes pointless. 100% of the cost of everything is energy - the resources sit here freely, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration.
Add free energy and the cost of things will drop as the cost of energy is removed. And in this world of robotics, the work We need done but no One wants to do can be done by robots (They presently have robots doing some of the farming...).
If We want to prevent genocide, We must think globally. Just one country against all the rest is not going to cut it. And as the single tool to power that the psychopaths in control have to affect all the rest They use is money - it buys the things and, most importantly, the People.
And though I am targeted, kept penniless and homeless, I have been working towards this for 20 years, blessed to have the web. I KNOW We have free energy tech - My father worked with Thomas Townsend Brown on it in the 1950's. I offer more here:
And virtually all My other articles deal with what We can co-create, vastly better than what We have now, where Individuals have freedom to live as richly as Each might choose, and why:
Not exactly. Trump is just one of the actors on the stage. The Ones who write the script, cast the actors, and direct from the wings are Ones We NEVER see.
The very first thing to tip Me off that this was 100% psyop BS was the lack of bleeding and zero attention to the "wound." Not that, seeing everything on that LITERAL world STAGE as a scripted play, wasn't enough. If it could produce that much "blood" initially, it would continue to bleed profusely.
Indeed, I have found that if I look at things like a play or circus being played out on the LITERAL world STAGE, with live props and participatory audience, scripted to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us, things make a whole lot more sense. Because there's too much that just makes Me scratch My head, otherwise.
The (rather small!) venue was likely filled with crisis actors.
How can any patriot even have the least amount of faith in Trump while he still promotes the Covid shots. I don’t believe anything the man says or does. I voted for him the first time but I will never do it again. A lot of people shock me of how gullible they really are! You can’t vote for the lesser of two evils because you’re still voting for evil!
How can I ever vote for anyone promoting, "Warp Speed" Democide?
WHY has not One person come out and asked face to face the only question thar really matters? Mr. Trump - Why do you refuse to protect the innocent Children from these deadly Bio-Weapons? Boy, I wish I had the opportunity to ask him. So many Cowards among us.
Just move along people to the next big distraction "event" soon you will forget. 5 years in and i am not forgetting!
Honestly, most of the people out there I know that support him don’t want to ask that question because they really don’t want an answer. They want to just believe that Trump is gonna save them and there American dreams. If all these patriots that stand against the Covid narrative and see the devastating results from the shots can support him then there is something definite wrong with them.
It seems to me that the censoring has gone up and maybe people are censoring themselves more.
Between the Shots, Air, Food and Water contamination, it is no wonder brain health function has gone to hell.
I recently found Dr. Jane Ruby on Rumble and she is a true truth teller. You should give her a listen, if you haven’t already. Tells it like It is - Coffee Chat, yesterday's episode:
I agree. I voted for him twice but won't again. I started questioning him on things his first presidency. I did want to vote for Biden in 2020, so I voted for Trump. After the election, and the J6 disaster I started seeing the forest through the trees and woke up. Started looking into everything he did and said through out his life and as president and since. He's Zionist controlled like the rest.
That bothered me too but he seems to be coming around finally. Just reference his “leaked” conversation with RFK Jr where he discusses his concern. Other than that, great President!
Was it leaked or put out there on purpose to make people think he was changing? RFK’s VP pick was a Soros puppet. What’s that tell you about RFK! It’s all a big show and they think we’re stupid. They’ve pinned us in the corner and are about ready to make their final moves. What they’re oblivious to is that Jesus has already beat their master the devil.
I watched Trump's performance at the RNC. Gotta admit he is an incredibly gifted actor. And what a show they put on. The HERO's oh-so-sincere recount of that day in almost literary style, with TV cameras occasionally cutting to the teary-eyed audience. If I didn't know better my heart might have skipped a beat.
But it seemed to me that the words of his speech were deliberately chose to counter some of the questions that are now surfacing. For example, he mentioned that there was a lot of blood. This is an obvious lie if we examine the video evidence, but many people can be made to believe a lie if it is repeated often enough.
Another example, he talked about the people who did not stampede out of the event because of their concern for him after he got "shot". Did he say this to counter the video evidence showing that the audience might have included crisis actors? What else could explain the fearlessness of the crowd?
Isn’t it Amazing some can see through this charade and some can’t! The brain is a strange but amazing thing. I see through it so clearly and some of my family want to believe the lies. Trump is gonna lead America down a bad road in the near future.
There are those who don't see it , but there are those who see it but don't want to see it, because they can't admit they were wrong about him. I can admit it. I voted for him twice. Started questioning him during his presidency, then really saw the forest through the trees with him after the 2020 election.
I voted for him twice also! This is what irritates me when people accuse you of being a leftist or democrat because I don’t go along with him now. In fact I pray people will wake up to his lies and deceptions. I will not pick the lesser of an evil.
Because of their concern for him, lol! They all looked completely unphased, that’s one of the biggest reasons I don’t believe their story. I’ve also seen a few Bitchute videos that says no shots were even fired in his direction and there was an extreme lack of blood! I’m not buying their bs narrative, I never ever will, ever again! I can see through their BS.
What makes you think that the bullet that grazed President Trump’s ear — assuming that this is what really happened — hit the artery in the ear you describe? {begin sarcasm} Yeah. It was all staged. MAGA did it. They wanted an iconic photo op. {end sarcasm}
Given the whole of the politics play is scripted, I'm guessing it was fake.
And you don't have to sever the artery to have blood flowing for al least 5 minutes. I was hit by a rock someOne threw in that area of My ear, and it bled quite profusely for a number of minutes. And if the "wound" gave that much blood initially, We would have seen blood flowing when He stood up moments after being "hit."
Personally, I completely reject the notion that “the whole of the politics play is scripted”. It sounds like something someone would say who is heavily into the occult, and who believes that only people who are heavily invested in occult activities understand reality.
I’ve gone the rounds with you before, Amaterasu. I’ll simply let you have a reply to this reply and that will be that. Ciao.
I'm not into the occult, but have witnessed it more than once. No, only the psychopaths that money systems promote to the top, who own the media and the for-profit corporation USA Inc. grasp the full scope of what They're pulling off on Humanity.
Did You know... There is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense, unless...
This was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, for One given the Crown of Jerusalem.
Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.
It's all a production to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions to snag Us and drag Us where They want Us. But You can cling to what You've been indoctrinated to see - I know it maintains Your comfort zone.
I’m reasonably sure that the devil is real and that the synagogue of satan is real, but I question the validity & legitimacy of the statement that “MAGA is the title of the head of the Satanic church”. Do you have a source or a citation?
Interesting your choice of words. It has happened before, while trying to disseminate info, unless indisputable proof and citations are provided with a spoon, it is marginalized and doubt is cast. Look it up yourself.
“This is on the church of satan page: Registered Member (no degree)
Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)
Witch/Warlock (Second Degree)
Priestess/Priest (Third Degree)
Magistra/Magister (Fourth Degree)
Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree)”
Notice how the satanists list the female title prior to the male title. Look up the valid definition and meaning and etymology of the word “magus”. I took four years of Latin, merilee. A name or title ending in an “-a” is feminine, with the same root title or name ending in a “-us” is masculine. What’s a “magus”, merilee? Do you know?
It’s from the old Persian word “maguš”, meaning “a sorcerer, or a member of the priestly caste of ancient Persia.”
The word maguš means "powerful". In ancient Persia, a magus was a Zoroastrian priest or member of that caste. The word's meaning later expanded to include astrologers and magicians. In classical Latin, magus could also refer to priests or wise men from other nations. The word was first used in the 13th century.
In English, the plural form of magus, magi, is most often used to refer to the three wise men who visited Jesus in the Bible. The word “mage” — a synonym for the word “sorcerer” — also comes from the old Persian word “maguš“, which the Latin language adopted in its feminine form (maga) and masculine form (magus).
If you want to be some sort of true believer that the political abbreviation “MAGA” came from an ancient Persian word — used by satanists today — instead of an abbreviation of “make America great again”, you are welcome to your belief/opinion.
Okay, according to them, a fifth degree satanist is a “maga/magus” — i presume from which the word “mage” comes from. What precisely does this have to do with the phrase from Ronald Reagan — appropriated by Donald Trump and trademarked by Trump — “make America great again”, abbreviated MAGA?? There are no coincidences?Both Reagan and Trump are fifth degree satanist mages?? I think that’s laughable, not that that’s your conclusion.
But thank you very much for the link. Learned something new today already.
See my replies to others down-thread. Trying to link the abbreviation to “make America great again” to a fifth degree female satanist borders on delusional. Whatever. People are going to latch onto extremely outlandish beliefs as the entire world goes insane,
There WERE bullets, people were killed and wounded. There were at least 8 shots with two different weapons according to acoustic analysis. Trump WAS surprised by the shots. He says his shoes came off when he was tackled by secret service. Don’t let Trump hatred blind you to the evidence…
"I guess our would-be masters think if we were dumb enough to take the shots, again and again, and accept the lock downs and the social distancing and the masks and the loss of freedom of speech and movement and so forth, we will buy anything."
ARE THEY WRONG? People vote in faux elections. They send their kids overseas to die for Das Kapital. They permit incredible theft from Potomac creatures. They let the IRS (an illegal entity) excercise extraordinary power forcing them to pay tribute to the system and grumbling they do! And we go back in time to understand.
Truly, My dear Sir, the prospects of our Country are not brilliant. The mass is far from sound. At headquarters a most visionary theory presides. Depend upon it this is the fact to a great extreme. No army,9 no navy10 no active commerce11—national defence, not by arms but by embargoes,12 prohibition of trade &c.—as little government as possible within—these are the pernicious dreams which as far and as fast as possible will be attempted to be realized. Mr. Jefferson is distressed at the codfish having latterly emigrated to the Southern Coast lest the people there should be tempted to catch them, and commerce of which we have already too much receive an accession. Be assured this is no pleasantry, but a very sober anecdote.
Among Fœderalists old errors are not cured. They also continue to dream though not quite so preposterously as their opponents. “All will be very well (say they) when the power once more gets back into Fœderal hands. The people convinced by experience of their error will repose a permanent confidence in good men.” Rescum teneatis—Adieu.
I have been surprised James Fetzer is pushing this as real and from the bit I have heard him talk on his RBN radio show he is barely questioning the gapping holes.
Have to wonder if some film clips were pre-shot and edited waiting to insert for news release?
If pre-filmed could it allow for sound editing to insert various bullet sounds from various areas?
The supposed stage security Trump detail is reported not the norm, but it seems like djt would have a based detail assigned as perm detail. Wasn’t a similar story told about JFK?
Years ago a neighbor’s dad was former SS and they lived in Atlanta for awhile as assigned to a POTUS. I respected privacy and did not ask questions but seems like assigned to Carter and the time frame seemed after Carter left the white house.
The lack of continuous bleeding bothered me greatly as I had nicked that very portion of the ear several times beforer while applying my razor. The blood just wont clot as fast a cut in the finger or anywhere else.
As for the lack of medical attention, the SS can argue that it was a superficial wound.
Must depend on the person. I’ve cut myself plenty of times without continuous bleeding. I suppose we will have wait for ear reveal? Which no matter what won’t please everyone
A secret service agent should be a certified EMT. The person would have taken off their shirt, ripped it apart immediately and tied it around Trumps head. This would be after they drag him off the stage keeping him low and concealed and not even worrying if his head goes, thump, thump, thump down the stairs. As for the cloudy skies / clear skies, the award winning photo was taken at the rehearsed event. It had to be taken before the event so that Meredith O'Rourke could attach it to her gofundme account she set up before the supposed shooting.
I reckon a clean white hankie, as we all had/have in our pockets, would have done the trick, with Trump being told to hold it with pressure to his ear, himself. Seems most logical thing from a first aider. Wonder why he lost his shoes? Kitten heels? No idea of exact angle of the photo taken, but it's odd to me no torsos of audience behind Trump visible.
It’s refreshing to be here among fellow rational thinkers who refuse to be duped by the political theater!! Restores my sanity in this mind controlled world.
FWIW, it later came out that his "protection detail" was not actually SS agents, but was rather switched out with DHS staff, probably at the last minute. So, they may or may not have had EMT training. But even if they had, they were substituted for less than above-board reasons, and videos clearly showed weren't providing the requisite level of protection that a real SS team would.
As to whether it was real blood, a blood bag prop like is used in the movies, or AI enhancement to the images - hard to say. If any crowdsourced citizen camera phone footage also has the blood looking just the same as the "official photos", then it's either a blood bag, or maybe if the bullet just barely nicked the surface it would have been able to coagulate more quickly. I don't know - I'm not a doctor.
The whole event is clearly "doctored up" in so many ways - it will be challenging to figure out exactly all the parts that were truly staged vs those that just kind of fell into place because of the way other things happend to unfold...
Does the wearing of dark 🕶️ actually make a person an SS agent? Are we absolutely certain the people who "protected" Trump were bona fide SS agents or part of the inner sanctum? Has Trump ever been accused of or involved in paying people off in his past to keep shtum about certain events? Why has Trump, in recent times, publicly stated ( and he said he'll only say this once as it's too upsetting) that there was blood everywhere & all over his hand, contrary to the evidence? Are there any pictures of the podium floor supporting that statement? What has the treating Doctor had to say? Why did Trump ask for his shoes & why did one the alleged SS throw one off the podium? Why did Trump go out of his way to praise the SS in the first instance but in a recent interview admitted he was given NO warning? Far too many people within the self proclaimed "freedom movement" wiping the slate clean for this bloke & if you disagree they use the lefties approach by declaring the piss weak TDS attack. Laughable if it wasn't so serious.
Why does he ask for his shoes?? Why were his shoes off? Why were the shoes involved at all? I have heard no one speak to this. Very unusual, imo.
It has something to do with a Ritual.
There is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense, unless...
This was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, for One given the Crown of Jerusalem.,:a
Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.
Okay, I am getting the whole picture. This theory holds water.
Reading down in the comments, I found this for you:
It's all a scripted play. I cannot, in good conscience, consent to being ruled by this psychopathic legal/governmental system...
Just Stop Consenting! (article):
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article):
How about helping to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US here: when you take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge.?
Humbly, I work for Humanity on Our planet, and do not support the divisions the moneyed psychopaths in control here create to keep Us conquered. I would not call Myself a "patriot" so much as an Earthian.
While I agree that We would best do something to solve for the Ones aiming to kill Most, and have the rest for Their servants, slaves, sex toys, and sacrifices in 15 minute prisons, eating bugs, with CBDC's and social credit scores, neuralinked like Borg, I suggest that the answer lies in removing Their single tool to power.
That tool accounts for Our energy added into Their system - We are paid accounting tokens (in many forms) for the energy We add. This tool, called "money" most often, but can be called "trading" or "bartering," is unnecessary in an abundant world as demonstrated in societies that emerged in abundance.
In societies where They had all They needed for the taking - mostly "island paradises" - no accounting for the energy Each added arose. Rather than the psychopaths being promoted to power, the caring Ones took care of things and the psychopaths learned to choose Their behavior Ethically or be cast out (or killed).
And what it would take to remove the need for money is getting the free energy tech They hide from Us out in the open. Accounting for Our energy added becomes pointless. 100% of the cost of everything is energy - the resources sit here freely, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration.
Add free energy and the cost of things will drop as the cost of energy is removed. And in this world of robotics, the work We need done but no One wants to do can be done by robots (They presently have robots doing some of the farming...).
If We want to prevent genocide, We must think globally. Just one country against all the rest is not going to cut it. And as the single tool to power that the psychopaths in control have to affect all the rest They use is money - it buys the things and, most importantly, the People.
And though I am targeted, kept penniless and homeless, I have been working towards this for 20 years, blessed to have the web. I KNOW We have free energy tech - My father worked with Thomas Townsend Brown on it in the 1950's. I offer more here:
Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article):
And virtually all My other articles deal with what We can co-create, vastly better than what We have now, where Individuals have freedom to live as richly as Each might choose, and why:
Humanity Beset (article):
Greed is a Symptom of Energy Accounting (article):
Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article):
Trump another Richard the III?
Not exactly. Trump is just one of the actors on the stage. The Ones who write the script, cast the actors, and direct from the wings are Ones We NEVER see.
How about helping to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US here: when you take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge.?
The very first thing to tip Me off that this was 100% psyop BS was the lack of bleeding and zero attention to the "wound." Not that, seeing everything on that LITERAL world STAGE as a scripted play, wasn't enough. If it could produce that much "blood" initially, it would continue to bleed profusely.
Indeed, I have found that if I look at things like a play or circus being played out on the LITERAL world STAGE, with live props and participatory audience, scripted to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions and drag Us where They want Us, things make a whole lot more sense. Because there's too much that just makes Me scratch My head, otherwise.
The (rather small!) venue was likely filled with crisis actors.
Another great one Dr Rima, thank you. It explains the whimsical bandage showcased at the RNC as well.
Whimsical is a great word!
How can any patriot even have the least amount of faith in Trump while he still promotes the Covid shots. I don’t believe anything the man says or does. I voted for him the first time but I will never do it again. A lot of people shock me of how gullible they really are! You can’t vote for the lesser of two evils because you’re still voting for evil!
How can I ever vote for anyone promoting, "Warp Speed" Democide?
WHY has not One person come out and asked face to face the only question thar really matters? Mr. Trump - Why do you refuse to protect the innocent Children from these deadly Bio-Weapons? Boy, I wish I had the opportunity to ask him. So many Cowards among us.
Just move along people to the next big distraction "event" soon you will forget. 5 years in and i am not forgetting!
Honestly, most of the people out there I know that support him don’t want to ask that question because they really don’t want an answer. They want to just believe that Trump is gonna save them and there American dreams. If all these patriots that stand against the Covid narrative and see the devastating results from the shots can support him then there is something definite wrong with them.
I am so thankful for Dr. Rima!
It seems to me that the censoring has gone up and maybe people are censoring themselves more.
Between the Shots, Air, Food and Water contamination, it is no wonder brain health function has gone to hell.
I recently found Dr. Jane Ruby on Rumble and she is a true truth teller. You should give her a listen, if you haven’t already. Tells it like It is - Coffee Chat, yesterday's episode:
Hopefully in light of his “leaked” conversation with RFK Jr he’s coming around
I agree. I voted for him twice but won't again. I started questioning him on things his first presidency. I did want to vote for Biden in 2020, so I voted for Trump. After the election, and the J6 disaster I started seeing the forest through the trees and woke up. Started looking into everything he did and said through out his life and as president and since. He's Zionist controlled like the rest.
That bothered me too but he seems to be coming around finally. Just reference his “leaked” conversation with RFK Jr where he discusses his concern. Other than that, great President!
Was it leaked or put out there on purpose to make people think he was changing? RFK’s VP pick was a Soros puppet. What’s that tell you about RFK! It’s all a big show and they think we’re stupid. They’ve pinned us in the corner and are about ready to make their final moves. What they’re oblivious to is that Jesus has already beat their master the devil.
Great post Dr. Rima.
I watched Trump's performance at the RNC. Gotta admit he is an incredibly gifted actor. And what a show they put on. The HERO's oh-so-sincere recount of that day in almost literary style, with TV cameras occasionally cutting to the teary-eyed audience. If I didn't know better my heart might have skipped a beat.
But it seemed to me that the words of his speech were deliberately chose to counter some of the questions that are now surfacing. For example, he mentioned that there was a lot of blood. This is an obvious lie if we examine the video evidence, but many people can be made to believe a lie if it is repeated often enough.
Another example, he talked about the people who did not stampede out of the event because of their concern for him after he got "shot". Did he say this to counter the video evidence showing that the audience might have included crisis actors? What else could explain the fearlessness of the crowd?
Isn’t it Amazing some can see through this charade and some can’t! The brain is a strange but amazing thing. I see through it so clearly and some of my family want to believe the lies. Trump is gonna lead America down a bad road in the near future.
Do you use a "Smart" phone? I don't and wonder if most people that seem to be literally glued to them has a lot to do with their brain function.
There are those who don't see it , but there are those who see it but don't want to see it, because they can't admit they were wrong about him. I can admit it. I voted for him twice. Started questioning him during his presidency, then really saw the forest through the trees with him after the 2020 election.
I voted for him twice also! This is what irritates me when people accuse you of being a leftist or democrat because I don’t go along with him now. In fact I pray people will wake up to his lies and deceptions. I will not pick the lesser of an evil.
Because of their concern for him, lol! They all looked completely unphased, that’s one of the biggest reasons I don’t believe their story. I’ve also seen a few Bitchute videos that says no shots were even fired in his direction and there was an extreme lack of blood! I’m not buying their bs narrative, I never ever will, ever again! I can see through their BS.
Yes! Been waiting for someone to talk about the bleeding and coagulation. Doesn't make sense.
Trump did not get shot, as is clearly seen in this video. It is the secret service gun that is heard when Donald ducks.
What makes you think that the bullet that grazed President Trump’s ear — assuming that this is what really happened — hit the artery in the ear you describe? {begin sarcasm} Yeah. It was all staged. MAGA did it. They wanted an iconic photo op. {end sarcasm}
Given the whole of the politics play is scripted, I'm guessing it was fake.
And you don't have to sever the artery to have blood flowing for al least 5 minutes. I was hit by a rock someOne threw in that area of My ear, and it bled quite profusely for a number of minutes. And if the "wound" gave that much blood initially, We would have seen blood flowing when He stood up moments after being "hit."
Personally, I completely reject the notion that “the whole of the politics play is scripted”. It sounds like something someone would say who is heavily into the occult, and who believes that only people who are heavily invested in occult activities understand reality.
I’ve gone the rounds with you before, Amaterasu. I’ll simply let you have a reply to this reply and that will be that. Ciao.
I'm not into the occult, but have witnessed it more than once. No, only the psychopaths that money systems promote to the top, who own the media and the for-profit corporation USA Inc. grasp the full scope of what They're pulling off on Humanity.
Did You know... There is a biblical ritual that involves applying blood to the top of the right ear, and to the right foot. Why did Trump's SHOES come off??? That makes zero sense, unless...
This was a duping ritual for the People, and a religious ritual for Them, for One given the Crown of Jerusalem.,:a
Leviticus 8:23 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.
It's all a production to cast sandy hooks into Our emotions to snag Us and drag Us where They want Us. But You can cling to what You've been indoctrinated to see - I know it maintains Your comfort zone.
Love always.
P.S. One of the occult rituals I have observed:
Our Children Are Not Kids! (article):
Your statement of 'MAGA did it' is more profound than you may realize, MAGA is also the title of the head of the Satanic church.
I’m reasonably sure that the devil is real and that the synagogue of satan is real, but I question the validity & legitimacy of the statement that “MAGA is the title of the head of the Satanic church”. Do you have a source or a citation?
It's out there, I came across it looking up some other things, not that I delve into Satanism much.
Sounds like hearsay, not that this is a courtroom.
Interesting your choice of words. It has happened before, while trying to disseminate info, unless indisputable proof and citations are provided with a spoon, it is marginalized and doubt is cast. Look it up yourself.
“This is on the church of satan page: Registered Member (no degree)
Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)
Witch/Warlock (Second Degree)
Priestess/Priest (Third Degree)
Magistra/Magister (Fourth Degree)
Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree)”
Notice how the satanists list the female title prior to the male title. Look up the valid definition and meaning and etymology of the word “magus”. I took four years of Latin, merilee. A name or title ending in an “-a” is feminine, with the same root title or name ending in a “-us” is masculine. What’s a “magus”, merilee? Do you know?
It’s from the old Persian word “maguš”, meaning “a sorcerer, or a member of the priestly caste of ancient Persia.”
The word maguš means "powerful". In ancient Persia, a magus was a Zoroastrian priest or member of that caste. The word's meaning later expanded to include astrologers and magicians. In classical Latin, magus could also refer to priests or wise men from other nations. The word was first used in the 13th century.
In English, the plural form of magus, magi, is most often used to refer to the three wise men who visited Jesus in the Bible. The word “mage” — a synonym for the word “sorcerer” — also comes from the old Persian word “maguš“, which the Latin language adopted in its feminine form (maga) and masculine form (magus).
If you want to be some sort of true believer that the political abbreviation “MAGA” came from an ancient Persian word — used by satanists today — instead of an abbreviation of “make America great again”, you are welcome to your belief/opinion.
See ya later, merilee.
It’s on their website
Thank you very much!! :)
Okay, according to them, a fifth degree satanist is a “maga/magus” — i presume from which the word “mage” comes from. What precisely does this have to do with the phrase from Ronald Reagan — appropriated by Donald Trump and trademarked by Trump — “make America great again”, abbreviated MAGA?? There are no coincidences?Both Reagan and Trump are fifth degree satanist mages?? I think that’s laughable, not that that’s your conclusion.
But thank you very much for the link. Learned something new today already.
This is on the church of satan page:
Registered Member (no degree)
Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)
Witch/Warlock (Second Degree)
Priestess/Priest (Third Degree)
Magistra/Magister (Fourth Degree)
Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree)
See my replies to others down-thread. Trying to link the abbreviation to “make America great again” to a fifth degree female satanist borders on delusional. Whatever. People are going to latch onto extremely outlandish beliefs as the entire world goes insane,
There WERE bullets, people were killed and wounded. There were at least 8 shots with two different weapons according to acoustic analysis. Trump WAS surprised by the shots. He says his shoes came off when he was tackled by secret service. Don’t let Trump hatred blind you to the evidence…
"I guess our would-be masters think if we were dumb enough to take the shots, again and again, and accept the lock downs and the social distancing and the masks and the loss of freedom of speech and movement and so forth, we will buy anything."
ARE THEY WRONG? People vote in faux elections. They send their kids overseas to die for Das Kapital. They permit incredible theft from Potomac creatures. They let the IRS (an illegal entity) excercise extraordinary power forcing them to pay tribute to the system and grumbling they do! And we go back in time to understand.
Truly, My dear Sir, the prospects of our Country are not brilliant. The mass is far from sound. At headquarters a most visionary theory presides. Depend upon it this is the fact to a great extreme. No army,9 no navy10 no active commerce11—national defence, not by arms but by embargoes,12 prohibition of trade &c.—as little government as possible within—these are the pernicious dreams which as far and as fast as possible will be attempted to be realized. Mr. Jefferson is distressed at the codfish having latterly emigrated to the Southern Coast lest the people there should be tempted to catch them, and commerce of which we have already too much receive an accession. Be assured this is no pleasantry, but a very sober anecdote.
Among Fœderalists old errors are not cured. They also continue to dream though not quite so preposterously as their opponents. “All will be very well (say they) when the power once more gets back into Fœderal hands. The people convinced by experience of their error will repose a permanent confidence in good men.” Rescum teneatis—Adieu.
I have been surprised James Fetzer is pushing this as real and from the bit I have heard him talk on his RBN radio show he is barely questioning the gapping holes.
Have to wonder if some film clips were pre-shot and edited waiting to insert for news release?
If pre-filmed could it allow for sound editing to insert various bullet sounds from various areas?
The supposed stage security Trump detail is reported not the norm, but it seems like djt would have a based detail assigned as perm detail. Wasn’t a similar story told about JFK?
Years ago a neighbor’s dad was former SS and they lived in Atlanta for awhile as assigned to a POTUS. I respected privacy and did not ask questions but seems like assigned to Carter and the time frame seemed after Carter left the white house.
The lack of continuous bleeding bothered me greatly as I had nicked that very portion of the ear several times beforer while applying my razor. The blood just wont clot as fast a cut in the finger or anywhere else.
As for the lack of medical attention, the SS can argue that it was a superficial wound.
Must depend on the person. I’ve cut myself plenty of times without continuous bleeding. I suppose we will have wait for ear reveal? Which no matter what won’t please everyone
A secret service agent should be a certified EMT. The person would have taken off their shirt, ripped it apart immediately and tied it around Trumps head. This would be after they drag him off the stage keeping him low and concealed and not even worrying if his head goes, thump, thump, thump down the stairs. As for the cloudy skies / clear skies, the award winning photo was taken at the rehearsed event. It had to be taken before the event so that Meredith O'Rourke could attach it to her gofundme account she set up before the supposed shooting.
I reckon a clean white hankie, as we all had/have in our pockets, would have done the trick, with Trump being told to hold it with pressure to his ear, himself. Seems most logical thing from a first aider. Wonder why he lost his shoes? Kitten heels? No idea of exact angle of the photo taken, but it's odd to me no torsos of audience behind Trump visible.
People still carry "clean white hankies"? Hmmm...
I'm old! Maybe a pack of tissues instead?
Same here. Was taught ironing on my Dads White Handkerchiefs. He had lots!
Me too! Lot's of them.
Haha, me too! And my dad ALWAYS had a clean white handkerchief in his back pocket (hankies were for women, back then -- lol).
It’s refreshing to be here among fellow rational thinkers who refuse to be duped by the political theater!! Restores my sanity in this mind controlled world.
Trump did not get shot!
Ears have large supply of blood for warmth!
FWIW, it later came out that his "protection detail" was not actually SS agents, but was rather switched out with DHS staff, probably at the last minute. So, they may or may not have had EMT training. But even if they had, they were substituted for less than above-board reasons, and videos clearly showed weren't providing the requisite level of protection that a real SS team would.
As to whether it was real blood, a blood bag prop like is used in the movies, or AI enhancement to the images - hard to say. If any crowdsourced citizen camera phone footage also has the blood looking just the same as the "official photos", then it's either a blood bag, or maybe if the bullet just barely nicked the surface it would have been able to coagulate more quickly. I don't know - I'm not a doctor.
The whole event is clearly "doctored up" in so many ways - it will be challenging to figure out exactly all the parts that were truly staged vs those that just kind of fell into place because of the way other things happend to unfold...