Ring in the New with Some Old-Time 3Rs: Reality, Reason and Restoration
Yes, Virginia, there is a Climate and No, Virginia, there is no climate emergency. But the Destructocrats want you to believe in it so they can "protect" you out of existence.
Happy New Year. 2025 promises to offer all of us the wildest ride yet.
The UN-driven Destructocrats have a great many of their puzzle pieces in place and they will push hard to lock in the final interlocking puzzle pieces
Massive intentional population reduction (so the remaining population can be bio-digitally converged with AI systems for absolute control)
Concentration of the remaining population into 15-Minute Cities (so every aspect of life can be controlled in the genetically altered remaining population)
Gender and sexuality “science” lies and distortions (so the capacity to form deep and committed relationships will no disrupt the control mechanism and reproduction will be less likely),
Destruction of agriculture (so survival depends on provision of food by a central system assuring compliance with its commands)
Elimination of the protected class called “children” (so everyone can consent to anything at any age, medically, sexually, socially, economically, politically) and
the special class called “parents” (so they cannot protect their children),Appropriation of all personal property (so private ownership of all assets, including houses, farms, businesses, cars, personal assets, etc., will be eliminated),
Elimination of Informed Consent and Personal autonomy (so decisions on travel, reproduction, clothing, diet, medical procedures will be made by others for you on the basis of social credit scores, favoritism, etc.),Elimination of National sovereignty (so the reformatted United Nations 2.0 will make all decisions once made by sovereign nations)
Elimination of representative democracy and governmental autonomy (so all governance units, from the smallest to the largest are entirely captured by the super state structure and all decisions are in line with its dictates)
One of the most beautifully constructed web of lies that I have ever seen is the UN’s insane “Climate Change” deceit. Because they have created a belief system with strong emotional content and a huge amount of faux science to make it sound legitimate and reasonable, the narrative is compelling. But my friend Connie Shields has written a tremendously important fact-filled, fact-checked substack in her UnlockAlberta.substack.com that I present here for you to read and share with everyone you can possible reach.
Spoiler alert: There is a stunning and very hopeful video at the top of the article which I urge you to watch. In it Trump calls out the climate change nonsense clearly and correctly. But here’s the rub: to do the things necessary to literally rescue the US from the UN-driven climate change train wreck, he has to get the US out of the UN.
Interestingly, that is the same reality that he faces with everything else he promised the American People he would fix:
Illegal migration (which the Supreme Court has upheld and which exists because of the US following the UN policies and declarations on the “rights of migrants”)
Comprehensive Sexuality Education, gender “affirmation” mutilation, pseudo gender “science” lies and pedophilia (which are supported, promoted, protected and required by the US following the UN policies and declarations on the “ sexual rights of children”
Toxic food and medicines (which are required by the World Health Organization’s control of national health policies through the International Health Regulations, administrative and regulatory capture of international, national, regional and local health agencies and policies)
Economic destruction of personal and national wealth and prosperity (though digital currency controls, social credit scores, redistribution of wealth to achieve “equity” and other Marxist policies imposed by the United Nations agencies and policies)
All of Trump’s promises can be kept and all of these problems can be fixed IF and ONLY IF the United States removes itself from the UN. And, on the day that he takes office, President Trump will have the authority to do exactly that
Trump ran as a populist. We are the population. Let’s lean (peacefully and) powerfully on him to do what he promised by first getting out of the UN. You can do that quickly and easily by visiting PreventGenocide2030.org and sending 4 quick tweets (X). Ask your friends and colleagues to retweet, comment, like and share them and take the same actions themselves.
Now, with that said, sit back and enjoy Connie Shield’s brilliant exploration of the Climate Change con.
And while you are there, be sure to subscribe to her outstanding paywall free substack!
I love the idea of putting reality at the top of the checklist, while there are many who shuffle it to the bottom to advance nefarious agendas.
Dr. Rima, the idea that Trump will save the USA from anything is a turning away from the truth of what is. If you don't see that your blind, if you do see it your controlled opposition..