
There may be autopilots but will they be activated?

What about cab drivers?

Bus drivers? School bus drivers?

UN = Unacceptable Narrative.

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Absolutely. Sudden Adult Death Syndrome when someone is driving or operating machinery is a horrible reality.

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Sudden Infant Death has now been proven not be shaken baby syndrome, but actually vaccine murder. Imagine the suffering caused to so many parents being accused of something so horrific as a scapegoat to get away with murder!

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You've got this girl. I seen it and heard it, but everyone else just heard what they wanted. Booby F'in Kennedy is a democrat, first off! (?). How does that work? Oh, right! Its a uni-party! Trump goes on to tell Americans that they are exiting the WHO, talked about Biden reinstalling them for 500 million instead of 50 million! What a puppet show - punch & Judy style. Then in the same breath he says "until they are replaced"! Replaced by WHO? MORE WHO? THIS CINDY-LOU-WHO WANTS THESE DEMOCIDAL ZIONISTS TO CRAWL UNDER A HUGE BOULDER, AND I DONT MEAN DUMBS, NOTHING UNDER THIS SYSTEM IS GOING TO CHANGE UNTIL WE CHANGE IT NOT THEM! SIGH🤔😥❤🕊

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Turn it into vet housing

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First you prove that Natural Immunity is superior to any of the fucking crap people put inside themselves.

That establishes that there’s no need for Vaccines.

With no need for vaccines, you have, ipso facto, demonstrated that there’s no need for gain of function research.

I will leave it to you to understand the logic of that.

Finally, you demonstrate that gain of function research to date has failed to produce an airborne pathogen, capable of poisoning an entire human population.

I intend to prove these points and more.

Beyond that, Natural Immunity is a misnomer. It’s actually Natural Resolve.

The flu symptoms people are so mesmerized by are actually the toxins coming out of their body. Not a response to toxins coming in.

It’s all Sepsis.

The one thing all organs of the body share is that blood circulates through them.

Proteins and Toxins that are not properly evacuated from someone’s body pass to the blood. Or if you’re a complete fucking moron, you inject those very same toxins into your blood.

The vaccines are essentially Turbo Sepsis.

I intend to prove these points and more.

This is so simple, that I can do it while I’m changing the oil in my car.

As can most of my friends that were too cool to go to medical school.

Thank God for them.

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Where is link to the Walter Thompson report?


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Here's a book with a great deal of detail on Thompson's revelations: https://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Whistleblower-Exposing-Autism-Research/dp/1634509951

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Walter Chestnut's article referenced by Dr. Rima:


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It’s a Big Club, and you ain’t in it. It is called satanisim.

More than half the American population are under a spell, hypnotized, captured.

RFK Jr. belongs to the Club, or he would not be in his new position.

It is not about HEALTH – It is about DEPOPULATION

“They” want me Dead – Plain and Simple, clear as day, without the Chemtrails.

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I am not so sure about the satanism part, but I agree completely with the rest ow what you have written. The Big Club that they are using as their arm of destruction is the UN, which is why it is so important to exit it. That's what PreventGenocide2030.org is all about. Please go there, take the actions and share it everywhere.


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I have found this guy does a very nice job of exposing the truth. If you need a good video to try to pull people out of the right/red/elephant or left/blue/donkey paradigm, this video does a great job of it!


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Children need adult parents not big children. Here are my thoughts on the matter:


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