Team "Trump Was Duped by Fauci, et. al., But He'll Come Around Now" Falling Apart, Post $500B Stargate AI+mRNA Cancer Vax Announcement
Not only did Trump not repudiate OWS/mRNA Jabs, he just quintupled down on them, shredding the hopes of his faithful apologists that he would figure out he deployed bioweapons and say he was sorry.
Dr. Paul Elias Alexander has a substack in which his passionate and, I believe, truly well-intentioned views are aired (sometimes in quite eccentric language, but, hey, he’s allowed!) He worked in the Trump White House and says, credibly, I believe, that he and others who tried to short circuit Operation Warp Speed (OWS) and other pandemic measures were isolated from him while Trump, the supremely talented executive he was supposed to be, was hoodwinked and lied to, had his ego massaged into compliance with the deployment of unsafe and ineffective vaccines which were really bioweapons and failed to notice it.
Paul says that Trump, a New York businessman, was out of his depth in epidemiology and statistics, neglecting to note that, as President, he had ample opportunity not only for briefings, but for experts, and experts to question his experts available to him to make sure that he was not being misled.
Paul is a hyper-passionate Trump supporter, referring to him as “Donaldus Trumpus Maximus”, “Daddy T”, and other terms of over-the-top adulation, all the while assuring us that Trump must, can and surely will see the errors of his ways and repudiate, even apologize for, OWS and the bioweapon mRNA jabs.
In fact, I have written in the comments section on numerous occasions telling him that I foresaw a bumpy landing for him when Trump did not repudiate or recant any of his “Public Health” measures but would continue to gloat and glory in them, making things worse not better, should he regain the White House.
But 4 years later, he still has not noticed and does the same thing but higher, wider and deeper?
Paul correctly laments that none of people brought in to advise him could do so with the dangers of his jab program in their thoughts. And he is quite right.
Note: I borrowed this image from Paul’s substack (link below) where Paul still somehow implores Trump to abandon the mRNA jabs.
Trump made it clear with his duplicitous WHO-related Executive Order, which captures all the profits that would otherwise go offshore, but leave all the horrifying, illogical and deadly “Pandemic Preparedness and Response” nonsense intact, just scraping the massive profits off for his domestic profiteer friends, instead of letting it go to international profiteers.
Here is the comment I posted when I read Paul’s increasingly desperate call for Trump to repudiate the globalist depopulation scheme known as OWS/mRNA jabs:
Try this one on for size, Paul, and see if it is hypothesis that fits the facts: Trump is most certainly driven by ego and he most certainly values his own worth in his wealth. While these are not particularly admirable characteristics, they are not at all uncommon in those who seek and attain leadership positions.
What is uncommon is that a self-defined master judge of character like Trump, proud of his executive abilities, would allow himself to be as deeply duped as you consistently portray him, with no corrective wrath and ire when his brilliant "innovation", OWS and the jabs, are exposed by investigation and scientific documentation as murderous failures.
Consistent with his ego and narcissism, finger pointing, blaming and punishing rage would be much more consistent. Instead, we have an otherwise incomprehensible doubling down on the goodness of OWS and "my three beautiful vaccines."
Incomprehensible, that is, unless Trump is driven by, and controlled by something other than his obvious ego and need for adulation, both self-administered and garnered from others.
Trump's appointees are globalists. Bobby Kennedy softened like a post-ejaculation member once he tucked up under Trump's armpit and started singing the limpest of health-freedom songs, leaving out the verses about the mRNA weapons which he, himself, on camera, identified as bioweapons owned by the Department of Defense on which "Pfizer and Moderna just slap their labels" so he might be best called a globalist in reformer's clothing.
Trump knew, I submit, full well, that there was no way vaccines could be "created" in a few hours, a weekend or 4 months. He knew full well that lockdowns, masking, social distancing and school closings were political control maneuvers designed to destroy the economy, rights, freedoms, common sense, divide society and fragment it, and that "his" "beautiful" vaccines were - and are - bioweapons designed to help implement the globalist takeover of not only the US, but the rest of the world in carefully orchestrated lockstep. See and Pact for the Future if you need further documentation of what Agenda 2030 actually means.
My hypothesis is that Trump is a player in the global theatrical performance. The role he has been given this time around is "Populist Hero who diverts the masses while the villain's evil plot is actually instituted through him". I cannot speculate what would motivate that behavior, whether it is ego, blackmail, the hope of political power or something else. Right now, I really do not care.
His supposed withdrawal from the WHO is an interesting data point: All of the Pandemic Preparedness and Response nonsense is a massive business plan designed to bring hundreds of billions of dollars into the coffers of the global destructocrats and controlligarchs. Trump's EO on the subject lays out clearly that the same utterly disastrous programs will be carried out, but will be doled out to his friends instead of being captured by their international equivalents. One cannot help but see the happily grinning Bill Gates emerging from his meeting with Trump before his inauguration and stating that Trump was very reasonable on vaccines.
You bet he was, and is.
He is picking up the UN/WHO position on them: use bioweapons to get us to agree to our own destruction and demise.
You might make the argument that he really was misled and was too incompetent or stupid or ego-driven to notice it while he was busy being a sitting President.
But 4 years later, he still has not noticed and does the same thing but higher, wider and deeper? Sorry, Paul. No amount of excuse-making makes any sense. Dumb and dumber just won't work with his happy $500Billion mRNA Cancer vax via AI smiley face party.
With his faux "correction" of the WHO's "errors" by embracing all of them, but keeping the profits for his friends and his super, over the top new OWS/cancer vax insanity, coupled with his globalist officials and advisors (which, as you correctly point out, actively excludes all of the people who could actually point to sound policy for him) makes, I am afraid, my hypothesis look very, very compelling: as much as you love him, adore him, adulate him, trust him, praise him, deify him, Trump is a brilliantly scripted globalist tool.
You assert that he, the paragon of virtues that you believe him to be, was hoodwinked. Perhaps you have been, too.
I like and admire your continued courage and determination. I see that your adoration is wearing thin as he fails to do what you have so passionately, and, I believe, naively, urged him to do: repudiate the mRNA technology, deployment and its putative origin, the absolute psyop known as OWS.
The only thing left for us to do, I believe, is to mourn the loss of our innocence, if we had it, and create the necessary political momentum to do what is necessary to save ourselves as a nation and a species: exit the UN, repudiate and cancel all of its policies and programs in our nation and rebuild.
Hard? Yes, but essential.
Please visit to help do that.
By the way, Paul, when you have finished mourning your idol and coming to terms with his very, very clay feet, I would love to speak directly to see how we might collaborate. I know this is going to be very hard for you and other true believers and I genuinely feel empathy for the struggle you may be going through now and you surely will be going through shortly as you internalize the fact that you have been badly played.
I genuinely feel sorry for the true believer Trump acolytes like Paul.
Drunk on hopium, they have worked harder and harder to create a fantasy that would somehow make the lack of reality in their deliverer’s delivery continue to be manageable. And their hopium is failing them rapidly.
And here is Paul’s Substack:
We can look to leaders who present themselves to us as if they were the anointed of God and buy into their scenario (always a poor choice)
or we can stop following blindly and compel those in service to us, our leaders, to do what we want them to in order to protect us, not their pay masters.
That means we mount a massive campaign to exit the United Nations, the comprehensive globalist tool. Using Agenda 2030, it is designed to destroy every right we ever thought about having and destroy most of us in the process. Hence, the mRNA “Cancer vaccine” program: Take a PCR test with a 98% false positive rate, get told you “have” cancer, then get “treated” for the “cancer” you “have”.
“Oops! That didn’t work! Your cancer is really growing fast. We call that a “turbo cancer, Mrs. Jones. So sorry. But we can give you some really expensive chemotherapy? Would you like that? And aren’t you glad you had the shot, Mrs. Jones? Think how much worse it would have been without it!”
Way to keep your eye on the bouncing ball. Rima! I can't believe how easily people are duped! Can't they see it? I tell my husband he is responsible for OWS! My husband replies maybe he didn't know? I knew, for f*ck sake, how could he not know! What a fricking joke this is! What's the punch line? I even knew they would come up with a vaccine for cancer! What a laugh! They cause the cancer and now they want to cure their money maker? Wow, that's A special breed of stupid right there! And then there's Canada? Wow, its hard to be sane in an asylum😖😖
Poor Dr Paul. He has really been having a hard time since Trump filled the Swamp, again.
But now he is really thrashing, trying to hold onto his hope and sincere belief that Trump is going to save us.
But I don't think Dr Paul is ever going to understand what is happening because he still sees Trump as separate from the Deep State.