Not only did Trump not repudiate OWS/mRNA Jabs, he just quintupled down on them, shredding the hopes of his faithful apologists that he would figure out he deployed bioweapons and say he was sorry.
Way to keep your eye on the bouncing ball. Rima! I can't believe how easily people are duped! Can't they see it? I tell my husband he is responsible for OWS! My husband replies maybe he didn't know? I knew, for f*ck sake, how could he not know! What a fricking joke this is! What's the punch line? I even knew they would come up with a vaccine for cancer! What a laugh! They cause the cancer and now they want to cure their money maker? Wow, that's A special breed of stupid right there! And then there's Canada? Wow, its hard to be sane in an asylum😖😖
A fantastically-written smackdown. But really Trump is just a character in a soap opera that everyone believes is real. The soap is taking our minds away from us doing our own thing as sovereign beings and keeping us on a string of childlike submission to a Big Daddy.
Trump is an actor. That is any big politician's role, it's too obvious and not even debatable at this point. The people running the show are completely out of the public eye. They write scripts.
Exactly. He cannot [yet?] relinquish his child-like adulation of this mythic figure he is so devoted to which is so clearly at odds with even a modest brush with reality.
And now Trump is thinking about reconsidering his EO to withdraw from the EO. It think it was us that was duped not Trump. His EO does also include no Pandemic Treaty or amendments to IHR. But after his speech in Las Vegas today he sounds like someone made him an offer he could not refuse. And yes the group I work with was also troubled about the part of the EO that wants to turn it over to God only knows who. Awesome response to Dr. Paul
Thanks, Karen. Trump's "withdrawal" from the WHO was no such thing and, as you correctly point out, does not withdraw us from the horrifying current IHR or rescind the IRH amendments. Flim flam to the max.
But you gotta hand it to Trump's handlers: this particular bit of flim flam sucked the wind out of the anti WHO, anti Pandemic Treaty, anti globalist community which foolishly sees it as a "win". I guess they failed to read the EO which is anything but a win!
It is how they do it. They easily identified the new target - resistors - and got to work managing perception, hijacked alt media and corralling them. Dr Shiva was dead-on with his 'swarm' video. Kind of astounding to see how well it works again and again. Thanks for cutting through.
Dr. Shiva is the man! He sent a letter that was hand delivered to Trump by his ex wife Marla Maples, in March of 2020 advising him to not shut the country down because of the economical damage it would do to the country. He also in the letter advised him on a protocol of how to boost the immune system to keep people healthy, since he is considered one of the top experts in the world on the immune system. Trump ignored him. Dr. Shivas letter to Trump can be viewed on his websites.,,
Dr Rima, as you would know better than most, there have not been a lot of US presidents in recent decades who do not fufill all the criteria of a narcissistic psychopath. A lot of senators meet the criteria too. This topic has been extensively studied by Dr Donald Dutton of the University of Oxford and others who have broken psychopathy down into its component traits and ranked Trump and Hillary Clinton and others on those component traits. Hillary is a high scorer too. Biden has not been studied to my knowledge but he is a pathological liar and for more commentary I would defer to Tara Reade.
Although Trump scores higher than Hitler overall on psychopathy, he scores below Saddam Hussein. At any rate, Hitler was an OCPD, or ICD-11 anankastic PD. There's not much in what you have written that I can disagree with.
I think Dr Paul Alexander is a decent man. I also think that overall Trump is better than the likes of GW Bush and that Harris, who was supported by Liz Cheney, would have made a disastrous president.
As regards Trump's position on the mRNA shots, he is clearly enamoured of them. He is like an adolescent in love with his first girlfriend.
He has access to the best epidemiologists and biostatisticians. However, I can only foresee Trump continuing to roll out more inadequately tested pharmaceutical products.
I don't think Trump is highly motivated to bring Fauci to justice.
The diabolical bioweapon mRNA platform is very well tested and proven. These bioweapons didn't magically appear during OWS to be released under EUA, they were developed long ago and known to be deadly and harmful. The release of these lethal products by criminally-insane psychopaths was calculated and intentional, with the risks being VERY well known. That's why they were unleashed by the D0D on the global population after many years of planning. These gene therapies are working EXACTLY as intended, both in the devastation and harm they cause and the ultimate goal of achieving transhumanism of those who don't succumb to the intended demise (depopulation). To pretend they were "rushed" or "untested" or that there were unknowns about mechanisms of injury is simply not true.
Trump "got off the hook" (very intentionally done) by Biden preemptively pardoning that psychopath and satanic shill Fraudchi as well as Biden's crime family and acts. In this way, Trump can just say, "there's nothing I can do legally". Oh lucky him. He is the snake in his poem that he loves so much. He will bite us and kill us. The sheeple voted in their own destruction tho as either wing is of the same bird going to the same destination. God will be judging this corrupt country and government. The people need to repent and wake up, but they snore on and watch fake tv and crockumentaries and "his-story" bs and fake sports (just as scripted as the wrestling garbage that is in your face fake) and believe everything on lame stream media. It's mind blowing at this point. We are so dumbed down by the chemical poisons in our food, water, soil, quackzines, and 12 years of indoctrination camps called schools and the list is endless for the lies we actually believe as truths of who we are and what our true history actually is about. The sad part for me is that I can see the truth and everyone that I try to help out of this mind control matrix thinks I'm the brainwashed one.
"Trump is highly motivated to bring Fauci to justice."
Did he tell you that personally ANW?
Because right now Donald Trump is STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus and the genocidal vaxxine is safe, and to take it.
I think what was written was "I don't think Trump is highly motivated to bring Trump to justice." I assume that was a resoundingly ironic understatement. It certainly would be if I said it.
Dr. Rima, you are absolutely SPOT ON, please try to get in touch with David Ike, his podcast is on the same lines as yourself. Also Ed Dowd, Mike Yeadon, Sam & Mark Bailey, Christine Massey to name a few and avoid McCullough with the rest of his virus pushing bullshit.
Thank you Dr. Rima. Well said. Only the hopelessly gullible will be fooled this time around regarding mRNA vaccines, and the rest of the snake oil medicine.
I hope you're right, Mary. But, unfortunately, I think that the majority of the planet (and certainly the Americans) are have been too brainwashed by the mainstream medical cartel and media to not be fooled again. They are too lacking in critical thinking skills and skills of accurate observation. I think tha tall the media has to do is to promote the next "pandemic" just like they did Covid and for the "health officials" to put pressure on all of the food corpirations to move in lockstep with distancing, masks, etc. just like with Covid, and we'll see the exact same thing happening again. Sure hope I'm wrong about that.
I think our ONLY chance of avoiding a total medical tyranny is if the right people (not only RFK) can remove Trump from the medical cartal snakes around him for some hours and redpill him on those liars and then properly educate him on the truth of "vaccines." I can't imagine that RFK hasn't already tried to do this though.
Do you really think he does not know full well the truth of "vaccines"? That is totally incomprehensible to me. Rather, he is playing the scripted role he was given to play about his "3 beautiful vaccines" and more to follow.
He said that the mRNA platform would be used to "cure cancer [that the previous mRNA vaccines create] in a tweet during the campaign.
If you are right and he needs to be educated at this point, he has the IQ of a turnip and, as such, should be immediately disqualified from holding the seat he now occupies.
Trump is a paid actor as they all are. "By way of deception thou shall do war" the motto of Mossad. All of them are of the synagogue of Satan. MAGA is actually the 5th level of the Church of Satan. You can't make this stuff up! I've seen Trump in his masonic outfit as I've seen George Washington and Bush and Putin. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it" - George Carlin. THANK GOD we are not in it!
Newsflash; A man from New South Wales Australia has been found to be way smarter than the President of the United States of America, even though he had ZERO access to all of information that the President did. Errr, that would be me. Next; RFK Jnr challenge, based on his previous commentary about fake "vaccines" being bio weapons. Tell Trumpy & the rest of the world that you can longer work with or in an administration that supports the crazy Oracle man & his greedy cronies re: cancer mRNA "vaccines" & OWS was an attack upon humanity that MUST be dismantled. Trumpy has handed Bobby boy a free pass, albeit a dangerous one, to keep his principles, integrity, honour & his word intact. It also enables him to use this as a platform in 4 years time to go for the top position & stop pretending he is a Republican. He might even save the Democrats. Fat chance.
My wife has pushed back on Paul Alexander many times. He suffers from MTS (mythical trump syndrome) where he can only see the myth not the man. You can't get through to that guy and there's no need to except that he bolsters the myth among his readers.
Kennedy: was probably duped by trump operatives (I don't think trump is smart enough) that for his election support, he would get a MAHA appointment, with them knowing full well he would never get confirmed. If kennedy were the real deal in trump's camp, there would be no exec order moving WHO money to Gavi (which is what it will be) and no ellison "I want to be like billy" scheme.
Exactly my sentiments. You are right on point. Been screaming facts to those around me who are infatuated with Trump. They find every excuse for his failures and when I warned them the next 4 years will make the last 4 look like Disneyland they dismiss me. The facts speak for themselves. at least to a rational mind. Problem is people prefer hope to facts. This is what insanity looks like.
Many institutions need to be eliminated completely. All these unconstitutional alliances with international organizations are steeped in treason and must be addressed by first removing US participation and kicking them off our soil.
Our health is the most private thing in our lives and yet government wants to intrude and insert itself in it. I don't see people resisting the intrusion but rather, to large extent, welcoming it.
Unfortunately, you are over the target. It blew me away how fast Trump pivoted to more mRNA, but to cure cancer that is started by mRNA is a gift that keeps giving. And it is not mRNA.
Way to keep your eye on the bouncing ball. Rima! I can't believe how easily people are duped! Can't they see it? I tell my husband he is responsible for OWS! My husband replies maybe he didn't know? I knew, for f*ck sake, how could he not know! What a fricking joke this is! What's the punch line? I even knew they would come up with a vaccine for cancer! What a laugh! They cause the cancer and now they want to cure their money maker? Wow, that's A special breed of stupid right there! And then there's Canada? Wow, its hard to be sane in an asylum😖😖
This song's for you Susan:
The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum - Fun Boy Three
The greed and corruption are rampant; conflicts of interest everywhere.
It's not over: maybe the worst is yet to come.
I agree Greta. Get ready because those around us will not be.
A fantastically-written smackdown. But really Trump is just a character in a soap opera that everyone believes is real. The soap is taking our minds away from us doing our own thing as sovereign beings and keeping us on a string of childlike submission to a Big Daddy.
Trump is an actor. That is any big politician's role, it's too obvious and not even debatable at this point. The people running the show are completely out of the public eye. They write scripts.
Poor Dr Paul. He has really been having a hard time since Trump filled the Swamp, again.
But now he is really thrashing, trying to hold onto his hope and sincere belief that Trump is going to save us.
But I don't think Dr Paul is ever going to understand what is happening because he still sees Trump as separate from the Deep State.
Exactly. He cannot [yet?] relinquish his child-like adulation of this mythic figure he is so devoted to which is so clearly at odds with even a modest brush with reality.
And now Trump is thinking about reconsidering his EO to withdraw from the EO. It think it was us that was duped not Trump. His EO does also include no Pandemic Treaty or amendments to IHR. But after his speech in Las Vegas today he sounds like someone made him an offer he could not refuse. And yes the group I work with was also troubled about the part of the EO that wants to turn it over to God only knows who. Awesome response to Dr. Paul
Thanks, Karen. Trump's "withdrawal" from the WHO was no such thing and, as you correctly point out, does not withdraw us from the horrifying current IHR or rescind the IRH amendments. Flim flam to the max.
But you gotta hand it to Trump's handlers: this particular bit of flim flam sucked the wind out of the anti WHO, anti Pandemic Treaty, anti globalist community which foolishly sees it as a "win". I guess they failed to read the EO which is anything but a win!
It is how they do it. They easily identified the new target - resistors - and got to work managing perception, hijacked alt media and corralling them. Dr Shiva was dead-on with his 'swarm' video. Kind of astounding to see how well it works again and again. Thanks for cutting through.
Dr. Shiva is the man! He sent a letter that was hand delivered to Trump by his ex wife Marla Maples, in March of 2020 advising him to not shut the country down because of the economical damage it would do to the country. He also in the letter advised him on a protocol of how to boost the immune system to keep people healthy, since he is considered one of the top experts in the world on the immune system. Trump ignored him. Dr. Shivas letter to Trump can be viewed on his websites.,,
Expanding on these points would make for an excellent post--as your take on the topic is important. Just sayin.
Dr Rima, as you would know better than most, there have not been a lot of US presidents in recent decades who do not fufill all the criteria of a narcissistic psychopath. A lot of senators meet the criteria too. This topic has been extensively studied by Dr Donald Dutton of the University of Oxford and others who have broken psychopathy down into its component traits and ranked Trump and Hillary Clinton and others on those component traits. Hillary is a high scorer too. Biden has not been studied to my knowledge but he is a pathological liar and for more commentary I would defer to Tara Reade.
Although Trump scores higher than Hitler overall on psychopathy, he scores below Saddam Hussein. At any rate, Hitler was an OCPD, or ICD-11 anankastic PD. There's not much in what you have written that I can disagree with.
I think Dr Paul Alexander is a decent man. I also think that overall Trump is better than the likes of GW Bush and that Harris, who was supported by Liz Cheney, would have made a disastrous president.
As regards Trump's position on the mRNA shots, he is clearly enamoured of them. He is like an adolescent in love with his first girlfriend.
He has access to the best epidemiologists and biostatisticians. However, I can only foresee Trump continuing to roll out more inadequately tested pharmaceutical products.
I don't think Trump is highly motivated to bring Fauci to justice.
The diabolical bioweapon mRNA platform is very well tested and proven. These bioweapons didn't magically appear during OWS to be released under EUA, they were developed long ago and known to be deadly and harmful. The release of these lethal products by criminally-insane psychopaths was calculated and intentional, with the risks being VERY well known. That's why they were unleashed by the D0D on the global population after many years of planning. These gene therapies are working EXACTLY as intended, both in the devastation and harm they cause and the ultimate goal of achieving transhumanism of those who don't succumb to the intended demise (depopulation). To pretend they were "rushed" or "untested" or that there were unknowns about mechanisms of injury is simply not true.
Absolutely right on the money, Liz! Couldn't have said it better.
I recently listened to historian and documentary film maker John Hankey saying much the same thing. He appears to have reached the same conclusion.
"Trump is better than the likes of GW Bush and that Harris"
Are you kidding?!???
Donald Trump has killed more Americans than all our wars combined.
35 million vaxxed are dead. Millions now are sick and dying, or permanently vaxxine damaged for life.
Funeral Directors are ordering 30% more Infant-Child size coffins. Up from the 20% increase last year.
So why is Donald Trump STILL LYING to the American people about a fake virus, and telling them that the genocidal vaxxine is safe, and to take it???
Because he is a globalist tool masquerading as a populist hero.
Trump "got off the hook" (very intentionally done) by Biden preemptively pardoning that psychopath and satanic shill Fraudchi as well as Biden's crime family and acts. In this way, Trump can just say, "there's nothing I can do legally". Oh lucky him. He is the snake in his poem that he loves so much. He will bite us and kill us. The sheeple voted in their own destruction tho as either wing is of the same bird going to the same destination. God will be judging this corrupt country and government. The people need to repent and wake up, but they snore on and watch fake tv and crockumentaries and "his-story" bs and fake sports (just as scripted as the wrestling garbage that is in your face fake) and believe everything on lame stream media. It's mind blowing at this point. We are so dumbed down by the chemical poisons in our food, water, soil, quackzines, and 12 years of indoctrination camps called schools and the list is endless for the lies we actually believe as truths of who we are and what our true history actually is about. The sad part for me is that I can see the truth and everyone that I try to help out of this mind control matrix thinks I'm the brainwashed one.
"thinks I'm the brainwashed one"
Maui, you are singing my song sister!
"Trump is highly motivated to bring Fauci to justice."
Did he tell you that personally ANW?
Because right now Donald Trump is STILL LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus and the genocidal vaxxine is safe, and to take it.
I think what was written was "I don't think Trump is highly motivated to bring Trump to justice." I assume that was a resoundingly ironic understatement. It certainly would be if I said it.
Oh thank you Dr Rima, you're right. I misquoted.
My apologies AwakeNotWoke.
Dr. Rima, you are absolutely SPOT ON, please try to get in touch with David Ike, his podcast is on the same lines as yourself. Also Ed Dowd, Mike Yeadon, Sam & Mark Bailey, Christine Massey to name a few and avoid McCullough with the rest of his virus pushing bullshit.
David Icke is The Man! His insights are brilliant. His integrity is unwaivering.
Thank you Dr. Rima. Well said. Only the hopelessly gullible will be fooled this time around regarding mRNA vaccines, and the rest of the snake oil medicine.
I hope you're right, Mary. But, unfortunately, I think that the majority of the planet (and certainly the Americans) are have been too brainwashed by the mainstream medical cartel and media to not be fooled again. They are too lacking in critical thinking skills and skills of accurate observation. I think tha tall the media has to do is to promote the next "pandemic" just like they did Covid and for the "health officials" to put pressure on all of the food corpirations to move in lockstep with distancing, masks, etc. just like with Covid, and we'll see the exact same thing happening again. Sure hope I'm wrong about that.
I think our ONLY chance of avoiding a total medical tyranny is if the right people (not only RFK) can remove Trump from the medical cartal snakes around him for some hours and redpill him on those liars and then properly educate him on the truth of "vaccines." I can't imagine that RFK hasn't already tried to do this though.
Do you really think he does not know full well the truth of "vaccines"? That is totally incomprehensible to me. Rather, he is playing the scripted role he was given to play about his "3 beautiful vaccines" and more to follow.
He said that the mRNA platform would be used to "cure cancer [that the previous mRNA vaccines create] in a tweet during the campaign.
If you are right and he needs to be educated at this point, he has the IQ of a turnip and, as such, should be immediately disqualified from holding the seat he now occupies.
Trump is a paid actor as they all are. "By way of deception thou shall do war" the motto of Mossad. All of them are of the synagogue of Satan. MAGA is actually the 5th level of the Church of Satan. You can't make this stuff up! I've seen Trump in his masonic outfit as I've seen George Washington and Bush and Putin. "It's a big club, and you ain't in it" - George Carlin. THANK GOD we are not in it!
Just look at Trump's imdb page!
BALLPARK! 💥Thank you for GETTING it!🕊️
Newsflash; A man from New South Wales Australia has been found to be way smarter than the President of the United States of America, even though he had ZERO access to all of information that the President did. Errr, that would be me. Next; RFK Jnr challenge, based on his previous commentary about fake "vaccines" being bio weapons. Tell Trumpy & the rest of the world that you can longer work with or in an administration that supports the crazy Oracle man & his greedy cronies re: cancer mRNA "vaccines" & OWS was an attack upon humanity that MUST be dismantled. Trumpy has handed Bobby boy a free pass, albeit a dangerous one, to keep his principles, integrity, honour & his word intact. It also enables him to use this as a platform in 4 years time to go for the top position & stop pretending he is a Republican. He might even save the Democrats. Fat chance.
My wife has pushed back on Paul Alexander many times. He suffers from MTS (mythical trump syndrome) where he can only see the myth not the man. You can't get through to that guy and there's no need to except that he bolsters the myth among his readers.
Regarding trump himself, the second guy in this clip believes he's defending trump, but is indicting him (which is funny):
Kennedy: was probably duped by trump operatives (I don't think trump is smart enough) that for his election support, he would get a MAHA appointment, with them knowing full well he would never get confirmed. If kennedy were the real deal in trump's camp, there would be no exec order moving WHO money to Gavi (which is what it will be) and no ellison "I want to be like billy" scheme.
Exactly my sentiments. You are right on point. Been screaming facts to those around me who are infatuated with Trump. They find every excuse for his failures and when I warned them the next 4 years will make the last 4 look like Disneyland they dismiss me. The facts speak for themselves. at least to a rational mind. Problem is people prefer hope to facts. This is what insanity looks like.
Many institutions need to be eliminated completely. All these unconstitutional alliances with international organizations are steeped in treason and must be addressed by first removing US participation and kicking them off our soil.
Our health is the most private thing in our lives and yet government wants to intrude and insert itself in it. I don't see people resisting the intrusion but rather, to large extent, welcoming it.
ExcellentExcellentExcellent post, Rima. You are spot on. 🎯
Thank you for the kind words, Katherine. Please share the post and everywhere you can.
Unfortunately, you are over the target. It blew me away how fast Trump pivoted to more mRNA, but to cure cancer that is started by mRNA is a gift that keeps giving. And it is not mRNA.
Is Stargate the Drone disclosure?
Hahahahaha! That's hilarious, Greg!