What If All the Chaos Reported in This Selection of Headlines Is Actually a Good Thing. What If Every Would-Be Tyrant, Tin Pot and Otherwise, Is Jockeying For Position and Tearing at the Others?
Although the destructogarchs want us to think they are all amiably singing a Devil's Ditty in 194-part harmony, I predict LOTS more power grabs and conflicts between them. That's great for us.
Lioness of Judah presents us with another edition of End Times Headlines. And while there is a great deal of chaos and bellicosity evident in this selection of stories, they tell two tales at once: Malthusian Management being carried out against us, to be sure. But the important subtext is that the iron clad grip on behavior, apparently alliance, unity of purpose and propaganda within the globalist community is very flimsy, indeed.
If I perceive this correctly, all that global power, those delicious dictator delights are just to tempting to share around as previously agreed upon on implied.
We have war and rumors of war and armaments and diplomatic saber rattling and accusation at a high pitch. I think that illustrates that the beast pack (I like wolves, so it is hard to call it a wolf pack when it is manifestly evil - and wolves are no such thing) is turning on itself.
While this is potentially a very, very good thing, the thrashing and crashing of the beasts as they fight for supremacy (and survival, for many of them) has the potential to leave us, the ordinary folk, very badly injured, killed or enslaved. Given that we are already disposable, putting vast numbers of us in brutal or lethal harm’s was, is of no particular concern to them.
They have made that clear in their geopolitical games in Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, orchestrated terrorism (Operation Gladio, anyone?)1,2,3,4
The struggle is, indeed, global. There is nowhere to go to get away from the geopolitical lunatics. Maybe Elon Musk can hide on the moon, but the rest of us can’t (And it looks more and more like NASA can’t, either!)
BRIX, which made it abundantly clear with its October 24, 2024 Kazan Declaration5 that it is just another outpost of the UN One World Government hegemony, but one that wants to be the force in control INSIDE the United Nations, offers no hiding place.
The only, best, safest, bet that I can see is some place that is outside the United Nations. Oh! I know! How about helping to compel the US Congress to pass what is, as far as I am aware, the ONLY extant legislation to withdraw a country from the UN before any legislature in the world? What an idea!
The Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/S: 3428) is now before the US Congress. When you click this link, PreventGenocide2030.org you can lean heavily, peacefully and legally on Congress to get us out of this criminal, and deadly, machine. That’s what you are doing when you take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge, 6 easy steps to help get the US out of the UN. Now would be a very, very good time to apply massive political will.
One of the steps is to alert people you know to this critical opportunity and tell them how they can go about helping to get us out before we are crushed by this behemoth while it tries to figure out who the biggest, baddest Mafioso is.
It is important to get as far away
“Operation Gladio was the codename for clandestine "stay-behind" operations of armed resistance that were organized by the Western Union (WU), and subsequently by NATO and the CIA, in collaboration with several European intelligence agencies during the Cold War. It was part of a post-World War II program set up by the CIA and NATO supposedly to thwart future Soviet/communist invasions or influence in Italy and Western Europe. However, it became a state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, involved in false flag operations and the subversion of democracy. Operation Gladio - Wikipedia
Pedrick, Clare (14 November 1990). "CIA Organized Secret Army in Western Europe". The Washington Post. ISSNÂ 0190-8286.
Agee, Philip; Wolf, Louis (1978). Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe.
Ganser, Daniele (2004). NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe.
Not sure if you have read the book below BAPH, it's something else to consider from someone I consider a reliable source. It's close to 3 hours long, but you can listen at 1.25, 1.5 or 1.75 and still comprehend. I believe we are indeed in end times and the "aliens" will be demons or hybrids and none of them are here to help the human population, but to enslave us. Jesus is our only hope and salvation imho. God bless!
Dear Dr. Laibow, may I have your thoughts about this, please? (Thank you.):
A.I. - The Plan to Invade Humanity
Nov 07, 2024