Oct 19·edited Oct 19Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I interviewed both Richard Gage and Andrew Johnson for one of my Truth Summits. My sense: Andrew Johnson and Judy Wood - rather than Richard Gage - have the facts. I suggest you read and listen.

1. The Judy Wood presentation that convinced me she had the facts:


That got me to search out more information, and led me to Andrew Johnson, with whom she did a number of interviews. And that brings me to:

2 My interview with Andrew Johnson:


Like you, I had a good impression of Richard Gage. I had a much better impression of both Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson. (Note: I also came to be in touch with Judy Wood, but she was not keen on being interviewed.) I have gone on to interview Andrew on further topics. I have found him consistently excellently informed and truth-centered.

One thing: Richard Gage, after I learned of Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson, kept referring to their opinions. They both present facts, not opinions. It is a little like, if I referred to your "opinions" on the UN, as if what you claim about the UN were not fact-based.

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Thank you, Elsa. Do you have Dr. Wood's contact info?

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I have found him trustworthy - for instance he has never called facts "opinions," for instance, which makes someone instantly untrustworthy for me. He is also aware of the limits of what someone will talk about.

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I will send you Andrew Johnson's contact info. Judy Wood has not been keen on interviews, or even much contact. Andrew is the best contact for her. By the way, Andrew is an amazing fact person on many science topics.

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Oct 19Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Stopped paying attention to "sage" some time ago. I check in occasionally.

Hipster hype distracts, bound to throw one off the trail, sooner than later.

[Jas 3:13, 17-18 KJV] 13 Who [is] a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. ... 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, [and] easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. 18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.

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Oct 18Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Interesting info. about the Khazars. I would like to know more.

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Oct 19Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

It's mind blowing how the "Khazarian Jews" nonsense is still popular in the western alternative/conspiracy circles, and of course, replacement theology proponents love it, the result - is hatred toward Jewish people, because they are "evil Khazars" not "Real Jews" ...

The following links will give you an idea of the true history of the Khaganate, where only a small majority - the elites converted to Judaism for political reasons. The majority remained pagan. Khazars were semi-nomadic Turkic people.

Russian Open Archeology website: "There is no question of any syncretism either with Islam, or with Judaism or Christianity since none of the above religions influenced the religious and mythological belief system in the Khazar Khaganate: tinyurl.com/ywspdvmk

The Khazar Lesson, or Why the Great Khaganate Collapsed? History Russian Federation website: https://histrf.ru/read/articles/khazarskii-urok-ili-pochiemu-razvalilsia-vielikii-kaghanat

Psalm 83:

Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.

2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.

3 They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.

4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

"Why would the Jesuits use their implacable enemy, the Jews, to further their designs for world dominion? The Jesuits never do anything out in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as the culprits, they will be blamed and suffer the consequences, but if they can use someone else as the ‘cause of the world’s problems’, especially an enemy they can destroy in the process, then they have simultaneously accomplished two of their objectives.

The Jewish people are the perfect scapegoat. Since the Rothschilds are Jesuit agents operating under a Jewish cover, using them [i.e., the Rothschilds] in forming the Illuminati back in 1776 effectively throws the onus of this conspiracy on the Jews.

The Rothschilds are certainly not the only Jesuit agents that operate under a Jewish front. History books will tell us that the French Revolution first began in 1787 or 1789, depending on which book you read. However, it was actually planned by [Jesuit] Dr. Adam Weishaupt and the House of Rothschild almost 20 years before the Revolution took place.” - – William Sutton (Author of The New Age Movement and Illuminati 666)





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I enjoy Sage's writing, but I pissed him/her off once and was banned for 1,000 years. I think I have 999 left on mys suspension; then I'll be able to go back and read more.

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This is all excellent, both your newsletter and esp. revelations about the imagined Khazari, and the very long video linked to, the contents of which were already largely familiar to me (would have been more helpful twenty-five years ago). HOwever, half an hour from the end of the very long video I was completely turned off by the metaphysical appeal, with big G, prayer and meditation. For most people in Europe, and I suspect even in the UK, this is a complete turn-off.

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What I found useful in the last half hour was the fact that Richard was sure that the flag used in the false flag operation belonged to the Zionists. I countered and said that the whole "It's the Zionists!!" trope was, in itself, a psyop and urged Richard to look behind it to where he would see the real flag holders, the globalist destructocrats who use that and every other tribalism they can gin up to their advantage in their Malthusian Management schemes.

I wasn't thinking about any metaphysical or theological portion of the discussion, frankly, and, truth be told, had edited that out of my focus.

This is a political nightmare and the origins, whatever spiritual forces may or may not be working on events, are, from our perspective, political. The solutions start with political and geopolitical work, followed by rebuilding the institutions of our societies so they serve and protect us better.

For those who choose a theological or spiritual/metaphysical framework, that is fine. But I am thinking in very concrete, worldly terms.

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Oct 19Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

On this prompting by you, I have now listened to the last half hour. I had broken off because of a misconstrual, consequent on too many discussions taking the metaphysical turn, which I do not wholly reject, but which I generally find to reflect lazy thinking. The evil arose from defects in traditional values.

On the subject of the extent of the orchestration of events: here I suspend judgement, altho clearly there is some orchestration.

My own approach to solutions is somewhat different. None of this would be, would have been, possible, if weak-willed unprincipled fearful and self-centred people had not been put in charge of key institutions. I have been writing about the background to this for quite some time, largely unnoticed. As I believe you indicate, the task of checks & balances was never completed, or failed to keep up with changing circumstances, such that we have a dearth of such checks & balances. For example, I'd want means of deselecting rogue judges by voting them out of office. But I go further. The checks and balances must be anchored in character, with different characters for different roles. Bad characters must be eliminated from ascent to power long before they can be indicted.

Who are our real enemies? The puppet-masters, or not rather our fellows who have complied? We cannot identify the former, but we can the latter. It is these who must feel our wrath.

This is not the forum for the detailed argument and elucidation needed, which, as said, I have partly set out elsewhere and some of which I am working on.

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Yes, one never knows when one has reached the inner circle. That being said, there is plenty of evidence that 9/11, the most heinous crime ever committed against this country, was planned, committed, and covered up by the Zionists, not the other side in this conflict. I refer you to Christopher Bollyn's book, Solving 9/11, to Lauent Guyenot's book, JFK-9/11, AND TO Matthew Tower's recent documentary, Israel's second 9/11. https://rumble.com/v4n9nmk-israels-second-911-how-zionism-conquered-jfk-america-and-palestine.html

I CAN AGREE that there may be others who use zionists and their conflict with the Palestinians to their advantage, but the hit man who murders for the crime boss is still guilty of murder. And perhaps if we bring him to justice, he will give up his Boss(es)

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For which reason when we look at COVID crimes against humanity, we have to look at the leaders who permitted the lockdowns, the Operation Warp Speed "development" of the "vaccines" (still not repudiated), the injection mandates, the specious "science" and its abundant funding, the use of clearly dangerous and deadly bioweapon injections, the propagandists who supported the manifestly deadly "countermeasures", as well as the active perpetrators, injectors and administrators.

Where does the buck stop? At the top. For example, the head of the Executive Branch of the US, commonly referred to as "The President of the United States", who just happens to be the Commander in Chief of the United States Military who either knew or should have known that his policies, appointments and actions were precipitating vast harm on his country MUST be held accountable, don't you think?

That means Trump, Pence, Biden, Harris, Pelosi and a host of others in addition to the usual names.

But all of this is theater, like the Ukraine war, like the Middle East war, like 9/11, like SARS, like Swine Flu, like so many other gambits at destruction and control, by the puppeteers. They are our enemy. Their puppets are culpable, but the script lies behind the stage, not on it.

Read the Hamas Charter (both the original and the revised version). No sane person could have written that, yet Hamas was explicitly created by Netanyahu to weaken the even more illogical and hate-filled PLO. If that does not tell you that the facile labels you are buying into are meaningless, nothing will.

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