2 Videos - 1. Ostriches vs. [Canadian] UN Death Machine, 2. What is the UN Doing and Should We Pay for It?
Promoting war, famine and disease while claiming to prevent them is the oldest trick in the UN's book. We need to return that book to Rent-A-Tyrant and cancel our subscription.
Katie of Universal Ostriches joins Connie Shields of Unlock Alberta and my co-host Council Ralph Fucetola and me on the weekly Dr Rima Truth Reports podcast for an update on the malignantly zany determination of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to kill Katie’s mom’s healthy, non-food RESEARCH ostrich flock in the remote Okanagan Valley of British Columbia. Why? Dunno, but it seems mighty strange that the deadly brouhaha began after Katie’s mom innocently notified the Canadian government that their unvaccinated flock’s hen’s were passing robust and powerful antibodies into their eggs and that these natural immunity antibodies could be transferred to humans without vaccination!
By the way, internet rumor has it that the flock has been vaccinated, but they are entirely vaccine-free.
So, the Canadian government, following a “stamping out” policy
to “control” Avian flu (HPAI stands for High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza - never mind that the whole “High Pathogenicity” business in utter drivel),
decided to stamp out these birds and the Kafka-esque court battle rages on. All of this, of course, comes directly from Canada’s lock step with One Health,
which is a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative, which is following direct instructions from the United Nations, which should really be called “Depopulation Central”:
So while the US,
like Canada,
are spending vast amounts of money to destroy the food supply for a highly questionable “disease” which “might become” a [highly questionable] “pandemic” “like COVID-19”, these isolated RESEARCH ostriches, with strong and transferable natural immunity, are slated for ruthless murder.
Before you read on, please take a moment to visit Save Our Ostriches - Prevent Genocide 2030 to add your voice to the roar of opposition - it really matters. Please do that right now and then come back so you can watch the video below.
Now to the larger question: Is any of this, any of the WHO’s actions, any of ANYTHING that the United Nations does in your best interest? Is destroying our health, tampering with our DNA, turning us into part of the transhumanist machine, sexualizing and mutilating our children, destroying private property rights, mandating both new and old vaccines, legitimizing pervasive surveillance and total censorship, legitimizing brutality and violent suppression by terrorist organizations and the destruction of the rule of law in your best interest or mine?
Of course not.
The remaining argument in favor of the UN seems to be “but we need them to keep the peace.” Really? Is that what the UN actually does, or is that part of the inverted speech propaganda (say the opposite of reality and act as if it’s true. Rinse and repeat)?
Spend a few minutes with this Forbidden History video and ask yourself if that “peacekeeping” argument makes any sense at all:
and then take action here: PreventGenocide2030.org to tell President Trump to use his authority to withdraw the US from the UN. Now.
You see, President Trump issued an Executive Order No. 141992 on February 4, 2025 withdrawing the US from several UN agencies and directing Secretary of State Marco Rubio to look at all the UN international organizations and treaties to evaluate which ones are in conflict with the interests of the United States, whether they can be reformed or whether we should get out of them.
We have 180 days to prevail upon him to do the right thing. Then we can start unwinding the damage the UN destructocrats have already woven into our society since the UN is the central core source of our many and very serious problems. Push the beast from our shores and we can start the recovery process
It is vitally important for us all to let President Trump know that We, the People, understand clearly that continued membership in the UN is most assuredly NOT in our best interests and we are directing him to withdraw the US from the UN and all of its component bits and pieces. Click here to take that action:
And use your Social Media connections to spread that information. Massive voices raised in the same song, “Exit the UN Now!” are essential. Oh, and here’s a little song about that that goes something like this
Thanks, Connie Shields! (subscribe to Connie’s UnlockAlberta.substack.com)
thank you
Livestock Producers: "virus" resources for your use
Questionnaires, Notice of Conditional Acceptance, a notarized affidavit, etc... for anyone wanting to inspect/test your animals for viruses
Christine Massey FOIs
Feb 27, 2025