Promoting war, famine and disease while claiming to prevent them is the oldest trick in the UN's book. We need to return that book to Rent-A-Tyrant and cancel our subscription.
Firstly, viruses have never been isolated. How can any being be infected with something that DOES NOT EXIST!
We need to give our collective heads a shake and ignore the psychopaths that believe there are too many people in the world. Fact is the entire population of the world would fit into Rhode Island. Cramped but doable.
I understand sheeple concept, but I do not understand the concept of STUPID! Failing to understand simple concepts.
The problem is that the STUPID are controlling the people who can see through the fog of the continuous BS (Bad Science).
i.e.1 Fog caused by industry could not possibly cause accidents on highways.
i.e.2 Experimental animals (birds) have ZERO potential of infecting humans.
i.e.3 Only the FED can create and control your money supply.
Whether viruses exist or not is totally beside the point, Davy. These apparatchiks will slaughter the birds. The birds are, in fact, producing neutralizing antibodies to something.
Of course Avian Flu is nonsense. The source of the nonsense, and of Agenda 2030 and the rest of it is the UN. We need to exit it.
What difference does whether viruses are real or not make to anything I discussed in this article? None at all that I can see, anyway.
thank you
Livestock Producers: "virus" resources for your use
Questionnaires, Notice of Conditional Acceptance, a notarized affidavit, etc... for anyone wanting to inspect/test your animals for viruses
Christine Massey FOIs
Feb 27, 2025
To quote Col. Potter, Beaver Biscuits!
Firstly, viruses have never been isolated. How can any being be infected with something that DOES NOT EXIST!
We need to give our collective heads a shake and ignore the psychopaths that believe there are too many people in the world. Fact is the entire population of the world would fit into Rhode Island. Cramped but doable.
I understand sheeple concept, but I do not understand the concept of STUPID! Failing to understand simple concepts.
The problem is that the STUPID are controlling the people who can see through the fog of the continuous BS (Bad Science).
i.e.1 Fog caused by industry could not possibly cause accidents on highways.
i.e.2 Experimental animals (birds) have ZERO potential of infecting humans.
i.e.3 Only the FED can create and control your money supply.
How STUPID does one have to be anyway?
Just Say NO!
I will not comply!
Dictaphone. -Dick da phone up your ass!
Whether viruses exist or not is totally beside the point, Davy. These apparatchiks will slaughter the birds. The birds are, in fact, producing neutralizing antibodies to something.
Of course Avian Flu is nonsense. The source of the nonsense, and of Agenda 2030 and the rest of it is the UN. We need to exit it.
What difference does whether viruses are real or not make to anything I discussed in this article? None at all that I can see, anyway.