Why is it so hard for people to wrap their heads around the fact that ANY organization that starts with the name WORLD is a centralized global control arm...why would anyone want to trade one for another. I think I can answer that: they want a saviour well news flash, there is no knight in shining armour, WE ARE IT!!! Stop wasting energy on these opportunists and Please go to http://USexitUNnow.com and take action to save your country. Canadians go to http://StopC-293.ca

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If a World organization was based on real democracy, like the Swiss one, and media were not lying to people 24/7, and democracy was not digitized/cracked, but the people themselves were counting the votes together, then I would consider it legit.

The problem today is that people are not organizing and voting in order to achieve real democracy.

So. "WE ARE IT", but not yet, and it might soon be too late...


So what did you organize and vote for? Bad, bad, or nothing decent? There is the problem, in my opinion.

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Oct 5Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Perfectly stated Dr. Laibow

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Thank you. Much appreciated.

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Oct 5Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

All the Kumba-F**kin-Ya! 🤣

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Oct 5Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Dr Rima, how true. I re watched the Hunger Games series and in the final scene, the execution of Snow (the old boss) resulted in Katnis changing her aimed arrow to the new rebel leader, who, it turns out, is same as the old boss! We won't get fooled again! (as sung by non other than the WHO!)

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Oct 5Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

With so few people in possession of your broader (dare I use the term ‘global’) view, do we really have a hope!?

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Of course we do. Social change requires only a few percent of the population to overcome the old order. But we have to actually do it, and do it lawfully and peacefully.

That's why the 10 Million Patriot Challenge at PreventGenocide2030.org is so very important.

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Oct 5Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

The tyrants are so nice, to solve all of these crises for us, that totally aren't manufactured oppression. Beep, boop, beep, boop!

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Oct 5Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Are you being facetious or are you totally asleep and clueless about what is going on right under your nose? Wake up, if you dare, before it is too late.

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"beep boop" are the stereotypical noises representing a machine, often a robot...

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Oct 4Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Yes.I also agree. Such organisations like WHO, IMF are so heavily and deeply entwined with sinister ‘Globalist’ agendas.

They therefore serve very little purpose for Sovereign Developing nations who merely wish to thrive sans destabilising, destructive ‘Globalist’ agendas. These nations have their own Health Depts and advisors and would need no ‘push’ from outside to veer away from their own development oriented direction.

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Oct 4Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

That thing about Power Corrupts………

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"Maria Zeee and Rima Laibow discuss the Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030"


Who are these "Globalists"?

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One of the problems is that the Central Bankers, the International Bankers, the Bank for International Settlements have power over all of mankind, stand above all law, and serve the interests of Zionism.

Another problem is that the U.S. Congress is owned and operated for and by Israel. From the President down to local levels, AIPAC has the cash to influence any election in the manner it chooses. All of the world's powers kowtow to the Zionists. When one looks behind the curtain of fictional History, one can see that Zionists have created and controlled the narrative. The present goal of Zionism is total control of everything and everybody, by terroristic despotism, the ultimate goal being destruction of the goyim.





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I believe Trotsky's explanation is worth considering, since once again, workers, small- and medium-sized businesses are facing Stalinist-like totalitarianism.


The Purge, this time, is however different. It is a monopoly capitalist one, not a communist one. A difference! You yourself decide if it is disinformation when people call it "Marxist"!


In fact, this capitalist purge is killing off humanity slowly and is trying to divide us, through identity politics, so that The People are fighting each other, when we should stand united against the oppressors!

Ethical gay, hetero, black, white, women, men, rich and poor, and everything ethical in between, should stand ethically united against the unethical satanic "omniwar" against us!


There are ethical people among all groups and all identities. Let us unite in ethics and law!

However, the ones committing satanic crimes against humanity, and especially against children, should of course face justice through People's Courts, with laws and ethics as a basis, guided by people with competence!

Should people calling "monopoly capitalism" "Marxisim" be prosecuted, as evil satanic operators of the mass murderous monopoly capitalism, or just be considered ignorant and free of sin? In my opinion, it depends if the ignorance was willful, or just brain degeneration through mass disinformation.

In my opinion, it is up you, The People, to decide!

I am not without flaws, but words are important. Use them wisely!

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Hitler was a nationalist not a globalist so there's that

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Um, his plan was to conquer the globe, creating a permanent state of ruling class dominating the under classes which would serve the ruling class and its goals. I think that makes him a globalist since he wanted to consolidate power, wealth and governance into a single, central focus. His idea of a nation was to rule the world.

How is that not globalist?

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Oct 5Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Exactly. Why is this not clear and obvious to people!

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Oct 5Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

What is your point? Death is fast approaching in the guise of "protecting us." What is happening now is Hitler on steroids. Same program. Same players. But this time everyone on the planet (except the few thugs at the top of the power structure) is a victim.

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