May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

If I do not mistake, one shop for each type of vending sure sounds like the mill stores of 19th C mill towns--one store for everyone, the mill owner sets the prices, and the workers have no choice. How delightful.

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May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

The cities are being subtly being shown in ads here in Australia. It shows the city with the wind farm and hydro in one small spot surrounded by acres of land. Right in your face.

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Yup. That's called programming.

Get Australia out of the UN and the programming goes away!

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May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Fifteen minutes, then fourteen, then thirteen, then, then, then...... you're done.

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Which is why getting out NOW is a really, really good idea. PreventGenocide2030.org has an easy, effective Action Item but it requires MASSIVE numbers to achieve the desired effect. Let's generate them, shall we?

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May 13Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

We shall!

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May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

“They also pollute our air, they use up a huge amount of space in our cities, as well. So if you look at roads in most cities, they take up 30% of the area. What if we could use that 30% not for places to be driving 45 miles an hour, but for other kinds of uses, like for places to sit and eat and watch the world go by?”-oil and gas are not fossil fuels they are renewable hydrocarbons formed in the earth's mantle gas is the cleanest energy source co2 is a fertilizer not a pollutant global warming and more co2 means life explosion not extinction. Then you have psychopath gates who wants to tear/destroy trees to replace with solar power and at the same time also wants to dim the sun!! Trees have always been good and gives oxygen-circle of life. No sun also no life. This lizard is walking around and no one is stopping him.

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May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

They can have it all

I will stay in wide open spaces thanks!

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Sure, Greg, but staying in the wide open spaces is an illegal act if they are in charge (see "rewilding" and "wildlife corridors" and "UNDRIP land grab".

We need to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act NOW. Go to PreventGenocide2030.org to help make that happen.

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Dr. Rima, interesting to note, Cumberland, Maryland developed a full downtown pedestrian mall in the early 1980’s. In October 2024, they will finalize the reconstruction phase of allowing car traffic back on the downtown business section of the city. The pedestrian mall concept was a complete failure economically in a convenience market driven society. Even Walmart is packing groceries and other items for direct pickup or delivery through a third party.

In a recent presentation that Penny & I attended in Berkeley Springs, WV with Dr. David Martin, he stated that they already know that the agenda 2030 plan creates total bankruptcy world wide, should mean that it’s adoption should be easy to defeat on basic kitchen table economics of the electorate! Sincerely, Bernard W. Miltenberger - President of the Pure Water Committee of Western Maryland.

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Right, Bernie. Getting out from under is the way through and that means massive support for the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 here: PreventGenocide2030.org

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May 12·edited May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

"Boone said. “It created cities that were built on what’s sometimes called a human scale so you would be able to — within half an hour — walk and find what you need.”- I hate their cold inhum ane detached language like we're nothing but a science project, lab rats separate from those behind this - "human scale" -why even say this? what other scale might it be? Elephant scale? Bee scale? It's so obvious the disdain

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What they really mean is "Open Air Concentration Camp Scale."

Get us out now. PreventGenocide2030.org

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May 13Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

But we are lab 🐀 look at the plandemic for emergency use only approved "vacinne" should be called death shot. What did the one rat say to the other when he asked if he got tge jab, "I'm waiting for the human trials to be over before I get the shot".

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May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Fffffffukkk them!!!!

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AAAAAAAAGreed! And the way to do that is to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act by going here and taking the Action Item: PreventGenocide2030.org

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May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

If you haven't already

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May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Can you provide the link for the Canadian house of Commons petition to remove Canadians from these evil bstrds! James Roguski , you and him need to connect!


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Here is the link to the Canadian Petition which was subsequently denied: https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4623

James and I are good friends and communicate very often. Thanks!

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May 13Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

He just replied and said the same thing. Dr. Leslyn Lewis is 👌 have you personally tried to talk with her. I've been sending my MP copious amounts of info on the corrupt WHO, WEF and UN. He just replies walking around the issues. And he's a conservative so it makes me feel they are all corrupted by these groups.

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It's pretty clear that Canada has a Uniparty just like the US does. The only solution is getting out of the Death Machine that they are all loyal to.

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Perhaps one needs to look at Maxime Bernier.

Maybe Dr Rima could interview him one day.

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Love Maxime! Only person who put his money where his mouth was during the lockdowns and got arrested....why, I still don't know why. The crown dropped the charges and said the plandemic was over and they weren't going to waste the courts time....this way they didn't set a legal precident so next time they can infringe on our rights and freedoms again. It's quite obvious their plans.

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May 13Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

It is so much easier to use a Directed Energy Weapon on a 15 minute city than to try and depopulate an entire city all at once.

The 'clean up' is so much more manageable.

Once Bitten Twice Shy.

Lahaina, Acapulco, Turkey, Japan, Canada Fires, California Fires - How many more before we get around to managing the Megalomaniac Psychopath Managers who are out to depopulate the world?

"No, Mr Bond. We expect you to die." (Goldfinger)

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Exactly correct as well as brainwashing the general public. The American medical association came out with a communist bs report 3 years ago how it was unhealthy to live outside the hive and on acreage and farms. Communist wef dirt bags paid off!

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May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Stan Freberg would have had a field day writing a diversely sustainable routine/script on this BS, but it feels like you may be in contact with his comedic talent & spirit, if not his actual ghost. Hope you and Sage Hana are correspondingly subscribed to each other. Maybe knowing that Cul de Sacs have come so literally to ground and are no longer just a useful SS Shibboleth, might just blow a small gasket (the result of which might entail more dots getting connected). Carry on, please, and continue.

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May 13Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

A hell world

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May 13Liked by Rima E Laibow MD
May 17·edited May 17Author

Outstanding. I will share this.

Thank you.

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May 13Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Yes Rima, as we all know, culdesacs are dead ends. The place where entropy happens - or more prosaically, where ennui meets it's sweetheart and commits mutual suicide.

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May 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

But, I don’t want to watch the world go bye.

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But, they do not want to give you a choice.

How about getting out? PreventGenocide2030.org

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May 14Liked by Rima E Laibow MD


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