There was no virus.

The people who said that were the ones using logic and strategic thinking to find the root cause of the problems.

The people who went along with the program and spent everyone's time and energy on distractions like pseudodata from the pseudotests and the lunacy of variants, were not using logic and strategic thinking to find the root cause of the problems. They were doing this allopathic activism that you denounce here.

There are many problems that protect the root. Pride is one of them. I propose a "pride renunciation day". On that day, and only on that day will allow themselves to admit they were wrong about whatever it is hurting their conscience. Other people will forgive them. Mandatory hugs and kisses, extra-hard for the germaphobes and the hypochondriacs. It will be a mutual forgiveness day. The next day, everyone can go back to normal, and they will be allowed, for 364 days, to pretend there was a virus, and that it is The Other who is wrong and arrogant, but never them, they were right, they didn't took the side of the enemy in the greatest mindwar in all history. They are not crazy. They are good. Sleep tight.

I was a virus believer for more than two years. I forgave myself after mourning and reflection. I feel better now. I feel even better when I think that the socialists hate the idea of a person analyzing their own conscience and forgiving themselves. The liberation of the individual mind from the shackles of shame and fear. That liberation is a death sentence for totalitarians.

Doctor Rima, the road to Hell is paved with allopathic hubris.

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Mar 23Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Only twenty-eight "Likes" since yesterday, 22 March 2024. It goes to show how brainwashed most "Americans" are, into believing that global(ist) government will "save" us; when, in reality, it is seeking to destroy and eliminate the vast majority of us, which the PsTB are already well on the way to accomplishing. If we don't stop this literally-Satanic globalism, we are all frakked (that's the way it's spelled in Battlestar Galactica, which is where it came from, as the obvious replacement for another four letter word---replacing "f*ck" with "frak"). Thus, we HAVE TO stop this beast, or we're screwed.

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Mar 23Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Good morning Dr Rima.

Very good writing today and well laid out.

Our problem with the getting out of the UN(WHO) control seems to lie in that Congress has been captured and threatened into extinction(along with their families) if they try to withdraw our entrance.

They do not fully understand what will happen once it takes hold(even though it has been done illegally).

While we all hold out hope for a miracle in this, their must be a plan B and even a C to fall back on or the "what if" scenario.

I think this warrants discussion because many people are frightened right now and don't have a clue as to what B and C should be.

You touched upon allopathic medicine today and I am pretty plugged into this argument being CNHP and Level 1 certified aromatherapist that believes in the power of aromatic medicines.

I completely agree about treating just the symptoms and fleecing the system for all they can.

I could really goin deep here but the sake of brevity I will not.

The arrogance of the current medical system works on the fear porn model of scaring their clients(I can't stand the word patient) into treatments they would never undergo had they the time( 2 weeks ) to research and talk to others that have survived and live with their disease.

The covid vaccines were game changers for sure and made it much more difficult to treat someone and cure them because of the complexity of what is going on in the body due to the cellular communication be affected by the nano technology.

The covid vaccines aside, how much were you taught about looking for AI(autoimmune diseases) as the precursor for chronic and life threatening disease and illness?

I seem to get the 1/2day response from most and it was about prescription to the antibody response.

WOW, if they only checked t cell count and IG antibodies before heading into allopathic treatment, just think how the success rate would be if they eliminated the AI disease first or reduced the antibodies load so the innate immune system could fight on it's own???

But as you said, a cured client is a loss of revenue.

What a sick and evil predatory system!

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Mar 23Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Great article.

It's important to understand the evil force behind all what happens in the world. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGQW3X8b8MA&t=1730

How did they come so far?

Understanding Usury: Legality and Its Implications - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI63sdwqBkY

THE ARCHITECT - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4gg0al-the-architect.html

FULL INTERVIEW with ex-KGB Yuri Bezmenov: The Four Stages of Ideological Subversion (1984) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9apDnRRSOCk

We are just one step away from extinction.

Maria Zeee & Dr Rima Laibow on Infowars - UN Blueprint For Forced Smart Cities - https://rumble.com/v4jkj50-maria-zeee-and-dr-rima-laibow-on-infowars-un-blueprint-for-forced-smart-cit.html

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Mar 23Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Thank you for this honest and truthful article.

The core of the problem is when good people sacrifice their principles for income, money, position, status, permits or any other benefit. They corrupt themselves and there is no off ramp for this.

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Mar 23Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Thank you for all you do. I have written to and called my elected officials to exit the UN and have sent this info to every I know.

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Mar 24Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

As regards the issue whether viruses cause disease, the following is what matters in relation to the fausse pandemic Convid 19.


Convid was a financial event, a stopgap emergency effort to prevent the civilization, or rather the financial system, from collapsing. People need to get their head around that and stop viewing convid as a health event. The financial system, which is none other than a grossly abused and distorted expression of the underlying physical world, has been on life support for nearly two decades, since 2008-9. There are multiple causes behind that, the most important probably being dwindling resources that drive our civilization, notably fossil fuels.

As to viruses, this is an issue for biologists who like to poke into stuff in stinky labs. Do viruses function the way virology claims, or is it all bullshit, and viruses are the product of disease, i.e. disintegrating cells, as Stefan Lanka and others claim? Who knows. Who cares. There are a whole bunch of idiots who do stuff like file freedom-of-information requests worded in a particular way and when they receive a response from the government that there is no record of a purified virus, they claim that viruses don't exist. The idiocy of this is mind-boggling, as is the fact that so many people have latched onto this craze and amplify it.

What matters is my body my choice. Let's assume that viruses work the way it is conventionally believed. Fine. All the measures imposed during the plandemic will work and 'protect' those who are scared shitless of the virus. A person who fears the virus can lock himself down, wear 85 masks, get fuckccinated, distance themselves, and even put a plug in his bodily orifices to prevent the malicious little bugger from entering his body, like from behind for example. THERE IS NO NEED FOR ANYBODY ELSE TO BE FORCED TO 'PROTECT' THEMSELVES OR OTHERS. If these measures work, the protected are protected. If they don't provide protection, they're useless. That's all there's to it. End of story.

Opposing the liberticidal measures imposed during the plandemic through virus-doesn't-exist claims is a particularly stupid strategy. First of all, there is no platform where such a claim could be submitted, heard, and ruled on. Second, nobody gives a fuck. Third, while the no-virus crowd is correct about the inconclusive or perhaps even fallacious nature of virology's proofs, what they claim does not rule out the possibility that virology is basically correct.

Fourth, and most importantly, even if irrefutable proof is provided that virology is a bunch of crock (for that an irrefutable alternate theory would have to be furnished), the perpetrators could use a number of other issues to lock people down, the same or worse way they did during convid. Such as climate change.

As to the causes of disease claimed by no-virusers, such as toxins, annual detox, psychosomatic, some makes sense, some don't (such as annual detox). But all of them are zillion times less researched than virology; they're mostly wild hallucinations. The only research I'm aware of is French statistician Pierre Chaillot who has demonstrated nearly perfect correlation between temperature and sickness/death rate. But this is mathematical, not biological.

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Mar 23Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I started going to the Sr. Center to shoot pool with a friend in the last month. A gentleman there, 80 years old, told us of his experience last August that led to his hospitalization for 8 days. His wife had found him unconscious and called an ambulance. I think he said it was pneumonia but was also sepsis. Once there the Drs. asked him permission to do a procedure on his jugular vein to open blood flow bc he was on the verge of death to which he agreed. His vital organs were all operating poorly. He had numerous Drs. while there 8 days coming into his room and treating him. He said he felt if he hadn’t had the extra insurance from an supplemental insurance policy he obtained & maintained from any years ago, he likely would’ve be alive today.

He has been covid vaxed, I think he said, 3-4 times and wanted more of them, but his Dr. or “they” he said wouldn’t allow any more.

Also, at the Sr. Center another regular pool shooting guy had died a month ago. The man in his early 70’s apparently got “covid” from another man playing pool who had covid. One survived the other didn’t. The one who didn’t survive, had cancer in the past for which had been successfully treated.

Personally, I really wasn’t aware covid was still very active and people dying from it?? Geert Vanden Bossche has been predicting a very high death rate to come from all the massive covid mrna vaccinations. All these men discussed here had been vaccinated numerous times. The 80 yo man never mentioned covid as a part of why he was so sick, but his symptoms of pneumonia & sepsis are immune related I believe. Much has been said about immune system damage from the covid vaccines as well. At his age to have had sepsis, he is fortunate to have survived from what I understand. He doesn’t feel 100% recovered but overall well. I do wonder if at his age, as it seems difficult to discern, would he have been sick anyhow not related to covid vaccines or covid?

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Mar 23Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Phenomonal article! Agree with every word. ❤️

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

Why aren’t you instructing people to fight local UN Agenda 21 in their local area? Cancelling a town’s ICLEI membership is the first step to doing this. Ending the UN is not practical for soccer moms. Niki Raapana and Rosa Koire devoted their lives to unearthing this strategy.

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Great! Now dig deeper. The UN receives its guidance from NGOs that are primarily financed by corporations. Those corporations are primarily owned, through stock shares, or controlled by central banks. Those private central banks are coordinated by the BIS, which is privately owned. The owners are families. They have been doing this since the first central bank, the Fondo, was created in Venice in the Middle Ages. These families are possessed by demons. That is the root of the problem. Everything else is allopathic.

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Do you all know that many people believe the graphene in the vaccine was the first step in transhumasim.. all part of our big Tuskegee like experiment..

They are trying to connect everyone to the cloud for tracking & AI medicine..

I was attached in 2008 .. so it is possible

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It’s NOT about HEALTH… it’s all about National Security… once you realize that .. it’s all clear

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Dismissing conventional, allopathic, medicine is as idiotic as subscribing to it unreservedly.

Take a person suffering from, say, a strep infection of some parts of the body. The core cause is some way in which the body was compromised, which allowed bacteria to proliferate and start eating the person away. Could have been an injury - think of Lucien Bouchard and his leg. Cold weather resulting in low humidity resulting in damaged mucus membranes in the respiratory tract exacerbated by a lack of sunshine and exhaustion. Etcetera.

Unfortunately, in many if not all such cases, treating the cause is not quite possible, but if the resulting symptoms are left untreated, the sick fella might croak. Lucien Bouchard's leg had to be amputated to save the guy. It's impossible to address the root cause. How will you treat the cause in a situation where a person sustains a serious injury and develops an infection? You take a fucking time machine to go back to a point before the injury to prevent it? Hardly, eh?

Sure, medicine is grossly abused and misused for all sorts of nefarious purposes. But let's not go crazy overboard the other way and reject everything en masse.

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No government is going to do anything to help anyone but their employers, which is not us. All big banks are Private banks, Central Banks, the Fed, etc. That’s who decides so forget about your politicians, waste of time and energy. The system is rigged.

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Thank you. I’m 86 I take no drugs and no vaccines. I have scleroderma but I have few symptoms I put this down to my lifestyle. I think the medical profession is a joke. I share with you a tendency to see the holes in arguments. I’m appalled that people no so little about their own bodies. I’m afraid the in and cohorts will win because people want to stay in their comfort zone. I think our species is in decline and will become extinct soon. Perhaps this is the natural course of evolution..

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