I think you mean PreventGenocide2030.org

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Jews started WW2 and while there was no 6M holocaust, there were many people killed... mostly Messianic Jews. Remember that the pharma companies are run by Jews, the degeneracy in the media is almost entirely by Jewish production companies, almost all of the porn industry is owned by Jews, The fake news companies are almost all run by Jews, the fake money that the bankers use to buy up our land is printed by a Jewish company, and the only group that you can't talk crap about lest you be thrown in jail are Jews.

"Antisemite" is a nonsense term which suggests that everyone who speaks semitic languages are Jew and it's tossed around at anyone who says anything negative with the word Jew in it...

"90% of the porn industry is owned by Jews"

"You're an antisemite, derp."

"The COVID19 mutagen injections were inspired and promoted by the Rothschild family, a family of Jews" "You're an antisemite, derp."

"WW2 was declared by Jewish leadership in 1933 because Hitler kicked their banks out of the country" "You're an antisemite, derp"

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Yup. You're an antisemite, Justin. Thanks for the clarification for all to see.

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Actually he would be an anti-tamuldist.

Jews you speak of and Jews he speaks of are not the same people in scope beliefs, public perception anything which is why antisemitism as used by you , which is the globalist narrative frankly, is prima facie opaque to the point of being nonsensical and it’s by design.

Not all Semites are Jewish.

Not all Zionists, if anything most are not Jewish.

This is an overt psyop.

Israel is a criminal enterprise founded by criminal enterprise to carry out… criminal enterprise.

Read the Balfour Declaration among other things. Get educated, get over your holocaust victim hood programming.

And that doesn’t mean forget it, doesn’t mean pretend it doesn’t matter .

It does mean the narrative the idea that had you to paraphrase Jung, does not serve you or any people.

It serves globalists who require this kind of trauma based mind control to carry out their bullshit usery, fake money, mass murder , tyranny and eventually global government.

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Are any of those statements inaccurate?

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Yup, pretty much ever declarative statement in what you wrote is antisemitic drivel.

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Judea Declares War On Germany

Daily Express, March 24, 1933, pp. 1-2


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If you weren't just another CIA asset like fat boy Alex Jones, you'd be talking about the COVID injFections history.

If you weren't just another CIA asset, you might say something about the 2015 patent filed by Mr. Rothschild titled "System and Method for Detection of COVID19", but you don't.

If you weren't just another CIA asset you might say something about the shipment of PCR fraud sticks (mark of the beast administration tools) all over the world... in 2019.

You spout all kinds of gibberish about cancer but completely ignore the cause -- genetic tampering. You never discuss the injectable mutagens altering the DNA or their use of quantum dots, elastic nanoswimmers, and hydrogel to grow technology in the body including biosensors, transceivers, and neural interfaces. Neither do you seem to care that the erythrocytes are being replaced with erythromers that don't die or the fact that morgellon fibers crawl through the body and deposit genetic material such that your body starts producing the face tagging material in the sebum of your pores.

You don't seem to care that ultraviolet lights are being set up all over the world because the zombies infected by this Jew-inspired horror have faces that glow orange when illuminated with 365nm+ ultraviolet light with dark filters. The literal mark of the beast will be connected to a digital currency and used for mind controlling and remotely mutating the infected.

Maybe if you weren't just another asset, you'd talk about the 1992 olympics opening ceremony where the Jews told those with eyes to see what they were planning... an AI powered android false god standing at the steps of the temple and spreading out its arms declaring itself the messiah, followed by "virus" infected people and graphene 'black goo' miraculously activating. Yeah, PRAISE YESHUA and the holy Father for warning us. "When the abomination of desolation stands where he ought not... FLEE into the mountains. If you are on the roof of your house, don't even go down in there". Why could that be? ZOMBIES. The world wide web has gone sentient and now is the time that the Jews want to activate their digital god, which will be the end of almost all of humanity.

You don't seem to care about any of this; no doubt you have a cushy little spot set aside in the massive underground cities prepared for just such an occasion. UV lights on the street lamps and in big box store parking lots will be used for transfer stations, quarantining most in the cities but allowing those with clear faces to be the new seeds of the Earth's next generation.

I wonder if you'll be sharing a block with Solomon Friedman, the rabbi that owns Pornhub. Just like a good little Sodomite rabbi, he declares he will use his company "Ethical Capitol Partners" to bring that sexual degeneracy porn conglomerate to new heights!

Meanwhile the rest of us will be sitting and staring at Freemason Trump's Abraham Accords coin and pondering the imagery in the shape of a giant gentile-slaughtering sword. Let's see, we have microchips connected to DNA, a syringe and vaccine vial, a heart cardiograph for biosensors [or maybe heart attacks in the targeted], a satellite dish to connect you to the internet, some cyborg cogs and binary numbers, a PALM TREE (false messiah, anyone?), a satellite so there is nowhere to run from the Jew horror, a space shuttle to take you.... and your peace dove... to SATURN -- the god of the Jews. Oh yeah, and there are ten stars for some reason... ten stars for ten kings perhaps?

Yes, the Saturnalia Synagogue of Satan Sodomites are alive and well and defying all good to flex their unrighteous muscle through despicable usury, promotion of sexual degeneracy, fraud in media, mind control with the dead Internet they stole from us, use of neverending toxic plastics and pharmaceutical oil poison medications, use of government to promote destruction, use of military to create wars all over the world, and the manipulation of people by forever propagading lies such as racism and "der holocaust, hur hur". In order to gain sympathy from idiot people, they use assets like you to cover up their murder of millions, including the murder of many millions in WW2 -- mostly Messianic JEWS who they hated for their love of Christ -- but also many others including gypsies or people [like me] who speak out against the horror that is the Jew enslavement of mankind.

They and their friends in the Satanic Catholic Vatican have bastardized the holy bible and censored all but SIXty SIX books, and promoted the lie that God is just one person. God is a SPECIES, which is why in Genesis it says "Let US make man in OUR image" and also why GOD on earth called down fire on Sodom from GOD in heaven.

I didn't choose to be a pawn in this damn war between a bunch of alien creatures that can't just get along with each other, but I'll be damned if I don't fight on behalf of myself and the rest of us that simply want to do what's right. I will never be righteous but I will die trying. That includes me dying while pointing at frauds like you and barking out the TRUTH.

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Oh by the way... have you ever read Edwin Black... the Transfer Agreement?

It is well documented that the Zionists and the Nazis worked together to bring the Jews to Palestine...


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No they are not. And anyone who says they are is ignorant or a jewish apologetic gymnastic.

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Exposing the truth is not anti-semitism...

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Are you anti-gentile? Do you think there is a good reason the goyim should serve the "jews" like animals? If you say no, than YOU ARE ANTI-SEMITE.

On the other hand, anti-semite is a UNICORN, seeing as how modern jews are NOT semites at all!! ADL and rabbis invented this SPIEL so that they can censor and eliminate any opposition, PLAIN AND SIMPLE!

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Bullshit, Sirius.

And I am not a fan of anyone serving anyone, so that whole thing is not even on the same planet with what I said.

Maybe it makes sense on some planet around your star, but not on this one.

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The word is OUT and you cant do anything about it. Who has eyes and ears is saying what I am saying. Who is blind/ignorant or is lying is saying what you are saying.

NOAHIDE LAWS - Torah Family




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You're one of the anti-Semites and self-hating "Jews", self-hating because you hate what Judaism TRULY stands for AND AGAINST. What you and Zionism support is FASCISM WRIT (VERY) LARGE, taking over the entire world right now, and already having exterminated over the amount of victims of the original holocaust through the present holocaust scam/plan(ned)demics and "vaccines". You're supposedly against the latter; but, contrary to what you claim, you are NOT completely against what "Israehell-on-Earth" is doing in Palestine, and to the Palestinians, RIGHT NOW! Wake up all the way!

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WOO HOO, Steppen. You have no idea what I am against re: Palestine. What did you not understand about "Israel is doing the work of the Globalists. Hamas is doing the work of the Globalists"? Was that too complex for you?

Now, I do not support Fascism writ at any size.

I think your reaction is pure knee jerk nonsense, personally.

And i most certainly am not either a self-hating Jew (minus the quotation marks) nor a self-hating "Jew" with the quotation marks.

That's a pretty presumptuous thing to say, actually, but it goes with the knee jerk nonsense.

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Zionist Jew controlled Israel is the Cancer of the entire world. Those that call themselves Zionists support the genocide of the Palestinians,.

We will see who GOD favors at the end?

Dr Rima, you lack the real truth about Zionism and the roots intertwined with communism and Karl Marx with the Rothschild family ties and their plan to control the world through a fiat money system

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Nope, Xmen. Actually, I know that story quite well. I just come to different conclusions about the data than you do.

Anyone who says anything as absurd and irrational as, "Zionist Jew controlled Israel is the Cancer of the entire world" has already demonstrated a distressing lack of rational thought.

If you have a God that favors that, then I am glad it's not the one that I have!

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YHWH seems to, if you read the scriptures carefully. It wasn't until after Israelites continually engaged in bad behavior such as sexual degeneracy, worship of idols, human sacrifice, and cannibalism that he decided to send Yeshua with the message that it no longer mattered if you were a descendant of Israel or not as long as you repented of sin and lead a sinless life.

Also keep in mind that Jews were the descendants of Judah, who were not YHWH's chosen. By Jewish law, usury is forbidden... unless the client is a Gentile. Imagine that.

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The Zionist Jews have violated this law and enslaved the entire world with debt. They are only allowed to charge interest in their homeland and only when a foreigner(or gentile) is making profit in their homeland and taking that profit out of the country.

Israel not supposed to exist as punishment from GOD for their continued transgressions but now that they have the homeland(by the grace of Palestine allowing them back in the late 1920's via deal brokered by England) they see it just to violate yet, another law.

There are depths in hell. The Zionist Jews will be buried so far down, that those above in hell, will not be able to hear their cries of anguish and from torment they will suffer for their defiance toward GOD.

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I believe we are already in a version of hell now. This world is destroyed by selfishness. Case in point, I just checked; AirBNB is worth 96 billion dollars. Why don't people wake up and realize that a public tool should not be a profiteering enterprise?

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Public tool? It is a for profit corporation. Airbnb.org is a non profit run by the for profit company.

The fact that you make use of something does not make it a non profit.

Once again, Justin, facts are useful if you are going to say something. They provide a better basis than fantasy.

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Your first comment doesn't disagree with me. It puts a star by my comment. That type of system should be 100% nonprofit, existing only for the purpose of providing a service to the people.

"The fact that you make use of something does not make it a nonprofit" <-- Ha? Come again?

What "fact" did you state which contradicts anything I said?

AI BOT identified

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Yeah. Why does the CDC own patents on 23 vaccines I believe??

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The entire Jewish narrative of Nazi Germany and Hitler was a complete lie sold and engrained into the minds of the entire world. Had Hitler succeeded, the entire world would have followed Germany into peace and prosperity and independence from the grip of globalism and the fiat banking system they preys upon and enslaves countries of the world today.

Nuremberg was a cover up for allied war crimes

I am 100% anti Zionist and would love nothing more than to see the entire lot of them cease to exist.

I am not a hater of the Jews. I hate the Zionist Jews and that is 1% of all Jews.

Just like in Islam, 2%ofall Muslims adhere to the Wahhabi philosophy, while the rest of Islam despises them. But they are the controlling faction just like the Zionist Jews.

I don't think you do know the real story because those that believe the official narrative that sees people imprisoned for questioning it are the same clowns that control MSM and the entertainment industry today.

So you must follow MSM closely then. Do you believe the media?

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Your percentages and assurances of who is what are absurd.

I KNOW the holocaust was real because of my own personal experience. You are deluded, my friend and, no, I do not follow the MSM because I follow the truth.

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You follow the truth? How so? Holocaust (BURNT OFFERING) is how jews offer sacrifice to Satan - Jesus THE MESSIAH explains this very well!

Oh right, it is because orthodox jews (Talmudic Sanhedrin) renounce the MESSIAH ...

What about NOAHIDE laws then eh? You plan on decapitating ALL THE opposition? We will see about that!

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She blocked me from replying to her.

She does not recognize anything beyond her own preconceived ideal of what she wants the truth to be.

Ignorance is a her choice in the world today.

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I have not blocked anyone in this discussion.

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Btw, I can not even hit likes on comments… but I found that I can via notes and notifications!

Cheers Xmen442002

(check my stacks, you might like them :)

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Yup. You are an antisemite, Xmen. Thanks for the confirmation.

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Just labelling people as anti-semites because you seem what they say to be false or maybe true but you don't want to expose it as such or whatever reason is absolutely idiotic, childish and part of the reason why more and more of us Goyim are noticing who the string pullers are....

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Hoe can I be anti Semitic by supporting Palestine??

I guess she thinks it's all about the Jewish people that are the only Semites?

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No, Xmen, you are an antisemite because of the other things you write, not because of your support of the Palestinians or Palestine. You express hateful, violent beliefs about a group of people known as "Jews", which you cover by using the code word "Zionists". But the message is clear and, yes, while there are other semitic groups, the term refers specifically, culturally and historically to negative stereotypes and behaviors toward Jews specifically.

And you know that, or at least, you should know that, since you opine so passionately on the topic.

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It just goes to prove that you do indeed not know where Zionism started and by who?

Zionist Jews do not adhere to laws of Judaism.(1%)

Those that support this are known as Zionists and many of them are not Jewish, so this makes no sense at all for the Zionist code word.

Answer this Dr Rima?Why must there be laws in place that jail and even prescribe the death sentence to outspoken people about things that were lied about to protect this universally accepted truth about Germany and WW II if this is the GOD given truth about Hitler and Nazi Germany?

What kind of history needs this kind of threat to accept without question?

Watch the documentary and allow your beliefs to be tested.

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Welll stated, Dr Rima!

Classic divide and conquer! One of the oldest tricks in the book.

Even if one doesn’t fall for the trick, the narrative lives on.

The narrative morphs into other forms, to hide the facts as you so aptly laid them out.

Thank you.

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Thanks, Marc. The depressing thing is how well it keeps on working.

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For those that wish to see the truth, including Dr. Rima.

Find out what was hidden from us.

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Ignorance is a choice in the world today.

The news and the truth are never the same thing.

You are not educated in the "true" history of what happened.

History is written by the victors Dr. Rima.

Israel should not exist as punishment from GOD for their continued transgressions.

How can I be anti-Semitic by choosing to support Palestine in this affair?

Absurd accusations from someone who has not studied, what was not revealed to us until the last few years.

You are not an authority on this subject and I hope more people look into what I and others are saying about the lies and cover up.

Here's some help: https://archive.org/details/europa_the_last_battle_full

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Big opportunity here Rima, reach out to Mike Adams & say Stew Peters & have a sensible debate. Moderator to be agreed upon by all parties. Collectively, arrange some sponsorship & pay per view, you'll get knocked over in the rush. How about Alex Jones in your camp & have a series of debates, with agreed terms & conditions. All parties seem to think their position is the correct position, then, metaphorically speaking, "duke it out". At debates end run a poll & let the people decide which position makes most sense. It'll be bigger ratings than the Presidential "election" & would bolster everyone's earning potential in their campaigns, right or wrong. Historically, this would be an important record & might bring an olive branch to the table.

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I don’t think a sensible debate is possible with rabid adherents to an irrational belief system.

Read through the absolutely ridiculous comments on this page and you’ll see that logic has no entry point for these true believers.

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Irrational because we know the real history and you do not.

You are being schooled by people here that know much more than you do.

You are out of your league on this subject.

This is not a subject you should have chosen to engage upon and probably wise not to do it again.

But as I told Sage today: "It's your substack and you can choose to do as you like."

Don't expect universal agreement because of your celebrity status.

That's not a reality on Substack.

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You can't prove it wouldn't be sensible from the bleachers but it's your call. All the best.

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Excellent! Well said my friend! You are a trumpet and force of nature to defend humanity. God bless you! Bernie

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Thank you, Bernie. If you peruse the comments below, you will see that not everyone agrees with you and me. But, after all, that is why I wrote the piece.

Please share it widely.

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This is conjecture misdirection and misdirection.

Torah Jews are wonderful and have many friends.

Talmudic Jews only recently got laws against alleged blood libel and it has nothing to do with Christ’s blood or any religious conflict .

It has to do with their proclivities and well and long documented history of doing evil, subversive and barbaric things INCLUDING the ritual killing of goyim and telltale signature is the lack of blood , in addition to intentional failure to hide bodies .

It’s not antisemitism, which by the way includes the Palestinian actually are where the khazarian/ ashkenazi are not Semites but genocidal crazed murderous dehumanizing and barbaric cultist who as genocide on Gaza and their land theft , which was only possible due to the Rothschilds- self described founding family of Israel.

The contention this is driven by ethnicity, religion or bigotry and not the obviously understandable and rational universal realization that Talmudic Jews are not able to be assimilated , don’t want to be and will subvert whatever government or monarch in power is the actual reason for alleged prejudice and discrimination and it’s unequivocally unfounded. And it is historical fact, a repeat pattern and given their text allows for slavery, pedophilia with goyim girls under 9 and pedastry with boys I believe in a younger age bracket and that goyim in rabbinical court and teachings have the same value as livestock accounts for their total disregard for goyim life and all their disgusting criminal enterprise of usury slavery and baiting into hazard - in all serious contexts it is not jew hatred or judaophobia that is the issue . It has nothing to do with who’s doing it, the issue is the depravity and criminality and barbarism of the crimes people wouldn’t tolerate.

It just so happened many were Talmudic or Masonic or Kabbalist offshoots.

not to say that no Jews have never been subject to violent bigots and or killed .

The the holocaust was inexcusable.

However given the temporal proximity to the grotesque murder of both the tsar and basically Russia as a state, which rejected central banking and yes even had “antisemitic” laws - not to persecute Jews. It was to prevent infiltration and subversion of the monarchy and to protect the market for the people and the Bolsheviks violently committed a successful seditious conspiracy to overthrow a monarch.

In that context /some / of the non violent things hitler did and I can’t believe im even saying this but rooting out Talmudic “Jews “ from the market and infiltrating government was a rational move to make and one Putin had to do again in the 90s albeit not well enough.

And the whole world needs if we’re ever to see peace and prosperity.

Freemasonry, Kabbalah, Talmud etc and central banks are not compatible with free peoples of all walks of life. And I’m not advocating any violence or pogroms or anything unacceptable.

What I am saying is many are waking up to the fact that Jew and antisemitism are miasmatic terms and this is deliberate.

And your blood thing: how come that only became the red herring that you absorbed without question or context permeated worldwide UNTIL said media was beholden to special interests that amassed said wealth after getting a central bank everywhere most importantly the federal reserve?

I love your work and respect you and have for years but this is not the you I know. This is amygdalic diatribe with no real basis in reality. There’s a captured corporate media basis sure but nothing else .

People of the world love Torah Jews same way humans like to live and let live and tend to do .

No peoples have been happy happy with how Talmudist and other supremacist cultures treat them or anyone else it’s a human universal.

Mike Adams is not a bigot. He has an open mind and is well educated. So generally are you. I’m assuming based on said diatribe you’re Jewish and I have sympathy for what Zionists do both to Jews as a people and their other many targeted peoples. Zionism makes Jews unsafe and I’m sorry if you worry about your safety and hearing people being unapologetic for their historical knowledge and unwillingness to compromise their principles and beliefs and values based on ADL emotional blackmail and propaganda.

But you and countless Jews who are wonderful people will always be safe and common to us goyim you are safest without Talmudic subjugation , dehumanization , racketeering and fomenting of chaos they seem to be unable to not do believing in the Talmud.

From the blood spilled by the Bolsheviks to Gaza today. It’s not a bug it’s a feature. And humanity needs to have honest discussions not emotional blackmail based solely on the holocaust - and let’s be crank compared to the mass murders that they have plotted and carried out while universally unacceptable, the holocaust isn’t even a spit in the bucket consorted to the min hundreds of millions to max almost a billion people they directly or indirectly killed . Last ~150 years is replete with examples .

So continue to unite all peoples like you do just realize and get better educated on how Talmudists, Jesuits etc are not irrelevant or tangential. They are in fact the Leonardo DiCaprio of the film NWO biomedical tyranny mark of the beast central banking cdbc vaccine holocaust hellscape we are trying to avoid

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You seriously think this war started on October 7 and that Israel wasn’t doing horrible things before then? Then please explain this fact that Israel had been abducting children long before that date and holding them in prison without charges or a trial. Or this recent disgusting act by Israel.


Israel had been blockading Gaza since 2006. Israeli is not a victim. And no I’m not an anti semite before you accuse me of that . I’m just sad that you can overlook what Israel has been doing to Palestinians since 1948. Are you aware that Israeli snipers deliberately shoot Palestinians in the knees and causing amputations? Or just killing them outright? If you can’t admit that they have been doing despicable things then I sure that no truth will get through to you. Even the world court has said that Israel is committing a plausible genocide. Denying that won’t change the facts.

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I am not denying anything although the death numbers in Gaza have been, like the Covid death numbers, shockingly exaggerated.

I am saying that the conflict is manufactured for the benefit of the globalist cabal, like the BLM conflict in the US.

And “even the world court”’s condemnation doesn’t mean much, given that it is as corrupt as every other UN body.

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Have you seen this one?

The Mystery of Israel:


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Shockingly uninformed. Israel conducted a unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 and Gaza voted Hamas into power thereafter, which went ahead and cleansed the Strip of any “traitors” and Fatah members, in order to establish a de facto dictatorship - the most popular thing was to throw people of roofs and / or tie them to the back of motorcycles and drag them through the Strip until their death. It might be worthwhile listening to a Gazan who has managed to flee into the West every now and then to tell the tales of Hamas’ despicable violence against their own people, including incarceration, torture, beheadings and honor killings (which continue also in the West Bank and Israeli-Arab communities to this day). I trust you have never been in Gaza, or Yemen or Saudi Arabia, which is too bad because you would have learned a thing or two about the Arab’s world obsession with the only Jewish state, due to an inherent religious cult programming that starts at young age and continues all the way through High School and thereafter.

No Israel is not a criminal enterprise no matter how much you’d like it to be that, no more criminal than the US, Australia, Italy, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, the UK et al, but by people like yourself spewing such nonsense without likely ever having set a foot into the Middle East, you are completing another round of shadow projection and ‘othering’ at its finest. The country and its people carry light and shadow like any other country and other peoples including the Palestinians in form of Hamas and Fatah. They must be held accountable re human rights violations and war crimes where applicable but ffs stop exorcising your own demons over the Jewish/Israeli back. Take back your projections, travel the region, understand the Geopolitics, religious and cult programming and everything in between. Read a book or two and read beyond the Balfour Declaration and educate yourself about 2000+ years of history. Read the acknowledgements of Arabs themselves that the country is the Jewish homeland but that come hell or sunshine the Muslim cult programming won’t allow the Jews (the pigs! The Infidels!) to have their own country ever… and by default are in a permanent state of warfare with them, thus completing the world agenda beautifully (=constant warfare). And yes the Jews have contributed to that as well.

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Good post... to put it into perspective...

The Term Anti Semite is used today by Jewish Supremacist to cover up their crimes.

No Jew is above the Law yet by some miraculous settings (Corruption) they are above the Law.

This is unacceptable.

This is a Note I published yesterday...

Just for people who accuse me of being Anti Semitic or telling me that I “have it in” for Jews…

Listen to this Interview by Redacted…

Illegal Immigration… where does the Money Go?

Jewish Family Services!

That’s right folks…

Jewish Family Services .

Hundreds of Millions if not billions to Jewish Family Services who profit from Illegal Immigration.

So please will you stop calling me names for calling the Devil by his name!

Jewish Family Services… behind Mass Immigration paid for by you the taxpayers.


This is his substack


And we must not forget that Adolf Hitler himself was a Rothschild.


So to put it into perspective... Any Group that wants to control by lies and deception (that'll be the Jews) should be locked up and the key thrown away.

Israel today is Nazi Germany 1933... and Netanyahoo is Hitler.

By the way of deception we shall wage war... and that they do... a war against the world.

One last thing... the Kol Nidre...

The Kol Nidtre is the holiest of Jewish Prayers and it is an absolution to lie.

It tells Jews that they are better than others and we are their subjects and they can Lie steal and kill us if they want.... "The Goy only exist to serve the Jews..."

This is unacceptable.


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Pro-Human and Anti-EVIL here. (period) All the word salads give me a terrible headache.

Still digging and learning on this long journey for Truth.

Watched this one today – Mind blowing, especially about Chimpanzee Chromosomes vs Humans.

Khazarian Mafia: The God Eaters


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I don't #Believe All Women.

Nor do I #Believe All Jews

I see so much "duper's delight" in the faces of these interviewees.

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Funny, I see no such thing in their faces or in their eyes.

And, as a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, I am generally pretty good at that sort of determination. Not perfect, but pretty good.

I think you see what you want to see there, Joanie.

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As do you, Rima.

I've no predilection in this war.

But I smell psyopery, big time. Just as I did at the very start of "the pandemic."

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Dr Rima E Laibow giving credit to the events of Oct7 are about as ridiculous as a plane hitting the Pentagon. Maybe when I see Jews obeying every God given law handed down thru Moses I will believe they have the right to the land formally called JUDAH. That in no way gives them a right to the Northern Kingdom known as Israel. That said what is going on in that land today is a fortification for the NWO to operate out of. All the security and killing of Palestinians is to have a place to hold Christians who won't accept Noahide laws.

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