Keep up the good work doc.

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I rarely watch TV. I realize it’s not good to have one. I turn off my wifi each night. I wish you could interview Deborah Tavares and Leuren Moret. They both have been also trying to get the word out. Barry Trower tried to inform many (including dignitaries.) about the whole EWF Frequencies. I think he is/was really thinking that would make them stop it. Unfortunately, I think they were aware. Anyway, Good video, and will try get the word out!

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( I meant to say that in the themes of new shows and like the Handmaid’s Tale, one was to expect awful and …super SCARY things to happen, and practically relentless, and that “Home is where you ARE” (no homes owned i guess.) I forgot to explain that part.)

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I made myself watch a bunch of THE HANDMAID’s TALE, which has been like Predictive Programming. They show muzzled women, with zero rights. Like 3-4 themes going through it: Obey the leader completely and comunal living, shared possessions, and the idea that life will be super in believably cruel!

Oh I forgot a cult of Jehovah’s Witnesses thing that came up, which is REALLY RARE! Well, they sent “Elder’s Letters” to congregations. That “Many Elders” wrote JW Headquarters asking for EKG TYPE HEART Machines to keep people alive, who have heart events happening at the church! I think they requested this because MANY ARE EXTREMELY SICK! Guess what JW headquarters replied: “NO, remove any machines you got.” This tells me that many JWs are suffering, and it’s worse than ever. I bet there are MANY RELIGIONS WITH THE SAME ISSUES!!

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If that new vaccine has mRNA, or hydrogel, won’t that mean that the DNA replication won’t ever stop, because of the fact that they wanted all vaccines to have that in them? So they become SMALLPOX DISEASE FACTORIES anywhere from 4 weeks to infinity pretty much, right?

One thing I know happened with my ex religion (cult) I had grown up in, unfortunately, but left: The cult leaders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses convinced all the members at their headquarters in each county to take all the covid vaccines. Then, after they got their deadly jabs, in an extremely RARE ALLOWANCE, which they hardly ever let their volunteers visit home, AFTER THE JABS, THEY LET MANY OR ALL GO VISIT THEIR FAMILIES, LIKE RIGHT AFTER THEY GOT THE SHOTS! I believe that was INTENTIONAL ON THE LEADER’s PART! What I thought was really odd was, that when in around the time EBOLA was an issue in Sierra Leon, the JW cult supposedly taught JWs there how to be hygenic and ‘prevent’ it. Well, right about then, they had a huge JW Convention of THOUSANDS coming from even as far as Uganda, I believe. Not long afterward, suddenly there were outbreaks in the joining country, which I think was Uganda!! I think maybe they were forced to get a jab for Ebola to go to the convention, and maybe that is what caused outbreaks far away…shedding or something! The Governing Body towed the line, calling covid jab safe and effective. They are 501C3 NGOs, and so, I think they are helping the whole agenda. They promoted a New World Order, and I finally saw them for who they were. Sadly, they have 8 million religious congregants. They got about 1/2-3/4 to get the jab at least one time! I keep trying to bring awareness to my ex cult I had been born in. That is because it is compromised religions and cults are convincing MILLIONS TO DO WHAT THEY WANT, so that is partly WHY not enough people are waking up, doing their part. The JW leaders are removing elders if they don’t take the jabs. The new jab won’t be any different. So they ARE GOING TO COERCE CONGREGANTS AGAIN WITH EVERY ‘PANDEMIC.’ Please help spread the word, because compromised religions and cults will make their people NOT listen to reason from you, me, or any other whistleblower! This is WHY it’s so hard to wake up people: maybe because the 30,999 other cults ALSO are making the members ignore ‘conspiracy theories’ and so they are told NOT TO DO RESEARCH…

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Please help me make history by signing and sharing this petition and exceed our 5,000 signature goal. You can find the petition here:

"Demand an End to the Targeted Individual Special Access Unacknowledged Program" Will you join me in supporting this issue? https://www.thepetitionsite.com/142/079/399/demand-an-end-to-the-targeted-individual-special-access-unacknowledged-program/ By Ana Toledo of Targeted Justice - please support the closure of this criminal program harassing and murdering covetly of civilians around the globe, thank you

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Killing me would be less than injuring me and forcing me to live with the results afterward. Maimed and injured so much that I could not fight beck is my greater concern. "Give me Liberty or Give Me Death."

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Even in Canada you have the right to defend yourslef from anybody that is bent on your destruction, death or injury. You are allowed to use as much force as necessary to stop the intrusion.

So says Canadian Law.

In Britian they are cutting down the street lights that have Laser weapons in them. The police can't do a thing because they are protecting themselves from harm. (Todd Callendar)

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If they are going to attack us with their bioweapon we have something to go after them with too, to protect ourselves. Canadians still have guns. I don't want to die on that hill but living under them is worse. Go down fighting....

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This is the first time I am very concerned, I live in Canada. If they are making it legal to vax us we are in big trouble....force us, I have a gun.

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Audio starts about 2:20 into video.

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I tried repeatedly. No sound, even though other Rumble videos play fine.

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