Totally agree. However, I can't but be concerned that no matter what, "they" will get us because of the puppet masters who have wanted the US's demise (freedom's demise) since day one, just under 175 years before the UN was established, will stop at NOTHING. "They" will find another way with cbdc, war, destruction (which they've done in cities throughout this country with planned fires, etc), with fake and toxic food, causing fake diseases/illnesses/pandemics (that don't ever happen in nature), buying up corporation to control agendas (which they have), etc. Then there's the vatican who works with the puppet masters (or who might be above those puppet masters- it's not quite clear) will also stop at nothing to get what they want (look up inclusive capitalism amongst other nefarious doings throughout the many, many centuries - F William Engdahl - http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO22Dec2020.php). These are the one's controlling OUR world. These are the one's that we really need to stop in the end because "they" created the UN in the first place. But, perhaps stopping congress is the first approach. At this point, I don't even know anymore.

If you want to rant and rage, tell this to the Meryl Nass worshipper's that believe the WHO capitulated to the people (https://merylnass.substack.com/p/dark-horse-talks-about-tasting-sweet). She is holding a bottle of champagne or something probably kool-aid in the image of her "We WON" post. I've commented there only to be told that I need to thank her for her efforts. As well as being asked "what have I done?" Not a good question to ask a person who has spent thousands of hours on this insane crap to try to educate the sheeple and even the black pilled morons.

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Of course they will try again. I predict that when we force the US out of the UN, they will let it collapse and then come back around in a couple of decades.

That will give us the time to unwind their destructive mechanisms of control from our institutions and bodies. That, of course, is when the real work begins!

PreventGenocide2030.org is where we win this battle so that we have a chance to survive the war.

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Debra, you nailed it! It is both political parties involved with this agenda, the DemonRats and the RepubTurds! The sooner people realize this the better but I'm afraid it is too late.

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It is not too late, but it is perilously close to being too late.

That is why we need, I estimate, 10 million people banging on the Congress of the US to get us out of the Death Machine NOW. PreventGenocide2030.org

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We have to get out of our Comfort Zone in many areas of our life! Many of us are clinging on to too many creature comforts that have allowed us to become complacent!

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Right. There will be no comfort when we are confined to the open air concentration camps and fed meal worm sludge, will there?

So comfortably picking up your mouse and comfortably taking action from the comfort of your own desk seems like a pretty small price to pay to stay out of the gulag, doesn't it?

We need, I estimate, 10 million people. Each one can take these actions at PreventGenocide2030.org to help get us out of the UN Death Machine. And then, of course, it is essential for each of those people to tell their friends about it and help motivate them to do the same.

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Thank you. Your last few words are what frighten me the most.

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Yes, if we put our effort into winning. Otherwhile, we will whine, not win. Use the link, take the Action Items and share it for dear life - yours and everyone else's. PreventGenocide2030.org

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As I see it... the US is provoking a Nuclear war with Russia... through Ukraine and Georgia and with China in Taiwan.

We don't have till 2030.

We have less than 12 months.

Psychopaths the lot of them.

I do what I can to expose them.

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May 30Edited

Kudos - well said.

FYI Meryl Nass has a bunch of celebratory kool-aid drinkers believing there's some big victory. My comments there along the lines of this post were not appreciated.

The best outcome of the latest WHO goings on might be a temporary treaty delay, or, with "meetings" still in play, a magical mystery last minute agreement may still be at hand. If not, the impending bird flu plandemic will likely ignite the "need" for an emergency treaty.

Regarding congress skip the article and watch the CCP Spies video at the bottom. They are pawns not representatives: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/lawsuit-seeks-end-to-lawless-noncitizen-voting-in-pennsylvania-5658339

The fight is just ramping up.

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thank you

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Dr. Laibow, M.D. I would like to invite you on to the www.MedicalTruthPodcast.com you can reach me at MedicalTruthPodcast@gmail.com

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Step one is to stop pretending they have legitimate power over you. They do not. If you allow them to regulate anything, they will eventually regulate everything. This podcast explains the concept.


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"Legitimate", Sober, no, not at all.

"Power"? Yes, they certainly do. Unless and until we wrest it from them. That is what removing the US from the UN Death Machine does.

So, feeling as you do, why are you not lining up to put your shoulder to this particular wheel at this particular moment with every ounce of strength and impact that you can muster?

Here is that link again: PreventGenocide2030.org

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I cannot get into the links. I tried on my phone and iPad. Weird.

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The link again is https://PreventGenocide2030.org. I suggest you switch browsers since some of them block us and some do not.

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Worked today. Sent letter. Thank you!

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No, thank YOU! Now share it as widely as you can!

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It says server cannot be found....

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See above

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Go to 5smallstones..com share and file the world files with Sherrif's and counties its our only hope for Nuremberg 2.0. Todd Callender is our hero


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Trump Case used as a distraction like "9/11" or WW2 as a diversion away from the WHO Pandemic Agreement Vote on June 1st https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/trump-case-used-as-a-distration-like

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Jun 1
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I certainly hope not, David. They have 21st century weapons. We have the new and improved version of 14th century ones.

Once the war goes kinetic, we are done.

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