Oct 1ยทedited Oct 1Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

This was the actual conversation with my Doctor's physician's assistant last week. She was new so didn't know me. Her: Are you ready to get your mammogram? It doesn't look like you've had one in the last 10 years. Me: Are you kidding, those things cause cancer, did you know that? Her: deer in the headlights look. Me: Just put NO. Her: looked at me like she was afraid of me now. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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Oct 1Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Speaking of our disgusting Cancer Industrial Complex, if you want to read a truly heartbreaking story about one man's travails through it --->https://professorconfess.blogspot.com/2020/01/my-cancer-storyhow-modern-medicine.html?m=1

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Yes, Ty and Charlene Bolinger, of the substack https://thetruthaboutcancerofficial.substack.com/ helped wake me up to the true causes of cancer, how to prevent it, and how to treat it effectively, rather than get murdered by mainstream mafia medicine.

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Oct 2Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I nominate Dr Rima for Surgeon General! That would change the world! We can't thank you enough for your knowledge and wisdom!!! Your reports are the absolute best! (The Surgeon General of the United States is the nationโ€™s chief public health officer, responsible for providing the best scientific information available on how Americans can improve their health....yeah right!? Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies!}

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Oct 2ยทedited Oct 2Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Love you Rima! My sentiments exactly. Here in Chinada we have exploited a young cancer murder victim named Terry Fox. Please look into foundations! They are political loop holes for money laundering! Anyway, they make our children run for the cause at schools! It hurts my heart and I know Terry Fox would turn in his grave at the exploitation of this young beautiful man! Ps I had breast cancer supposedly at 39! Cut, poison, burn with more poison for five years! I'm a strong father fucker and I survived satan! Now I'm a fierce warrior for the fruits of my loin and anyone in my way that stops me from keeping them safe be damned! Otherwise I'm a loving woman who would be happy to smile and wish you a happy life!

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Oct 1Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Very similar to the 2 party system will save us, nah.

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Yup. Same-o, Same-o

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Great article!!!

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Why didn't you tell her cancer is the big medical lie, that we all have microscopic parasites like Dr Lee Merritt says ๐Ÿง

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I was still at 7/8 of the women in the country (world?) would be dead in a week with the remainder dead the next day.

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The one message I want to get out about breast cancer: of women who wear bras, one in 7 gets breast cancer; of women who don't wear bras, one in 7 hundred (another study where I have the link: one in 168) gets breast cancer. Why isn't this in the news day after day? I know some women need breast support (but even these women don't need underwire bras - the deadliest of the lot). Most people (women and those men who look at women's breasts) could be encouraged (sold) to love natural breasts - but this isn't a biz model!!

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I shy away from Newspeak terms like fear porn because I always think there is some kind of nefarious propaganda purpose behind it - like dismissing the truth?



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OK. I think it is a useful term because it conveys repackaging information (true or not) in order to control behavior via deceit based on fear.

And it is a dismissive and highly negative term, which examples of it deserve.

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I hear ya. I have trust issues -maybe it's because the CFR created the CIA as their boots in the ground, the CIA created Operation Mockingbird to infiltrate the media, exposed by the Church Committee in 1976.

Got this one from Assange -

The CFR controls the media today in the US:







"In the event, the British Institute of International Affairs was founded separately in London in July 1920 and received its Royal Charter in 1926 to become The Royal Institute of International Affairs. The American delegates developed the Council on Foreign Relations in New York as a sister institute. Both are now among the world's leading international affairs think-tanks."


Chatham created Mi5 as their boots on the ground.

I can't help but wonder what they're thinking. I guessing mind altering propaganda because if they can't convince the public, they can't accomplish anything.

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You were definitely on fire with that phone conversation. Iโ€™m thankful you didnโ€™t have the opportunity to add the numerous other important things you wanted to say. I believe she was already pegged at overload with what you had already said.

I donโ€™t really know, but I imagine the people hired to man their phones are not really informed of the truth behind all the mess she got herself in for. The damage that is done by the pharmaceutical industrial complex and its many tertiary industries is so devastating that the emotional upheaval it sparks in us canโ€™t wait to be vented before we explode.

Itโ€™s sort of like the guy who kicks his dog when he gets home because of the rotten day he had in the office.

Some people think we are about to go over the cliff and others think we are in the free fall that follows. I know common sense says if we donโ€™t fix it soon, we are doomed.

Thank you for your great advice in offering solutions that if we participate in them, we will have a fighting chance to create a better path forward.

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I take from your comment that you think I abused her (... the guy who kicks his dog....) I did not. I asked her for clarification, saved my time from further waste when it became clear that she was an uninformed automaton and wrote this article.

How is that abusing anyone?

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A better description of what I was trying to convey might be the culmination of stress from any source, that builds to a crescendo level that the human psyche can no longer contain without bursting forth in an a desperate attempt for relief. Seeking a catharsis for intense pain and frustration is a normal reaction to injustice overload.

Itโ€™s not that I think you intentionally abused her, although I believe she was probably feeling desperate for words to deal with her dilemma, but that you were not at all on the same page. I donโ€™t actually believe the stammering girl on the phone was the target of your frustration but merely served to provide an opportunity for you to vent the build up of anger you were rightly feeling. If knowing what is really happening in this world today doesnโ€™t make one angry then you would have to be oblivious to the harm of injustice. From what you have written, I donโ€™t believe that accurately describes you,

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Cancer is big business.

My father recently guilted for $50K. His prostate issues went away after taking FENBEN and Ivermectin Self prescribed

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Cancer is most assuredly big business. I do not know what you mean by "My father recently guilted for $50K.", though.

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His will now includes cancer as a beneficiary

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The BS river runs deep and wide. The solution to globalism is 1776.

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Well, Davy, their first step in the solution to Globalism is to get out of the globalist cabal. That's where passing the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 comes in. You can help make that happen at PreventGenocide2030.org when you take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge and pound, legally and non-violently, on your Members of Congress to do just that.

Please go there and do that, then spread the word as widely as you can.

That is 1776: they left the English Empire We need to leave the Globalist Empire. Now would be a great time.

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Awwwwโ€ฆ i rade free porn! So sad we talking about statistics and disease. Well, at least we still talking about breast๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜

Just kiddin you know me๐Ÿ˜œ But more seriously,i often think when i get calls like theseโ€ฆOne day, they will hit a wall of expertise. That day was now. Thanks for sharing, now i seen, i can day gaze about something else in the land of wonders๐Ÿ˜‡

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So have you visited PreventGenocide2030.org and taken the actions there yet? Then you can go back to porn of any consistency that you like!

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