Sep 17Liked by Rima E Laibow MD, Ralph Fucetola JD

Yes. "Oh, for heaven’s sake, People. Whether there are viruses are not, there are people using bioweapons designed to turn us into delivery systems for that bioweapon to directly and then secondarily kill massive numbers of us." And yes, go to PreventGenocide2030 and TAKE THE ACTION REQUESTED. To get us out of the UN and orevent genocide.

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Thanks, I am certain that the V/NV issue has been used to divide and weaken the opposition to bioweapon tyranny. If any humans survive in the future, they will have to be better at resisting the myriad methods of psychological manipulation that are being waged against us. Is there a way to teach people to recognize and resist these methods? For the record, I am in a relationship with someone who is firmly no virus, and we have been able to get beyond the differences of opinion regarding this subject (I recognize that there has been fraud in biomedical research since its inception, however, I acknowledge that I do not definitively know whether viruses are just toxins that replicate within the body, or are introduced externally without replicating.) I feel, as you do, that this issue can be put aside to tackle the very undeniable and urgent bioweapon attacks we are all facing.

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Viruses, you've described as something you believe as essentially manipulated by the biotechnology industrial complex. That which I agree. But bacteria and viruses are capable of amazing and positive manipulation as well.

Studies show that viruses can actually replicate and simultaneously circumvent the host depending on the circumstances.

Viruses have actually been used for cancer research that proves to be successful with the bio mutation of cancer cells, rendering the cancer's materializer impact factor far less effective.

In other words viruses can be programmed to kill and / or heal the host.

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What do you not understand about the fact that the larger, much more important issue is an imminent genocide that we have a narrow window of opportunity to prevent. That is why PreventGenocide2030.org is there.

What difference does it make that viruses can kill or heal the host if we are all dead?

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Rima, your point is well taken, but, it seems the reason some are harping on the idea there may be no viruses is - that if this is true - and proven (a tough feat but possibly doable) it WOULD be the one thing that could save humanity from the PHEIC emergency and forced bioweapon regime of terror! It's the long game... We absolutely agree we need to move faster now and expose the UN and WHO schemes as whacked! We really think they should be sued and this requires the funds.. SAVE HUMANITY is the mission but this must be a multi prong approach to get em any way we can.. The no virus could be a lynchpin to take em down, but once again it's the important long game and we need more funding IF we ever expect to win the short game which in our opinion can only be done by judicially exposing scientific frauds PRONTO before all the new treaties go through... many scientific frauds must be disproven - WHO and UN Must be exposed and judicial rulings to prove us right and them wrong.. It WILL work and it's fastest path to make real dent - WHILST gathering signatures to EXIT UN - How many signatures are we up to? We keep sending people to sign at preventgenocide2030.org - Are we up to 1m yet? Today we plan another post about our case (WHO's PCR fraud was referred yesterday to the right authority to annul - you heard it first!) and we will include the link to sign the 2 Bills to EXIT UN! If anyone thinks SUING WHO can help save humanity - please be proactive and DONATE: SuetheWHO.org/donate

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Thank you, Rima, it's because my points are that instead of using biotech for the benefit of curing cancer and disease, it's being used for genocide. Correct?

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Its even crazier synthetic "virus like" biotech - and its not transmissible as far as we can see - but is in the shots to hurt or kill people - of course this is in our opinion based on extensive research, so its not set in stone - although we do believe it!

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The entire big pHARMa system collapses if there are no viruses. The ENTIRE system is based upon invisible boogie men. You can’t test for something that doesn’t exist. If you cannot prove that a virus exists what justification do you have for invasive countermeasures. This is the lynchpin that can destroy the whole system.

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You missed the whole point, Astrid. It does not matter whether viruses are real or not when there is a genocidal reality facing us.

Do you understand the concept of genocide? It is the implementation of massive death - murder of billions of people. Right now, I could not give less of a rat's ass about whether viruses are real or not. The death coming toward us is real and you and I can help to prevent it. Have you been to PreventGenocide2030.org and taken the actions there? That is where the action is, not with an academic debate.

When you are dead, scientific nicities do not matter.

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What did you say before - we are all congratulating ourselves on being right while we march into the concentration camps? They are going very fast and we could probably actually beat them, but it pains us that people are slow as molasses to fund critical lawsuits - would rather fund FREEDOM FESTIVALS to bitch about the problems! Good luck with that - we need STRATEGY - LAWSUITS & BILLS TO EXIT - PRONTO - CONQUER OR DIE!!!!

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Dr. Mathias Rath has spoken for decades about the pharmaceutical industry and the weapons industry being two parts of the same chemical industry, with corporations like Bayer/Monsanto making both baby aspirin & Roundup and poison gas used in Nazi Germany as well as Agent Orange used in Vietnam. Getting rid of the concept of contagion is not , by itself, going to do away with the mass poisoning of humanity.

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Great. Now let's stop the UN Death Machine that has used these pieces to get us ready for the Fiinal Solution2.0, which is very nearly upon us.

Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take the actions there.

Talking about how we got here will not stop us from being murdered.

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Dr. Laibow, if the UN goes away, will that solve the problem? Or will the black nobility crown vampires, the intelligence complex and DOD still be there?

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Talking about how we got here to people on Substack will not stop us from being murdered. However, there is a very real possibility that us talking about how we got here TO THE RIGHT JUDGES IN THE RIGHT SYSTEM will BE THE LAST CHANCE to stop us from being murdered. We have no helicopters and war machine for defense - we need judicial powers and truths to be decreed to combat the lies - we advocate the use of force of law which needs judicial approval or Legislative approval - we need to be way more proactive in reclaiming our government powers back - IOJ creed!

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I agree the point is people "love" conflict. Before most children know anything about non virus or virus they can and do manifest measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. The response of our systems is the killer. Thanks Dr.

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You are welcome. Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take the actions there as if your life depended upon it.

It does.

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Its true, Dr Rima, too much getting bogged down in the minutiae & not enough action!

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Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take the actions. This is the only hope we have to avoid their extermination plan.

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Agree with you that the biologics are secondary to the tyranny (physical or legal) of forcibly injecting anything into our bodies without our consent. We have the right to protect ourselves from perceived harm. Stop the tyranny!

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That is why you need to go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take the actions there to get the US out of the UN before the UN kills us, root and branch, as they intend to do.

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