Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Yes, I am thinking the same thing you are. What gives Dr. McCullough? Where exactly are you coming from with this ridiculous advice? As well as, the advice that everyone with high cholesterol and/or heart disease should be on Statin drugs. Stating they don’t cause dementia. Which is categorically a false statement. It looks to me like he’s playing both sides here. He obviously loves his big pharma drug treatments, while letting the world know that big pharma has pushed a bio weapon on us all. This is what is driving the breakdown of people’s trust in doctors & the medical system overall. Thank you for this well written article. Have a great day.

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Thanks, Denise. I like Dr. M personally but I am deeply troubled by what you point out and what I am focusing on here.


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i have debunk3d the covid 19 in my post. It is worth your time since it will.make sense and refocus from problem to solution. We should not obsess about people with fake solutions

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I went to your stack and read your post on the subject, but your post cut off since I am not a paid subscriber. If your analysis is correct and therefore life saving, I would challenge you NOT to put it behind a paywall.

Your choice, of course.

That is why my substack is paywall free and will remain so.

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yes i guarantee it is correct hence great input for your work, you will judge for yourself if it makes sense and use it. 33 usd for that is not much. Also i will do another article with solutions for those who can not figure out themselves from the description of the problem. And that is all without ANY meds. since i had to use what i have access to. I am not an MD! most people feel like they know it all, this is why there must be a price.

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Yep. I could not believe that. Statins are detrimental

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Thankyou Dr Roma for your thoughts around this very important issue. I’m also far from a medical / scientific expert however, years in the Medical Industry, Nursing & Medical Sales, I’d have to say what has occurred in Australia, in particular Victoria, was no less than horrendous, tyrannical & economically destructive. I did have the opportunity to see Peter whilst doing a few talks in Melbourne, I thoroughly appreciated his passion & expertise. Myself along with thousands more had eyes wide open from beginning to now, as for me I’m now VOID of any TRUST in our Government & Healthcare System, whom became managed by government for patient care. I will NOT give consent for unknown, unproven so called medicines injected into my body. Initiated experimental or otherwise. Unfortunately the biggest issue many have now knowing the fallacies is, whether good or bad options are presented they WONT be taken up due to the damaged TRUST factor.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Is Dr. Peter McCullough serious? How can such a great man come up with such a useless, enemy oriented, solution? What is this holier-than-god attitude that is seen around us? Working with nature would be much smarter. Dr. Rima you sure have given us food for thought.

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Thank you, Kathy. I really, really, really do not want to see Dr. M. as not what he seems to be but statins? novel mRNA to fix novel mRNA? nanobot chimeras for the same purpose? I am horrified and wondering about the entire scenario.

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Absolutely. After a person learns about health from a naturalistic viewpoint they can see what the body wants. Funny how it took Dr. M so long to figure out the horrors of the jab in the beginning. He was a force for good for a long time, but this turn of events is, as they say, "unacceptable."

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We have been played by these “freedom medical experts”

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Is McCullough "one of them"? Also I forget who else - I believe it's Del Bigtree, who is talking about how to lessen vax hesitancy? Or are they mind-controlled? What do you say?

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

Del Bigtree's "lessening vaccine hesitancy" is a supposed to be a clever ploy to get the legislation passed by making it sound like it is on their side. is that what it actually is?

Maybe, but there are other things there that concern me greatly.

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I can confirm that CHD and ICAN are Limited Hangouts whose machinations could get us all killed.

That includes ICAN's draft legislation "To increase public confidence in vaccines" and to assure "the public that an exemption exists for required vaccines that do not meet certain minimal requirements."

It's murder disguised under a thin veneer of legalese. It's saying it's fine to force a product that meets "minimal requirements," and it's letting that vipers nest at the FDA decide if those requirements have been met!

The word 'No' was, always has been, and always will be exemption enough. Besides, no-one needs 'exemption' in the first place if their medical confidentiality is respected.

They and their attorneys are "wolves in sheep's clothing."

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Oh! If they could just get over their God complex! This situation with Dr. McC, after all his visibility over the last 3+ years is nothing short of a betrayal of the trust & admiration he has built. Disappointing to say the least.

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I hope it is just ego and his prior conditioning as a "pharma phriendly" doc. But I am worried.

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Big tree ICAN legislation proposal is shit. Allows forced jabs RFK knows

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I know. A horror.

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I have equally grave concerns about RFK and CHD, to be quite honest, along with WCH.

IF Ivermectin is actually a spermicide (which might explain why WHO, deeply committed to depopulation has been handing it out like candy for decades in Africa and elsewhere) and we were conditioned to want it badly and insist on having it by a reverse psychology psyop (which I believe to be the case), then Tess Lawrey, Pierre Kory and the other Ivermectin Gods are not at all whom and what they seem.

I am worried.

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I'm confining Ivermectin to the emergency kit, and maybe not even there, but maybe Rugby-brand nicotine patches are a safer choice.

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Controlled op apparently. Del Bigtree has also stated privately & publicly that he & Maloney baloney & others have spent time with Abbey Rockefeller on her ranch, & that he is “well funded”. I heard this myself directly, at a local event. He’s also made some other controversial comments. Just sayin.

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I have been watching that particular circus for some time with deep skepticism. DEEP skepticism. It is getting deeper all the time.

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Just sayin ... the truth. Not good stuff. Good to know. Don't want to get near a toxic well.

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Remember that our beloved Dr. Yeadon recently warned us that people were not as they seem and to be very wary of what they share. He may have meant this from Dr. McCullough.

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I like Mike Yeadon.

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I am thinkin' we got enough mRNA already and adding more is not going in the right direction. What do I know I am just an electrician.

If you find yourself in a hole - - - STOP DIGGING!

Licorice root tea and baking soda + RO water will move it out of the body.

The following has worked for me.

Cut down the amount of magnesium drastically.

Stop all foods and drinks that have residue glyphosate. Today that is almost everything. But you can manage. Read the label. Test individual foods after a water fast for at least 3 days.

Get lots of yoghurt. It has the bifidobacteria that the body has had deleted allowing the other normal bacteria to overpower the gut and they can cause disease. A balance is necessary.

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Why cut the magnesium ?

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I am following what Dr Ardis has recommended. I have no idea. I can say that it does work. Using RO (Reverse Osmosis) water cuts all minerals and biology and chemicals from the water. You only get the ones that you actually put in it yourself.

Not all RO water is created equal. I have found that Safeway in Canada has a good system. Giant Tiger does not. I have not tried any others.


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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

The Wellness company & McCullough scare the crap out anyone who reads their information then ALWAYS have the remedy. Step right up, step right up, we've got the cure. Check his background, has he ever been paid by BIG pharma & what is Korey's angle, it's very strange imo?

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Self Governance Is Hard

Setting Standards

We Are The People We Have Been Waiting For

Let's unpack this as they say in trendy educated circles. I agree with you, Dr. Rima. The premise is all wrong. Our premise should be based on our reality as a unique form of universal consciousness, with our very own unique standing wave and frequency, governing the formation of our chromosomal pattern in this biology, operating as an individual, sovereign component, in an electromagnetic environment. That is my layperson's analysis of what and where we are in the universe scientifically and spiritually. So our premise should be to recalibrate our biology to reestablish the sacred connection between our consciousness and our original chromosomal pattern, broken in places by the mRNA treatments. I agree with you that more RNA is simply likely to represent more distortions of our original chromosomal pattern and not a re-establishment of our original pattern. If RNA can be used to trace the original code and allow the genes to resonate with our unique frequencies and thus allow the body to align with the resonance of consciousness intended at our birth in our biology, to allow the genes and bodily functions to reassemble naturally, and heal our natural chromosomal pattern, then perhaps we could safety test RNA tech for 10-20 years and see how it works. I think our search should not be on ways to manipulate but find ways to allow the body to eliminate the distortions of the mRNA and return to natural resonance. Not introduce more artificial resonance and genetic/cellular signaling anomalies.

Is Dr. McCullough willing to set the standards we expect for safety testing? Or is he, Like Dr. Fauci, in a big fat hurry, and playing on our and possibly his own fears? We are the ones we have been waiting for to set the standards we must live by. So we should ask him. What is our safety standard and recommended protocol We may need to look at new methods beyond herbs to give our bodies the ability to shake off the mRNA and establish its natural genetic resonance, beyond herbs and diet. Or perhaps the cure is really right in our own backyard.

We are an electromagnetic biology in an electromagnetic environment so natural calibration and resonance are possible and practical, and likely to be achieved beyond the functionality of RNA tech.

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

McCullough is tier 2 "hero" but controlled opposition. Is the bug real? IVM and HCQ "work"? A whole sub industry making money off those who dodged the original psy op

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Matches my thinking exactly Dr. Rima. I don’t understand the technical language precisely either, though I catch the drift. Regardless it seems impossible that it could be something with predictable good results. At best it would be something chaotic and unpredictable, brought to you by the same industry that created the bioweapons.

I do appreciate trying to find a way to detox whatever the shots have done but I find evidence that it is one specific thing-creation of spike proteins-to be lacking. The shots seem to be either saline, or a mystery brew of toxins and micro/nanotechnology of unknown nature (to the general public).

Even if the shots’ problems would be limited to hijacking cells to produce spike proteins, the notion of a precision gene therapy being able to resolve it doesn’t pass the smell test.

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This seems strange to me. Treating damage from a genetically altered gene therapy by introducing more altered genetic material. What is the short and long term ramifications? This all equates to profiting through the means of bad science.

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Agree with all you said

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

It's the tried and tested Big Pharma formula. Cause harm, and then sell an even more harmful cure.

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Agreed, but if this report is true, this takes harm to a whole new level.

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

All men have feet of clay

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28Author

Yeah, but some have tongues of serpents and wallets of gold. Makes all the difference.

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lol the funny part is the best things in life are free. And this without any exageration. The higher price is an indication of bigger lies today. If medical therapy costs 2 mio usd. It means that is simply fraud. How can any dress cost 2 million usd. It cant. If it works it is simple.elegant solution. If its not it is a lie. Problem solving is adding simplicity into complexity . order into chaos.

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Not all of us have feet of clay. I enjoy grounding whilst gardening on occasion so I have feet in clay.

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Max - love those “feet of clay”!

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Brava! ❤️

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Jun 28Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I tried 2 search engines to go to the website to sign the form Both engines will not bring it up.

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Which search engines blocked PreventGenocide2030.org. That information is helpful.

Try another one and let me know if you are still blocked.

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