Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

What is currently in the public domain about prior mRNA trials? It has been said repeatedly that no mRNA drug ever passed a clinical trial till they were almost entirely avoided due to the EUA for the Covid (supposed) mRNA shots. Where is this in the public record?

I don't have any inside information to share. It would be useful to do a voice analysis (a guest on Dave Hodge's "The Common Sense Show" from a couple of days ago (available on Rumble) did voice analysis on Biden and made certain claims about it. I don't know what the validity of this technique is).

200,000 does seem like a very large number of people for a trial, as an earlier commenter said. Also, who would the doctor be who told him that there are 5 (or less) survivors from this study? How would he have access to that information? Also, he claims that the effects go about two years out. From the covid shot experience, the harms are all over the place, temporal-association-wise.

On the other hand, why would he even think to post this if he didn't have some information/experience to validate it?

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Voice analysis can be strikingly accurate. It is a technique that I have used for many years. Good thought. I had not considered it.

My guess is that, since the young man mentioned a number of different diseases, would be that the total number of people in a variety of trials for variations on this technology would be that large number.

It is not inconceivable that someone following him, for example, a doctor who was one of the investigators, would say something like "there are only 5 people still alive from the test group and you are one of them." Obviously, that would be after the code was broken since one would expect no such cataclysmic situation among the recipients of the placebo, assuming it was a double blind, placebo-controlled study (or studies), of course.

As horrifying as this is, the problem that I have with it is just how plausible it is, given the horrifying holocaust of the jabs. That was much bigger than this.

I truly wish I believed it were impossible.

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

At the start of this, there was an Irish female academic, Prof Delores Cahill, who reported on animal studies and they all died. On Bitchute. I hope she is wrong with her predictions.

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Jun 30Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I hear your hope but she said what she said. I hope she is home and with those she loves. I took her warning seriously and suspect she is right.

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I also wrote about those animal studies.

The illegal variation of lots (a crime known as misbranding, by the way), probably accounts for some of the less than total cataclysmic results, but things are certainly bad enough as they stand.

Yes, Delores Cahill is a brave and important person whom I respect and admire.

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100 percent agreement.

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I’ve “re-stacked” this twice to notes, but Substack keeps erasing it. So let’s try this again.

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

What has happened to SS? I have noticed when replying..the typing slows down as if being processed?

Also..so many ppl posting disagree constantly on others opinions? Has SS been infiltrated?

So many new sites everyday..asking for donations?

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Probably since conception, and I’m an investor/owner of SS, but at the bottom of the swamp.

Whoever’s managing ‘stack (on an executive level) has never responded to any of my questions or requests over the past year when attempting to “improve” this platform, just AI bot conversations that go nowhere.

As far as lag issue when typing, that can be the result of dozens of issue from moles within your service provider, back door manipulators of your OS, malware, worms…any number of infectious programs within your devise or at Substack. “They” have tentacles everywhere on all levels, and they hate independent warrior-writers like me who track, trace and fight back through their own vulnerabilities. Doc Laibow seldom can do podcasts without “issues,” but has years of education and practice keeping her cool, unlike me who needed to replace all his office furniture with granite and stainless steel items to survive the daily rage.

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Thank you for that. I just posted to SS site to ask about these issues..I am awaiting a reply..

I am finding so many new sites coming up daily..and whistleblowers? Why didn’t they come out in 2020/21? Does that mean they worked for the companies making this agenda and just now realise it’s wrong? Very confusing!

I do hope SS doesn’t turn like Twitt did..🙏🏽

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Confusion is the point of “their” controls over ALL education and media (news and social sites), as well as taking up your time trying to make sense of it all with manufactured, unnatural divisions, conflicts and wars.

Ever read or listen to the Protocols of Zionism or John Gatto’s lectures—a one and five hour deep dive about the history of education?—which of course influences ALL media, health policies and war.

Understanding this information makes it much easier to understand who’s really responsible and how insane they are for power and control over “everything.”

If you’re new to my substack—we are NOT haters or racists, just realists about the Jews who are not individuals, but well organized Jewish racist monsters.


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Jeffrey, I appreciate your support and your readership. However, I do not support, and, in fact, cannot tolerate statements like this: "we are NOT haters or racists, just realists about the Jews who are not individuals, but well organized Jewish racist monsters. ",

The Protocols of the [the Elders] of Zion[ism], is well established as a fraud created in order to fan antisemitic fires.

Apparently it has worked on you.

Your unmitigated antisemitism is simply horrifying to me. I would love to be able to read your material in its absence since, other than that, your information is interesting and often cogent.

BUT the antisemitism is utterly noxious.

I would ask you to consider how inadequate it is as a substitute for thought and discernment.

Basically what I am saying is that you are way too smart to fall for that shit.

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Hey, Doc. Same. You are way too smart to call my views antisemitic. It’s premature and I reject it. In fact, let’s be perfectly clear: not one Jew on earth is a Semite, and there are in fact millions of very hatful, racist Jews I condemn for their ongoing evil to this day.

Also, please let me apologize for my response to a question I received in my “Notes” showing up on your substack. When I posted that response, again, it was made in Notes, just like this one, but for some reason it appears on your substack. Very strange.

The Protocols are in fact real, dated prior to World War I (the Great War). I don’t entertain arguments about who wrote them, just the dates discovered and translated to English and that they are accurate in describing how evil racist Jews are and their collective controls over people’s minds and lives, with the added, inhuman, unconstitutional advantage and free reign to call people antisemitic for challenging their evil as collective racists causing most of the world’s problems. But I respect and appreciate your own personal views, but I’d ask you not condemn me for my own “understanding” of the “facts.”

Please know, I’m NOT driven or controlled by emotion, and I’m only interested in historic facts, not the brainwashing nonsense perpetrated by racist Jews.

Also, I have friends and have always associated with individuals who have Jewish backgrounds similar to Benjamin Freedman back in the 1960’s, many who are called “self-hating Jews” for rejecting being called Jews rather than “individuals” with the right to practice or not practice a religion. To date, none of my Jewish friends, some of whom subscribe to my substack, have NEVER condemned my views as you do.

Please take the time to actually listen to, study and research the “facts” of the protocols and compare them to historic events as they have played out to date. Also please take the time to listen to John Gatto’s recordings at the link I provided.

By the way, Rothschild and Rockefeller are NOT Russian, British, Chinese, Mexican… They refer to themselves as Jews with established eugenicist views, just like most of Biden and Trump’s circle of advisors and appointees, and Bill Gates, and Kissinger, Netanyahu and thousands of other monsters who’s own quotes I site on my Substack. It’s nonsense that I must just refer to them by name and not their Jewish “brand.” If all of these individuals were Chinese or Russians, the media, professors and scholars would ALWAYS refer to them as such. I refuse to be put in a box when calling out evil Jews who MUST BE PUNISHED, and you should know better than to ridicule people who are sick and tired of being called antisemitic for stating historic truths.

Please don’t let racist Jews divide us “humans” who love and respect diversity and culture as I do; someone who’s grown up with Native American family with Jewish, Asians, Latin, Spanish, African…friends.

Thank you for not totally overreacting and banning me from stating my response.

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I got here via Diva Drops.

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How do you do re-stack..I am not sure?

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The circular (with two arrows in circle) tab at the bottom and top of posts.

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Thank you! 🙏🏽 It took me a while to figure all the options..Very kind of you..

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I’ve seen this. I really don’t know how to process it.

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Jun 30Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

1200+ SIDE EFFECTS OF THE COV-2 VAXX, AS RELEASED IN COURT - 45 OF WHICH ARE DEATH (SUDDEN DEATH) - 40 ARE CANCER: https://vaccinadead.com/pfizer-vaccine-side-effects/


We get seasonal influenza when our cells build up toxins; ingest/inject. We cyclically purge toxins from our body to bring the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of our cells into balance with the changing EMF in our environment.


1) Seasonal Earth Tilt

Earth's axis-tilt changes the angular momentum of its electromagnetic field, which, via inductance, re-calibrates our weaker, cellular EMF. All magnetic fields are torroidal in nature. All cells have a weak electrical charge. The Earth has a magnetic field, which, via inductance, shapes the magnetic field of our cells, such as a strong magnet warps/re-aligns the field of a weaker magnet. Field Theory is not just hypothesis. Earth Seasonal EMF = Flu (No Virus): https://talknet.substack.com/p/earth-seasonal-emf-flu-no-virus-from

2) New EMF Tech

New, wide-spread EMF tech precedes all "pandemics"; an undeniable fact, which includes the COV-2 “pandemic” that started when Wuhan launched/activated the first city-wide 5G towers in China. When environmental electromagnetic frequencies/polarity change, it causes, via inductance, the body to re-calibrate EMF/polarity on a molecular level, which triggers a natural detox process/cycle that brings cellular EMF of our cells into homeostasis with our environment. Spanish Flu, SARS, COVID-19 Followed the Same Pattern/Expansion as Radio, 3G, 5G https://talknet.substack.com/p/spanish-flu-sars-covid-19-followed


• 1918: Spanish Flu - The flu Exploded with the distribution of WW1 radio comm / Ten million Bell phones in service across US by 1918.

• 1957: Asian Flu - Hong Kong television began May 1957

• 2003: SARS - From 2002-2003, 3G networks launched globally

• 2019: COVID-19 - Wuhan activated 1,580 5G towers mid-October, 2019. 5G deployed worldwide 2019.

3) Injected/Ingested Toxins

• Vaxx to Kill/Disable Billions Over 10-15 Years (As of 2020): https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

• Vaccines are Catalysts for all Autoimmune Diseases: https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaccines-cause-autoimmune-diseases


• Vaxxed Biology Programmable via DNA Nanoantennas, Graphine, Luciferase, 5G. It Controls Gene Expression, Cell Signaling and Cellular Processes: https://talknet.substack.com/p/cov-2-vaxxed-biology-programmable


• Close to 600 Million dead and injured and then this came out: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-james-thorp-585-million-global?publication_id=581065

Real sudden death numbers (stats): Global shipments of smart phones down 4% annually since 2020 (hundreds of millions), huge drop in telecom + movie streaming subscribers. With openvaers.com stats factored in, we get 600 million dead and injured. Factor in declining birth rate (vaxx induced), we get 2.8% annual loss of global population that adds up to billions in the next 5-10 years. Death in correction facilities are up 56% since 2019.

180 vaxxed Canadians doctors have died SUDDENLY - https://www.europereloaded.com/180-canadians-doctors-have-died-suddenly/

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I read that over 1000 Cnd doctors/med students have died. One site posted pics of them. That is a lot for Cnd and it might have been higher..

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That sounds more accurate. I think the updates have been mostly kept quiet. I read that the medical dept providing the data stopped reporting, which is par for the course. I'll look for it. Thanks.

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Yes..It was one of the good doctors who posted an article with photos of who has died. In one small town 3 well known doctors died at same hospital within like a week! It is shocking. 🙏🏽 Poor Canada..they are not getting any news only approved media!

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Canada def has a globalist government in charge that funds the media billions to keep the propaganda flowing, but In a world of instant global communication between everyone, the globalists can’t stop people from knowing the truth if they want to know it. I suspect we will see mass uprisings in the next 18 months. The people have to make the change. Governments are too corrupt and will decentralize back to community, along with all other centralized industries, in this global transition. So things will get chaotic, but interesting this year and next.

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

OMG! I’m Astounded to hear this. I knew it was Bad.. I just didn’t know.. it was THIS BAD

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Really, is there anything that surprises us about how destructive pharma is, and how devious? In one of the RFK Jr. videos I watched early on (might have been his debate with Derschowitz about forced vaccination) RFK Jr. talks about suing pharma for fraud in connection with autism outcomes. At that time, the 1986 immunity law passed by Congress and signed by Reagan prevented lawsuits for vaccine injuries, but pharma could be sued for fraud if they failed to include in their package inserts all of the potential side effects of a drug (at least that's how I remember it). The importance of successfully bringing such a suit was that pharma was open to discovery of evidence. They learned that, in discussions about whether or not to continue selling a particular drug, it was the "bean counters" who basically acknowledged that the company might be liable for significant damages if they were successfully sued, but that the profit earned by the drug in question would be so high that it was worth the risk of paying damages. Pharma couldn't care less about the harm they cause as lonog as the profit margin is high enough. That is a predatory industry and always has been.

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If I was a betting woman, I would say there is truth to it. I found it beyond disturbing and beyond motivating. If there is even a slight possibility of a shred of truth we have no time left...WE MUST GET OUT OF THE DEATH MACHINE. I also recommend sharing this video with every medical "professional" who is still claiming safe and effective BS and injecting their patients (victims) with this bioweapon

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I'd like to hear what Sasha Latypova's comments on the video would be. Or perhaps a body language expert! He did say it was a "phase 3 trial" as if he knew what he was talking about. I vote on the side of the fact he is telling the truth . . . except the 200,000 subjects in the study is a pretty big number. As the internet says: "HOW MANY PARTICIPANTS IN A PHASE 3 TRIAL? Researchers design Phase 3 studies to demonstrate whether or not a product offers a treatment benefit to a specific population. Sometimes known as pivotal studies, these studies involve 300 to 3,000 participants." Actually that does not prove anything. Could this trial have been so important to "them" that they actually tested on 200,000?

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

No study name given and he says non-disclosure agreement. As a young, fit, person in need of money, they'd sign up without thinking too much, I'm sure. His doc, who told him the survival rates, needs to be identified and his sources revealed.

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Oh yes.

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What a believable (by the head) horror. Did it happen? Whether or not this specific horror happened, so many similar horrors are happening. Someone must know this young man. Quite a number - including medical personnel who treated him.

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Remember ‘Never Again’ we were told over and over?

Well..it is AGAIN..the WW11 never ended..just changed players..and Germany is the central power of the WEF and NWO..for sure..

It is in prophecy if you read and understand prophecy..It is demonic and lawless..all of them..

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Jun 29Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

It's the Black Nobility, not a nation state, and they go back thousands of years, include all continents, religions, who have manipulated us, the people, to fight each other, instead of them, the few. See Frances Leader substack Uncensored or visit YT G.I.U.R.E.H. for ancient history and Templars history.

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Yes..I have read that history..I meant Germany as the tool/power of the ‘power brokers’ Germany is very powerful..🙏🏽

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Germany was the country that brought millions of illegals into Europe..they are still funding illegals going into all countries! Why??🙏🏽

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Kalergi plan.

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Jun 30Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I’m not able to read this guy in the TicToc video, to get a sense of whether he is honest or dishonest. Normally I get a strong feeling either way when the topic is this serious. But who agrees to participate in this kind of experiment anyway. He may have received a couple thousand dollars, why agree to endanger your life for any money at all let alone the small sum they typically give to clinical trial participant? This is relevant because his lack of seriousness still transpires in his clips despite the very serious allegations he is making, and it could be why I have trouble reading him. And why is he using TicToc to get his message out..? Why not go to an alternative media journalist or podcaster, where he can be properly interviewed and his claims investigated?

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If he had a disease and entered a clinical trial, he might find himself in this situation without being stupid or thoughtless. That is a very common scenario, after all.

You have a deadly or incurable disease and you are told this MIGHT be the gold ring you are looking for. That can be a powerful motivator.

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Yes, that’s true. I hadn’t thought about that!

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People do studies because they need the money, they feel like they are helping others and because they are promised to come out of it as healthy as they came in. Personal observation/experience from a past time of ignorance...

I vote he's real and this also ties with the Deagle predictions from the CIA. OMG OMG OMG :(

Thanks Dr. Rima for posting this very sad info. We need the truth.

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Yes..everyone should see the d e a g e l report!!

See which are top countries to lose most of population. US/US/UK/Cnd/ France/Germany ect. Mostly western nations..democracies..there are only about 13(?) democracies in world!

So the West was targeted would we say?

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Is the Bitchute link still working for anyone? For me it says “Failed to fetch video details.”

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The video has been removed from Bitchute.

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I see Bitchute isn’t our friend…

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Is this true?

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Is this a fact?

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Might be this trial https://www.nature.com/articles/s12276-022-00757-5

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According to information in this paper, "The first clinical trial of an mRNA vaccine against infectious disease was conducted in 2013 (NCT02241135) and was designed to evaluate the efficacy of a novel rabies vaccine designed to deliver an mRNA encoding its glycoprotein. These evaluations revealed that treatment with this vaccine elicited functional antibodies targeting these viral antigens, demonstrating a clear proof of principle for this technology" (Alberer, M et al. Safety and immunogenicity of a mRNA rabies vaccine in healthy adults: an open-label, non-randomised, prospective, first-in-human phase 1 clinical trial. Lancet 390, 1511–1520 (2017).)

Here is the information on that trial, which had a very small number of participants: "Background

Vaccines based on mRNA coding for antigens have been shown to be safe and immunogenic in preclinical models. We aimed to report results of the first-in-human proof-of-concept clinical trial in healthy adults of a prophylactic mRNA-based vaccine encoding rabies virus glycoprotein (CV7201).


We did an open-label, uncontrolled, prospective, phase 1 clinical trial at one centre in Munich, Germany. Healthy male and female volunteers (aged 18–40 years) with no history of rabies vaccination were sequentially enrolled. They received three doses of CV7201 intradermally or intramuscularly by needle-syringe or one of three needle-free devices. Escalating doses were given to subsequent cohorts, and one cohort received a booster dose after 1 year. The primary endpoint was safety and tolerability. The secondary endpoint was to determine the lowest dose of CV7201 to elicit rabies virus neutralising titres equal to or greater than the WHO-specified protective antibody titre of 0·5 IU/mL. The study is continuing for long-term safety and immunogenicity follow-up. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02241135.


Between Oct 21, 2013, and Jan 11, 2016, we enrolled and vaccinated 101 participants with 306 doses of mRNA (80–640 μg) by needle-syringe (18 intradermally and 24 intramuscularly) or needle-free devices (46 intradermally and 13 intramuscularly). In the 7 days post vaccination, 60 (94%) of 64 intradermally vaccinated participants and 36 (97%) of 37 intramuscularly vaccinated participants reported solicited injection site reactions, and 50 (78%) of 64 intradermally vaccinated participants and 29 (78%) of 37 intramuscularly vaccinated participants reported solicited systemic adverse events, including ten grade 3 events. One unexpected, possibly related, serious adverse reaction that occurred 7 days after a 640 μg intramuscular dose resolved without sequelae. mRNA vaccination by needle-free intradermal or intramuscular device injection induced virus neutralising antibody titres of 0·5 IU/mL or more across dose levels and schedules in 32 (71%) of 45 participants given 80 μg or 160 μg CV7201 doses intradermally and six (46%) of 13 participants given 200 μg or 400 μg CV7201 doses intramuscularly. 1 year later, eight (57%) of 14 participants boosted with an 80 μg needle-free intradermal dose of CV7201 achieved titres of 0·5 IU/mL or more. Conversely, intradermal or intramuscular needle-syringe injection was ineffective, with only one participant (who received 320 μg intradermally) showing a detectable immune response."

So, while this is interesting, it is not the same study.

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Video is “no longer available”🤡🌎 Truth is under attack!

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