Oct 13Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

As a 1950's recipient of the 'Safe and Effective' Polio Pioneer vaccination who ended up with full body Paralytic Bulbar Polio with only a slight bit a hearing remaining my opinions are clearly from personal experience. During the last midnight - Dr said I'd be dead by the next day, he, an Displaced Japanese relocated 1000 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean, clearly outlined a life in an Iron Lung vs no risk trying something he thought may help cos he saw no evidence of improvement in our major city hospital. A year later, things were still slow, a multitude of subtile ways from my from life in this body. It's haunted me for 66 years which medics today have no knowledge of. Suffice to say if one is blind other senses may become sharper. So one's perspective is not congruent with the mainstream myths of 'how to' 'do this' take that' when one simple apiriin leaves one 'stoned' for 7-8 days before being able to grasp one's former sense of being. My heart goes out to all the children from the late 1950's who have developed a multitude of mysterious ailments never including increasing cancers that were not seen before people and animals were vaccinated. I believe those folks have restricted/compromised brains, obviously much less obvious than mine. In 1998 UBC neurology diagnosed a mysteriously deteriorated brain beyond advanced Alzheimers and to be dead by 2000-2001. FOLKS wake up. Their machines are graded to increase revenues. It takes time. It takes work. It takes learning meditation, etc. 66 long years of experience and not dead yet. Listen to those who live, not those in the legalized pharma/death/democide rackets. Dr Mary's about the CIA book is a must read

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Thank you immensely Dr Rima for exposing this information. At age 2 in 1956, following receipt of the MMR vax, I acquired pneumonia, scarlet fever and the mumps all at once and a temp of 109. I left the body and was lifted to the most magnificent and beautiful place, was greeted by my grandmother, who died from colon cancer when my father was 10 years old, followed by the real Yeshua, Jesus ... who sent me back to the body that was in a coma on life support for 2 weeks. This entire life has been a trajectory of extraordinary experiences leading to this time. I witnessed the JFK assassination live on TV in Niagara Falls sitting 5 feet from the TV screen in my grade 6 history class. Being empathic, from the moment the motorcade diverted from its Main Street course around the grassy knoll, I saw every detail in slow motion, heard every gunshot, where each bullet came from and went. I knew there was no way possible the deadly shot could have come from the 6th floor. It came from a sewer. I began research on this since 1971. How is it that there were cameras positioned in exactly the same spot that the assassination took place and strategically placed in various locations ... not on the Main Street where the parade was to have gone? No one considers this. I knew it could not have been Lee Harvey Oswald who murdered him. 20 of the conspirators gathered at Clint Murchison's mansion the night before. I also found out the reasons for this heinous crime - GOLD: the removal of the Khazarian mafia propaganda, who infiltrated the US government since the 1930s, JFK Exec Order 11110, June 4, 1963 and the November 14, 1963 Green Hilton Agreement with President Soekarno, World Bank President - a shipment of 57,000 tons of gold bars to the US Treasury and shut down of the criminal District of Columbia Federal Reserve - an end to the reptilian rule of the Crown, the Vatican and the Rothschild banksters. It would also have been an end to Rockefeller Pharma Empire and restoration of peace on Earth. It's all connected, and Lee Harvey Oswald was an innocent patsy. He wasn't even on the 6th floor at the time of the shooting - he came down to watch the parade. I would love to meet and chat with you and Judith Baker. I have a plethora of research data to back this.

View my substack articles - https://open.substack.com/pub/sterry448/p/jfk-assassination-november-22-1963?r=pvup8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web - also view https://open.substack.com/pub/sterry448/p/the-secret-covenant-and-pharmacology?r=pvup8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web The history of Pharma as we know it today and the plan to depopulate the world by 90% between 2020 and 2050 It's ALL connected. The Truth Will Out ... and set US (Universal Self) free!

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