8 hrs agoLiked by Rima E Laibow MD

Dr. Laibow, I share your frustration. I keep sharing stop genocide2030.org with podcasters and asking them to cover it and interview you. I don't seem to be accomplishing anything. Please see the interview with Sasha Stone someone Linked In Your comments. He seems to agree that we need to get out of the UN.

Maybe the two of you can do an interview.

On Monday, September 23, 2024 at

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Thank you. By the way, the link is PreventGenocide2030.org.

Keep sharing it and mobilizing others to do the same so that it acquires sufficient momentum to achieve the goal, while we still can.

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I've that feeling... The UN and their backers will get what they want temporarily, for the next so many years, starting from 2025. New Zealand and Canada has fallen, Australia is next, Europe, USA and Isreal will comply too. I've no doubt.

The politicians, bureaucrats, and corporate workers are controlled by more then money now, so are the vast majority of normal people. Why do you think the dissidents at the tip of the spear can't co-ordinate?

It's going to get crazy over the next few years, being scilenced by mis and disinformation laws, jailed for non compliance, yes forced injections, that we should all avoid at all costs. The federal government made sure their speech is exempted from such restrictions, so they're allowed to lie about safe and effective...

Rima, I remember all my memories from this life, the fellow soldiers I served with do not, as they had their memories of the experimentation wiped by the nanotech and the satellite EMF techniques. That is why I came forward, I am the only one, who can remember. Sad, yet true.

Now they've 5G towers set up all over our countries, which can do what the satellites did 20-30 odd years ago, to us ex soldiers.

We're here to help those who will listen, those who are like us Rima. So we can survive the arduous, as you would say bat shit crazy times ahead.

Devine intervention is the only way that will remedy this. IMHO.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Rima E Laibow MD

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, we have to stand in our power! Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you so much for your support, Elsa. It really matters when we share this link to create the political momentum necessary to pass the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023. The correct link to take action is https://PreventGenocide2030.org.

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Why beat us up? and publicly? We post it non stop. Also, our work is CRITICAL and you diminish it UNDER EVERY POST WE DO outrageously calling it "You blather about irrelevancies".... so DUH people stopped supporting legal procedures you insist won't work. THANKS - Just like Meryl. With all the attacks we literally are failing to survive, so KEEP ATTACKING until you destroy us AND WE WONT BE ABLE TO HELP AT ALL SOON.

Your idea is not as good as legal cases, nor as fast, and only for USA, but with you attacking the very concept of suing in global cases, like we want to do, you must be AGAINST us. Either you are with us and trying all angles, or you are with the terrorists. You are sabotaging a real STRATEGY because your idea is the ONLY one?

SuetheWHO.org/donate - PLEASE SHARE - Jeeze Louse - we are so close - WHO INTERNAL OVERSIGHT JUST SENT THE CASES FOR PCR AND THE NON VAX EXPERIMENTS TO NATIONAL AUTHORITIES - and here's Rima killing the REAL solution!

Also Rima - you won't answer how many signatures are there so far, despite us asking daily. How many signatures are we up to so far - by WE, we mean us as well, who helped! Do we get any info on our actions effects?

All in all, your baseless attacks are HARMFUL to us all and the cause we all work for.

Honestly, thats a really fucked up thing to write your entire base about us: "As a good example of utter lack of interest in actually solving the problem". and say we are a good example of lack of interest.... Your approach and public attack on IOJ is ABSOLUTELY disgusting, and intended to DESTROY US and move energy away from our work after you promised to support the multi prong approach.

THANKS SO MUCH - IOJ - we may not survive your attack... People really look up to you and you KNOW THAT... Why are you attacking us, one of your closest allies? Not impressed and disgusted

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Rima should be working WITH you, this division means the globalist criminals are laughing all the way to the BIS and Bank of Rothschild as they push their genocidal total slavery agenda forward.

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I will work with anyone who supports the legislation that can give us the only immediate opportunity I can see for us to survive the carefully orchestrated destruction of humanity and every human institution.

Are you and your group sharing this legislation as widely and publicly as you can? If so, welcome to my camp, my table, my tribe, my appreciation. If not, why not?

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the article is insulting, though.

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Extremely insulting, thank you INGRID. Blessings from IoJ - "supposed patriot and freedom advocates" according to Dr. Rima

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I share every day!

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AGREED Amy! We THOUGHT she was working with us but then we get this bullshit in everyones inbox throwing us and our strategy to litigate under the bus... Go figure. Why pay controlled opposition when Rima will do their work for them from the inside of the movement? Rima is providing a generous service of absolutely free controlled opposition for the Globalists... Sheesh!

Rima's division ABSOLUTELY means the globalist criminals are laughing all the way to the BIS and Bank of Rothschild as they push their genocidal total slavery agenda forward.... Once again, you are with us or the terrorists... Period.

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Whoopsie! How is "forgetting" to share the very existence of the crucial US legislation that can provide the only UN-free haven on the planet, until the monster dies of its own weight or other means, working together?

Courts take years and years and years. Humanity is being dodo'ed, extincted, destroyed, gene-altered, holocaustsed, holodromored, exterminated NOW!

Just in case what you know to be true interests you, justice-wise, how about making the successful outcome of your legal approach possible by saving enough of humanity to have a court system that is not totally controlled by, oh, say, the March 15, 2023 UN Judicial Reccommendation policies?

Because if they go into effect, your CR jurisprudence is no longer relevant.

The galling thing, specifically relevant to IoJ is that we have spoken at length and you expressed strong support for the critical importance of passing the Disengaging Entirely Froom the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 and the immediacy of it.

I have subsequently reminded you of your repeated and, to my mind, puzzling and unfortunate series of "Whoopsie!" events in which you "forgot" to let people know that there was legislation and that they could do something to help get it passed.


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I think Dr. Laibow makes an important point. Lawsuits, however just and laudable they may be, take a lot of time. Time we DO NOT HAVE now. Getting the USA out of the UN immediately would tank that entire wretched organization and throw a serious monkey wrench in the elites' plan for totalitarian global takeover. It really IS the most important thing we must do right now.

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Way more time to get out with the Bills and less likely to work. The lawsuits are refered by WHO internal oversight and would disprove the science frauds to stop it ALL. STRONGLY DISAGREE. We can ask for injunctions up front to get the PCR and shots stopped while discrediting them in the longer trial.

We are too close to winning by court and way too far for these bills - and WHAT about the case potentially solving all problems globally, and getting discovery to prove crimes to FORCE USA and other countries out of UN???? ... whilst this plan is so narrow, is only for US and a complete long shot??? The Bills rely on votes which can be biased, the court is supposed to rule right and the case is solid with appeals to enforce if biased.

And what, should we just give up and LET them get away with it? BAD idea...

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoLiked by Rima E Laibow MD

I'm not saying you should withdraw the lawsuit(s) or anything like that. I am saying the last grains are hurtling through the hourglass as we speak. Pulling the USA out of the UN effectively destroys that organization. It would immediately lose a quarter of its funding and it would embolden a bunch of smaller nations to follow suit and bail as well. As I'm sure you know, the COVID-19 scam was war-gamed out with a document called "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" and shortly before it happened live realistic drills were conducted. Well now we have another Rockefeller blueprint "SPARS 2025-2028" about another global pandemic. Global meetings about monkeypox and bird flu have or will very shortly take place. Are they now gearing up for the next pandemic, which Bill Gates imfamously claimed "will get our attention"? If so, expect Bird flu, monkeypox and/or Covid XEC (or another made up variant) to metastasize throughout the world as we head into flu season. If this thesis is correct we have very, very little precious time to derail them. You shouldn't take her criticisms so personally.

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We literally posted preventgenocide2030.org in every damn post about UN for the past couple months.

Rima is literally lying about us not posting- and having the audacity to lump us with WCH and CHD who are well funded when we are close to bankruptcy and closure, unable to complete our mission to sue with Dr. Yeadon and Sasha Latypova, etc.

Rima is telling people NOT to support our cases and we cant sue without funds so its SABOTAGE

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5 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoLiked by Rima E Laibow MD

The USA is the anchor member of the UN and among member countries provides the largest single share of its funding. US departure would greatly weaken the UN and pave the way for other countries to leave. It would suffer a loss of power and control. The only reason it is able to exercise power and control is because member countries yield to its demands. They have NO OBLIGATION to do so.

The courts have not been on our side. The judicial institution has been infiltrated by the globalists as have many other institutions. The enemy surrounds us. A court win for us on fake PCR tests does not solve the myriad other problems caused by "our" (meaning government) compliance with UN dictates. IF we remain in the UN we will NEVER be free of its tyranny. GETTING OUT of the UN is the surest way to freedom, imo.

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You can keep your pessimism of courts (you do not even know which courts we are going to) and hang out in the fairy rainbow land of 2 Bills in US solving all problems...

Riddle us this, the Bills must be passed before January but it's taken 1 year to get 200k signatures max.. HOW, HOW, HOW does this plan to collect the 10M signatures in a few months ACTUALLY work AS MORE THAN A PIPE DREAM?

We asked Rima to do publicity to PROMOTE TO A WIDER AUDIENCE SINCE SHE HAS BIG MEDIA CONTACTS - but never heard squat. We have little reach, so SOLUTIONS? At least court is accessible to us and you are dead wrong, if PCR and VAX were nullified ALL countries could be forced out for WHO's misconduct. Our plan rocks

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs agoAuthor

What is your track record with your court cases? Our track record with massive political demand is outstanding in the US and in Chile, Germany and elsewhere over the last 30 years. That includes getting Congress to make 180 degree truns on the dime of public uproar.

Court cases have their place where there is standing and jurisdiction. However, they do take time and then are contested, taking yet more time.

And while judgements in one's favor are satisfying and rewarding emotionally, enforcement is quite another matter.

You will, I am sure, recall that George W Bush was convicted by the Spanish court, which also claims Universal Jurisdiction, of crimes against humanity and yet, no modicum of justice has been served on him, nor has US policy changed one iota because of that ruling. None the less, if your cases prevail in CR, and you get a universal jurisdiction ruling, and somebody wants to enforce it, that will be great. Most of humanity will be bio-digitally converged, dead or otherwise destroyed. All property rights, parental rights, and pretty much every other right you or I imagined to exists will be a thing of the past, not even remembered past a generation or two.

Have you noticed that we are in the most successful holocaust in human history, and we are not even close to peak? Have you noticed that the noose of sovereignty destruction is nearly closed? Have you noticed that C-293 and the NZ "Health Plan" are the leading edge of a rapidly expanding and accelerating tsunami to operationalize UN SDGs everywhere? Check with the legislative calendar of CR and I am pretty sure you will find C-293-esque legislation in process there, too.

Let's assume that your strategy is perfect and will succeed completely. Humanity is being destroyed now, not in the jurisprudent future.

There is no inherent conflict with passing the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 AND your judicial strategy, but without the first, the population necessary to carry out the second, and, indeed, enforce anything at all, will not exist.


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I listened to Sacha Stone say exactly the same about the UN on his recent Arise Guerilla News here https://ariseguerrillanews.com/live/

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I signed and share, but îm just a little fish in a sea of shark. And these shark’s are hungry. Probly why evrything we do doesnt move as we wish it would.

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unfortunately one can only sign the petition once. One can only do so much...

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The Globalist, DemonRats, and RepubTurds can do what they want but we still have and they must abide by the United States Constitution which is the Supreme Law of the Land!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Rima E Laibow MD

BULL SHIT!! They will not obey ANY of our existing laws or constitutions. They don't care. They will do what ever the hell they want and we will be unable to do anything about it. They will have COMPLETE control. You will have NONE. The COURTS will have NONE. DONE. Game OVER! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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