I have made, to Reiner, quite a number of the points you make in your long comment after Reiner's statement. Thank you for your very extensive and full response. I have made points to him before his arrest, such as that it was important for him to look at the inherent Jew-hatred of Islam. And I have written to him with points like those you made in your comment. They are important. Is he able to hear the comments? So very important to be able to take in information that does not go with preconceptions. A suggestion: maybe you can print your analysys and mail it to him, so he can read it.

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Rainer is A very decent brave soul.I believe in his innocence and hope he is soon free.He and others are in my prayers daily.💕💕🙏🙏🙏🌺🌻🌻🌻🌻🇬🇧

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Thank you so much for posting Reiner Fuellmich brilliant and courageous message Rima.

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I have added a link to this post at the end of my post of Reiner's update. I made many similar points in response to another of Reiner’s updates, but did not do it this time - perhaps as I have just been getting massive Jew-hatred under the cover of being anti-Khazarian and anti-Zionist in response to what I have written regarding the USS Liberty. In fact, I will add to your comments that Reiner's position is in line with this covert Jew-hatred.

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Indicating you are wrong about your historical interpretation of the USS Liberty Affair is not the same as "Jew-hatred." Two different things. Apples and oranges. Are you suggesting that Reiner Feullmich is in line with "covert Jew-hatred"? My educated guess is that Reiner simply knows more about history than you do, Elsa. I think you might try to be a little introspective here and hold back from efforts to poison minds against Reiner Fuellmich. We are all involved in trying to help Reiner in delivering by way of new jurisprudence on his tremendous study of the Covidian Crimes Against Humanity.

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I have no idea why you write: "hold back from efforts to poison minds against Reiner Fuellmich." I have been posting updates about Reiner since his arrest, and have interviewed him twice before that. I do not see everything as he sees them, and it matters to me to speak about that, and also to try to reach him. What is going on inside you that you respond with "hold back from efforts to poison minds against Reiner Fuellmich." Wow!!! You sound deranged to me. You probably also believe Dr. Rima Laibow should "hold back from efforts to poison minds against Reiner Fuellmich." I'm not going to answer any other part of your comment.

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You write, "I will add to your comments that Reiner's position is in line with this covert Jew-hatred." You don't think that indicating that "Reiner's position is in line with covert Jew-hatred" is making a harsh judgment against him that might influence the opinion of others?

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Watching. The work that Reiner Fuellmich had done in the start of the COVID 19 bioweapon plandemic in 2020 had already woke many up and saved many lives. He's a courageous man and a warrior. I'm not the only one who's followed these high crimes against a law professional

Some already know whose running this shit show against Fuellmich. It won't be long when the mass causes the scale of justice to go Right.

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Thank you, Dr. Laibow, for you insights, your courage and your profound honesty. Very few tell the whole truth, as you do. You’re incredible.

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Thank you, Standup, for your kind and supportive words.

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Oh my goodness … Dr. Rima , thank you for this profound and comprehensive update. I have tears in my eyes reading it all! I continue to pray and

want to be part of the solution… any suggestions would be most appreciated. I contact my representatives to get us out of the UN/WHO… I hope That happens under our new government! I am almost 80 full of energy and I will not stop speaking out. I support Prevent Genocide :


I will share all you write snd continue to pray for Divine intervention for guidance!

Reiner is an exceptional human being … I will write to him and you my dear lady exemplifies a light in the darkness!

God bless you and all helping Reiner!

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Thank you SO much, Catherine, for sharing the message. That is urgently needed to allow our demand, #ExitTheUN, to reach the necessary volume of voices. Please reach out to me because I would like to ask you something privately.

My email is releyes3@gmail.com

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Reiner Fuellmich is 66 years old. He was born on May 5th 1958.

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Thanks for the correction, Marie-Claude.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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This is game of deception by the Head of Illuminati & Satanic Freemasonry which is the Crown in England leading the World Economic Forum , United Nations , World Health Organisation secretly !

I am 100% sceptic for example about "Calin Georgescu " since his interview with this morally correct brave man fighting for humanity "Mr Reiner Fuellmich" !

I remember also Mr Reiner Fuellmich was talking in one of his precious videos which" I can not find this video anymore" that Mr Reiner Fuellmich was talking about all this deception and control coming from the " London City Mafia " & I remember he said he is writing a book regarding that & I do believe this is why they locked him up in prison because Mr Reiner Fuellmich is morally correct human exposing the evil to the top of the head of the poisonous snake the Crown in England behind this depopulation agenda !

Reiner Fuellmich does not know that "Calin Georgescu " is satanic Freemason Illuminati & those cult they have the ability to act & use deception to mislead the people that they are Christians , Jews or Muslims or others religions while they are Satanic Freemasons Illuminati , members of the club of Rome & they can be members of the Committee of 300 too working for the Crown in England to mislead the people around the Earth with lies News & push the people to civil wars & wars with other nations for depopulation Agenda so the head of the One World Government of Piracy & the Head of the Committee of 300 & the Head of the imperialism Colonised Invasions the king & queens of the Crown in England will be able to collect all the wealth & collect all the Earth using this time quite wars with silent weapons technology & using deception , secrecy , infiltration to achieve their goal to steal all the Earth !

Now "Calin Georgescu" is trying to be president in Romania so my questions :

Is "Calin Georgescu " going to stop the roll out of 5G , 6G in Romania to prevent the people have radiation poisoning ?

Is "Calin Georgescu " going to stop the roll out of the Death Bioweapon injections & medicine against the people in Romania ?

"LIES " what he is saying , we are already in "One World Government of Piracy" secretly led by the King & Queen of the Crown in England Head of the Committee of 300 !

Means "Calin Georgescu " need to be "a member of the committee of 300" to be able to become president in Romania !!

Infiltration of Satanic Freemasonry to every governments & religious leaders , secret agency & police , top positions in health system , media & to top of United nations around the "Earth" !



Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality & they lie about everything !

"Calin Georgescu " was the president of UN & Club of Rome !

Means he is Illuminati Satanic Freemason secretly !!

Watch this lady reading part of this book Committee of 300 - by John Coleman & shocking truth that the Queen & King of the Crown in England is the head of the Committee of 300 leading the enslavement, genocide , theft against humanity to own all the Earth & it is the continuation of the Imperialism colonised invasions !


Who created the WHO & UN & WEF is the Head of the Committee of 300 & their Committee of 300 members & the Head of the committee of 300 is the King or Queen of Piracy for the Crown in England !

The enemy against us " all " is the "Committee of 300" & the head of the committee of 300 around the Earth is the Queen or King of the " Crown in England secretly !

All presidents & governments around the Earth are " Satanic Freemasons" participating in theatre fictional story that there is governments to sedate & to mislead the people around the Earth inorder to hide the main reasons for those declared wars & declared mandates which is to genocide the people in each country by their "own governments" like Bolshevik genocide & like the genocide happened in Cambodia by Pol Pot & like all the genocides happened in the last 300 years "at least" all done by infiltration of Satanic Freemasons (Nazi or called Zionists ) around the Earth their loyalty to the Head of the Satanic Freemasonry & the Head of Committee of 300 the King or Queen of Piracy for the Crown in England !…

This is " The Monarch Pox " to Rape & to Kill humanity to Steal all the Earth !

World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III & he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !

Watch !


This means this is announcement to kill humans on Earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe ! CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception ! We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!


Happer explains CO2 is life gas & we have very little CO2 in our environment now !!!


We need to look at the bigger picture to understand

Head of Piracy is the Crown in England

Read the Committee of the 300 for Dr John Coleman



Again Watch this video this human lady reading important part in this book where we are heading to total tyranny , no free will & the end of individual rights , no ownership of automobile , no ownership of any precious coins of any kind & all coinage shall surrendered in given time to the government of the One World Government which is the head of the committee of the 300 which is the Crown parasites in England the descendants of Mentally & Morally deranged King George III & Queen of Imperialism "Victoria" the recluse .


Also in this book the following :

- Britain has controlled the United States, beginning from soon after

the War of 1812, and continues to exercise control over this

country through the policies of the Committee of 300.

- To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and

engender total political chaos.

- To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of

the United States.

- Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from

within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations

represented by them.

- Creation of British Intelligence Military Intelligence Division 6,

commonly known as M16 and Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negotiate

with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place.

_ The greatest danger arises from the mass of

traitors in our midst. Our Constitution warns us to be watchful of

the enemy within our gates. These enemies are the servants of

the Committee of 300 who occupy high positions within our

governmental structure..

- Profiling is a technique developed in 1922 on command of

the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA). This

became the core of Britain's Psychological Warfare Bureau ---

Amazingly the Queen or King of British imperialism colonised invasions of the Crown in England are also the "Patron" for the " British Red Cross " since 1870 to inject the victims of their planned wars what they wish for secret depopulation agenda & for human /child trafficking under cover of humanitarian aid for rituals purposes or for experimentation for depopulation agenda since at least 1870 !


All the presidents around the Earth now are "Satanic Freemasons" loyal & slaves to the (Head of Satanic Freemasonry) "the King & Queen "of the Crown in England ( Head of the Committee of the 300) & those presidents are the committee of 300 members leading the genocide secretly against the people around Earth so the Head of the committee of the 300 collecting all the Earth !

1) Trump Rolled out 5G & it is military weapon against the people in USA to make the people have short life span & to have cancer in the next 5 years !

Read his speech rolling out 5 G against the people in USA in 2019 in (Roosevelt Room)


His speech promising not only 5G but also 6G radiation against the people !


Why Trump his speech was in ( Roosevelt Room ) because this is a signal that Trump following the path of "Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) as F. Roosevelt drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government !

Means Trump like Franklin Roosevelt slave to the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ( Crown in England ) Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to own all the wealth & to own all the Earth !

2) Trump rolled out the death bio-weapons injections called vaccines against the people in USA! Millions are dead or disabled for life because of these injections


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Let us assume that every word you have written is true (I am not saying I think that is the case, but let us assume it for a moment).

Does knowing every bit of that informatioin stop them from their plans or protect any of us? No, knowing it AND acting to get us out from the range of their weapons of control does. And right now, in this configuration of reality, the only tactical measure that does that is for us to force our nation to exit the UN, whichever nation you are in.

So, with everything said, unless and until that happens, they are in control and we are doomed.

How about changing the situation by getting us out of the UN?

If you put a fraction of the passion and diligence into getting people activated to help get us out of the UN that you have so evidently put into becoming informed and informing others, you will be a huge help to us all.

That's possible right now at PreventGenocide2030.org

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Rima E Laibow

I am targeted with directed energy attacks none stop 24/7 and gang stalking programs against me everywhere I travelled in UK , in Ireland , in USA , in Spain ..etc

This made me understand alot about this deadly technology in their hands to attack humanity which I did not know before ... what is happening against me it is happening now against billions including against the children !

They are using "silent weapons for quiet wars" that we are not able to stop or to prove because you can not ( see , smell , hear , touch ) this beam weapon technology deployed against me and others !

Please read

Children with V2K Torture non stop


They attack me directed energy high frequency 24/7 that cause me difficulty to breath , rapid heart rate , palpitation , spasm in muscles , blistering , burns , rash , itching , coughing , fever, attacking my brain and body including the genitalia !

See the printed document how they are attacking the people & their children to head , brains , all body including attacking the genitalia with directed energy through walls & through the clothes causing heating , violent itching around the genitalia , body , head and "forced orgasm" by controlling the function of the neurons in the body & head !


We have no governments !!

Watch this important video for this morally correct woman from USA Deborah-Tavares & she stated "This is The Plan" to attack . to kill the people using this silent technology , beam weapon technology , poisoning our skies , poisoning our water , poisoning our medicine , weaponizing everything against the people in USA and around the Earth for secret depopulation agenda !!


This means "we have no governments" to protect us and this Trump is one of the traitors who allowed the people in USA to be attacked with directed energy weapons with their children , and this Trump rolled out the 5G and he is promising you to roll out the 6 G against the people and this Trump rolled out the death bio-weapons injections that killed millions in the military and civilians in USA or made them disabled for life !

Do you really think that Trump will help you to remove the UN United Nations while he allowed all the above " against the people in USA" !!

With this technology they are driving the people to become homeless or suicide or pushed them to mental institutions to be poisoned because they are morally correct , free thinkers , intelligent , cultural and they are not slaves to the corrupted governments and their filthy secret agencies who are slaves to the Crown in England secretly the Head of Satanic Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of 300 !

I invite you to do more research how they started the United Nations and I mentioned it in my comments because I would like to inform the people the truth because they are killing us all using silent weapons !

"Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government because this is plan put by the Pirates of the Crown in England to steal all the wealth & to steal all the Earth !

The Crown in England executing their plan to assault humanity and to kill humanity to steal all the wealth on Earth !

Hampstead children abuse in UK by Satanists Freemasons supported by top government & secret agencies & by puppets police as no proper investigation occurred to save the children from this abuse ... please watch

1) https://odysee.com/@StopTheCrime:d/Full-Story-of-Kids-Whistleblowing-Satanic-Sex-Cult-in-Hampstead-London-UK:c

2) https://odysee.com/@AWarriorCalls-Unofficial:b/HAMPSTEAD-UNCOVERED---SEVEN-YEARS-LATER-47Lz6hr6D4TP:d

The Crown in England supported Jimmy Savile to rape thousands of children on the beds of NHS hospitals ...


Crown in England filthy entity they are Sex cult & Death Cult & they are the Head of Skull and Bones Piracy , Rape , Genocide against humanity , Even they have sex activity with the dead victims !!



Watch this video of the Revisiting the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony and this is the plan !!


To see that the Crown in England led by Elizabeth II announcing to the world with silent signs that the agenda of plandemic Corona Virus ( Crown Poison ) against humanity & against your children as they show you the sign of GOSH sign in the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremony means "Go-SH" Go die silently while you are assaulted & raped secretly on the beds of the NHS by The Staff & byThe Elites secretly like what Jimmy Saville did !

You can see the staff of the NHS dancing in evil satanic way & they are making a gesture in their fingers & hands looking at the children telling them in wacky Evil sign language for the Crown ( We are very happy that "Your children in our hands" , we will rape them on the NHS beds like what Jimmy Saville did & they show you the monsters attacking the children in hospitals beds to brutalise them before death & they tell them also we will kill you with the Death injections for Depopulation Agenda to die silently & they are making alot of "SH " sign in the dance ..

Watch Weaponized 5G Pulsating Microwaves Caught in the Act While We Are ALL Sleeping!

Watch please All "symptoms" like flue like symptoms , pain , muscle spasm , bone resorption , low immunity is because the radiation poisoning with directed energy weapons ( radiation poisoning 5G , 6G & more via satellites & cell phone towers ) ...


Watch this video above about attacking humanity pulsating 5G and more to cause , flue like symptoms by depriving our cells from oxygen & causing low immunity with many diseases like cancer , autoimmune diseases what they call the "cow mad disease" which is directed energy weapons attacks against humans and animals to cause fear their is scary virus as germ .. This is not true as " there is no virus as germ as they did not isolate any virus in human history " and Virus in Latin language means the "Poison" and in this case it is "radiation poisoning symptoms " and directed energy attacks to cause mimic diseases against humans and against animals to cause fear to control the ignorant to believe their lies to push the population to stop eating meat & animal products as malnourished people easy to enslave as they are not thinking clearly & to force the people to take the death bio-weapons injections ... for depopulation agenda ....

Dr Robert Young talking about Graphene Oxide , Hydrogel & Heavy Metals are Literally Everywhere & In Everything !


Then they will decide to kill us with deadly injections because we have symptoms that they generated against us with the free energy technology attack against us remotely via satellites and cell phone towers !

Crown in England Head of the Committee of 300 leading genocide & theft to steal all the Earth!

This is the truth- :


"Imperialism" hacked our brains without our knowledge

This is the end of humanity !

The "British Imperialism in 1882" had 13 Colonies on the open in addition to England which means 14 colonies !!

See drawing:


Now all the Earth is One Giant Colony in the hand of the the Crown Parasites in England secretly with infiltration ( the Head of the Satanic Freemasonry , the Head of the Committee of 300 & the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ) !

Graphene hidden in medicine in UK & I have samples these NHS capsules !!

1) https://odysee.com/@Bellomonte:2/Graphene-Oxide-in-Drugs:0

2) https://odysee.com/@OurFreeSociety:2/Nurofen-pain-killers-show-us-how-it-contains-Graphene-oxide:c

We have no governments around the Earth to protect the people and they are allowing all these attacks against the people !!

All the governments including the USA government are against the people and they are slaves to the Crown in England Head of the One World Government of Piracy collecting all the Earth with secrecy , with deception , with infiltration !

Watch this important video for Terry Stough New World Order The Crown in England own USA


Also watch Infiltration of Satanic Freemasonry to every governments & to every religious leaders , to every secret agency & police , to every top positions in health system , to every media ... "around the Earth" in last more than 300 years !



Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality means the " Bad Morality" is Good for them and they lie about everything & they will tell you they are Jews , Christians , Muslims , Buddha while they are all Satanic Freemasons worship the King & the Queen of the Crown in England this is why they call them also the "Pilgrims Society" because they need all the time to come to England as loyalty to their masters in England & participate in the secret Rituals ceremonies against humanity , follow their law of the land and follow their no morality deceptive believes & attitude against humanity !!


Thank you

Amal W Dawood

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Where else do you write ?

I just had written a lenghier reply to you Amal... Not sure where it went though ...

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"Imperialism" hacked our brains !!

Graphene hidden in medicine in UK & I have samples of these NHS capsules !

1) https://odysee.com/@Bellomonte:2/Graphene-Oxide-in-Drugs:0

2) https://odysee.com/@OurFreeSociety:2/Nurofen-pain-killers-show-us-how-it-contains-Graphene-oxide:c

* Watch Corona Virus symbol & 5G tower Printed on the Money 20 bill note in UK !


Read ..Children with V2K Torture none stop harassment to their cranial cavity with voice to skull technology which they are using this technology also a way of harassment inaddition as way of communication with corrupted governments instead of using cell phone !


Imperialism" of the Crown in England already hacked our brains secretly !

They already hacked our brains secretly by stealing our DNA since birth as they infiltrated every Government and health system around the Earth and by impregnated our bodies with these nano technology since at least 1920s in water we are drinking , in the food we are eating , in air we are breathing through the chem-trails spraying , in the injections through the first infant vaccines in history & in any injections & medicine including the dental anaesthetic injections all loaded with hydrogel , graphene , nano smart dust to connect us to the satellites ( clouds ) & to the Pirates of the Crown MIC "supercomputer 666" & to control the people brains globally with synthetic telepathy to the subconscious mind by sending synthetic thoughts to make the people feel & think negative against themselves or against others for depopulation ...

We need all of us " Revelation not Revolution " like what this lady morally correct intelligent woman "Debora Tavares" from California USA said many times in her informative videos!

They have technology that hacked our brains & bodies secretly & they can kill all the billions in fraction of second with this technology !

Before we are dead we need to get revelation of the truth who is the head of terrorism against humanity since the start & where we are heading for the coming future which total enslavement with zero individual rights & this future is the "New Dark Ages" with the same tyrants for the Crown in England , raping , killing , stealing humanity but this time they have in their hands " the weapon of mass destruction technology" hacking the brains to control every thought , to control the function of every cells in our brain & body remotely without our knowledge !!

Watch Circa 2025


All the people around the Earth are all targeted ( the good people with morality and the bad people who are corrupted and slave to the system ) all targeted by the Crown Military industrial complex since the start of Satanic Freemasonry more than 300 years ago and they infiltrated all governments , police , secret agencies , health system , religious leaders around the Earth !

Then they targeted us with the technology hacking our brains since at least 1920 using mobile computers and satellites and the free energy technology electromagnetic field technology !

With this technology they see everything and they hear everything through walls & through clothes ...

With this technology they read the mind too and they send synthetic communication to subconscious mind as synthetic thoughts that the people thinks that these thoughts their own to make the people have negative reaction with each other , to make the people feel negative against themselves or against other for depopulation agenda ..

Also with this technology they send communication to the conscious mind call V2K voice to skull technology and they are using this communication either as harassment of none stop abusive language , threats , blackmail , vulgar harassment , lies none stop that the victims hear voices sent to their cranial cavity 24/7 to prevent them to sleep & to push them to go to the psychiatry around the Earth which they are all traitors to humanity ( gang stalkers) working with their secret agencies & the police to discredit the victims that you are "imaging hearing voices in your head" to poison the victims with the medications for secret depopulation agenda !

Also this communication with V2K Voice to Skull technology they use to communicate in silent secret method of communication with the corrupted satanic governments , police , secret agencies , health systems & the psychiatrists which they are traitors themselves they hear voices sent by the Crown MIC for One World Government beamed to their cranial cavities according to the frequency of each DNA to communicate with them how to talk with the victims , how to inject them certain injections to experiment on the victims , how to discredit the victims for depopulation agenda .... Remember that Crown MIC via satellites they see everything very clear through walls & they hear everything very clear through walls and they read the mind for the victims & for their secret army of military & civilians of gang stalkers & governments and "they respond to the thoughts" of theirs secret army of governments, secret agencies , police, health system especially in the top and psychiatry around the Earth without uttering a word and it is called V2K voice to skull technology secret silent communication with synthetic telepathy to conscious mind !!

Also all the gang stalkers through their work to keep their jobs now or through their grants they are on this secret technology communication with MIC to terrorise, mislead , discredit , lie , steal the victims around the Earth for depopulation agenda and this is happening to me everywhere I go or I travel because we are already in One World Government of Piracy not announced and we are tracked , monitored via satellites 24/7 and inside our houses & reading the mind for the victims and for the secret army to respond to them !!

Again Read ..Children with V2K Torture none stop harassment to their cranial cavity with voice to skull technology which they are using this technology also a way of harassment inaddition as way of communication with corrupted governments instead of using cell phone !


Infiltration of Satanic Freemasonry to every governments & to every religious leaders , to every secret agency , to every top positions in health system , to every media around the Earth !



Freemasonry & Satanism is freedom of morality and they follow order without questioning and they lie about everything to mislead the people !

Watch this lady reading part of this book Committee of 300, by John Coleman & shocking truth that the Queen & King of the Crown in England is the head of the Committee of 300 leading the enslavement, genocide , theft against humanity to own all the Earth & it is the continuation of the Imperialism colonised invasions !


Since 1600 the British Crown controlling the science to get more power over humanity to enslave & to steal all the Earth ..

See Royal society !

1) https://royalsociety.org/about-us/who-we-are/history/

2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society

This is how the British Crown they controlled the science & they stole the science including the Electromagnetic Technology , Free Energy Technology & others science to attack humanity secretly with Directed Energy Electromagnetic Field technology ..

Amazingly the Queen & King of imperialism colonised invasions of the Crown in England are also the "Patron" for the "British Red Cross" since 1870 to inject the victims of their planned wars what they wish for secret depopulation & human trafficking for their rituals & to experiment on them !

They hacked our brains via satellites that they see through walls , They see what we see and They hear what we hear & they read the mind !

There is no virus as germ in human history !

They did not isolate any virus in human history !

The first infant vaccines in history is to inject us the nano smart dust , hydrogel to connect us to the satellites via DEW to the Crown military MIC

Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ,

Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language while the Virus it means in Latin language the "Poison "

The "Crown Poison" against humanity

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Please see my comment to the first part of your comment above.

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Thank you for ALL you have written and ALL the links you have included here.

I have Much watching/reading still to go through...

I looked up your profile to follow you for more but I couldn't find posts there.

Where else do you write ?

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My reply here also does it's best to answer everyone else in this thread, for which I thank all of you for your input.

Well, kind of not Rima. What you are saying is; everything we propose will become corrupted by the very same corruption that already exists. Over a lifetime, I often wondered about why one has to attack; when surely the best way forward is to start from scratch and build a completely new set of institutions . . . to our own designs . . . related directly to our own view of the way forward to what we intend to achieve? That we must start off by making the profound decision to walk away from all existing corruption and build our own community foundations with truth.

"THEY" . . . have signally failed! Period!

As I see it; first of all we need to forget the existence of the likes of the UN and all of the related international courts of law; ICC; ICJ; The Rome accords; whatever! We must open the door and symbolically; sweep them out of our thoughts and out into the street. They are each a complete failure for a wide variety of reasons, well known to all of us.

So now we have a clean sheet of blank paper.

Again, very recently, I watched the brief interview of a early 20's young man who made a very clear point of view, that left me deeply concerned. His remark was ENTIRELY DEEPLY NEGATIVE about politicians and the like. If we do nothing and that negativity festers throughout the young populations of the Western economies; we are going to face an even worse situation than now; a complete collapse of civilisation. We need a completely new set of strong foundations. So my view is, we have to act now with a determination to set out with a very positive outlook for the future.

So what is the primary purpose of our venture? May I suggest, and for you all to actively discuss. We need to re-introduce a foundation of common law that everyone will accept. That from there we have to agree to place to one side, the idea that anyone can; "Bend the rules" to suit their own purposes.

My view is that we need to create a United Peoples Organisation, entirely dedicated to the introduction of a common law foundation for all the peoples of the entire planet. Something like the thinking that formed the original wording of the US Constitution. That we all play to the same thought processes that brought it into existence. Again, as British Common Law is the foundation supporting all international finance; we use that as the starting draft.


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Dr Rima, who was the female head of state with whom you spoke about the Great Culling?

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Psychopath or not, everyone has the right to medical privacy. Not only that, all related information is protected under HIPPA and state legislation.

So even if I wanted to violate her right to privacy, I could not legally do so.

Sorry about that.

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I supported Reiner for years and always thought the blonde (whatever her name is) was weird. So it's surprising he, knowing her firsthand, was not able to discern the same before getting screwed by her, given his profession and claimed skills. Yet, his unending Gaza comments with their blame Israel/Zionists/Jews messaging, based on apparently watching TURKISH TV (!), points out again, he lacks perception skills. Sure he's been framed/punished for seeking the truth and sure we want justice for all, but I can't see a freed Fuellmich becoming anything short of a shill for the wrong side. Clearly, he lacks discernment skills and will become a useful idiot for all sorts of haters and anti-Semites.

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I disagree. I have, for example, a great deal of discernment in many areas, but my first husband was a genuine psychopath whose evil nature I totally missed for the 27 years I was with him.

My index of suspicion was zero since I trusted him totally.

Dumb me. But that does not turn me into a shill for the mafia with which he was secretly working.

Your logic is not correct here, Dog.

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Reiner is already a shill as are the campus protestors and many others. Most certainly if he's watching Turkish TV he's watching al jezeera or at least parallel programming. German MSM is no better. He and those that fall for the carefully crafted narrative they're watching are having their beliefs manipulated. When they don't realize it, they have surrendered discernment (if they were ever skilled in it). When they regurgitate what they've been trained on, they are unequivocally shills.

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The WHO health tyranny must end before it has a chance to begin. Trump promised to end it and he needs to make good on that promise. No WHO health tyranny, No UN agendas 21, 30 or any other year, No WEF, No New World Order Madness!

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I wish that were true, Iam, but it is factually incorrect.

Although I am sorry to disagree the fact is that the UN has woven every one of the control measures inside the WHO system into its Climate Change, Re-Wilding, UNDRIP, DEI and other programs so that getting rid of one of the hydra's heads does not take the hydra down.

Agenda 20/20/30, for example, is rather autonomous and will use the WHO structure, but has exactly the same powers without it.

The only way out, I am afraid, is to get out of the whole shebang.

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Well I guess I wasn't clear, but that is what I was hoping for,to get out of the whole shebang. I don't know how that will ever happen and even if it does, I am 77 so I may not live to see it.

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You can help make it happen by taking action at PreventGenocide2030.org and then sharing it like crazy to help others do the same.

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