Mar 17Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Dr. Rima, SAGE knows that there is no way out without violence.

We will not see a peaceful resolution. I truly wish there was one.

Congress has ZERO authority to act upon their own, as do the other two branches and all the other agencies.

Every single one of them falls under the direct authority of HHS and the DOD.

We have been illegally "ruled" by unelected reps since covid was declared a national health emergency on 1/27/20.

The Constitution was buried by Trump during his administration with the passing of this illegal law:

2019/06/24 - Congress and President Trump passed Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act - PL 116-22, 133 Stat. 905. Amended Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201), further consolidating federal power in HHS Secretary’s hands during public health emergencies, further merging public health and law enforcement systems, and further subordinating state, tribal, county and municipal governments and American civilians to direct federal control.

and then six months later, the illegal shift in power to HHS:

2020/01/27 - US Secretary of Health and Human Services Determination that a Public Health Emergency Exists. Signed Jan. 31, 2020, effective Jan. 27, 2020. Renewed every 90 days since then. Also signed a ‘declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostics for detection and/or diagnosis of this novel coronavirus.’ The determination and declaration were recorded in the Federal Register as taking effect Feb. 4, 2020. 85 Federal Register 7316.

The US is being systematically destroyed from within and there is not one person, that currently commands a stage presence ,that is not involved on the coup.

5/24/24 is the day for our sovereignty to be handed over to the UN and WHO.

This is the work of Katherine Watt, someone who you should get acquainted with in her work.


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I am well acquainted with the outstanding work that Katherine Watt does, but thanks for mentioning it so everyone reading this sees the recommendation, which I second.

You are right about all sorts of things in what you have written but fundamentally wrong on this one - and vitally important - thing:

The Congress of the United States has the authority to pass a bill forcing the Head of State to write and sign the simple letter required to get us out of the UN and all related obligations and entanglements.

In fact, it does not matter to me how corrupt they are, what they believe, to whom they give their fealty. All that matters in this particular case is that our wrath and outrage is loud enough and compelling enough to force them to act as we direct them to lest they lose the control of the control, which it is their job to maintain.

Their job in the eyes of their masters, not in our eyes, or in the view of the Constitution, of course.

Once that happens, we have a chance to survive this intentional disaster or, as the Act now before Congress calls it, the UN Debacle.

Suppose I am right and you did nothing to help get us out. Would that be OK with you? Go there now, PreventGenocide2030.org, and take the Action there, then tell everyone you can reach.

Unlike the jabs, this action actually IS safe and effective!

As to what Sage knows or believes re: violence, I will wait to hear what he says.

Once we go hot, they win, since we, essentially, have the current equivalent of blunderbusses and they have frequency weapons and worse. No, hot conflict is a sure loss for us and the stakes are far, far too high for humanity to be stupid enough to risk it.

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That is ONE BIG IF congress has the courage to do this, because it means an end to their careers and their honey pots.

I hope you are right and we can avoid physical, escalated violence, but you can't reason with Demons wrapped in human skins.

If this country does not continue to do as instructed by it's handlers, the handlers will collapse our economy overnight, because the US dollar is not worth the paper it's written on.

Members of Congress and SCOTUS, other big players in the agencies believe the lies that they will have a place at the round table if the global reset succeeds.

I like the philosophy that Teddy Roosevelt once brought forth: "Speak softly, but carry a big stick".

If the UN enters into this country( they are already setting up shop) in mass, then the rules go out the window and it becomes a free-for-all.

How many times in history can you show us that a government willfully gave up power they had over their population?

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You misunderstand. I do not give a damn what they believe. I know from experience that massive demand forces the would-be controllers to change direction if they perceive that they will lose control of their control. That is what we need to make clear to them. Nonviolently.

I can give you specific examples when we, in fact, forced those policy changes on the US and foreign governments and when I say "we", I mean We, the People and, in several of those instances, the Natural Solutions Foundation.

It takes millions of those voices saying the same thing: "Don't You Dare!"

The option is total destruction, per Agenda 2030 and the Pact for the Future.

There is no option but to prevail.

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How do you know what Sage knows? Are you, in fact, the pseudonymous Sage?

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It's not hard too hard to discern when reading the writing.

Despair seems to have set in, but also the reality the at 5/24/24 is just two months away and 99.5% of our population has no idea what happens then.

Sage has been ringing the bell for a while now and has picked this clean to the bone and skillfully exposed every actor on stage.

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"5/24/24 is the day for our sovereignty to be handed over to the UN and WHO".

Let this day sink in.

For it will make 9/11 look like child's play.

Yet the masses have no clue what 5/24 means but they will know soon enough.


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You are working on misinformation,

The real threat is not the WHO or the Pandemic Treaty. That is a symptom. The disease is the UN.

Cure that and we have a chance of survival.

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I wonder if anything happens right away?

I doubt we have the 2024 election?

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I doubt anything happens on day 1.

I keep my mind open to all possibilities unfolding at any time and focus on being prepped and as ready as possible for what lies ahead. The enemy is attacking us at many levels. (social, political, economic, medical, legal, and spiritual) So one should prepare at every level. At the economic level, for example, we know that the financial system is being deliberately imploded. If the USD was not a reserve global currency the U.S. would no longer be able to monetize its debt by issuing treasuries even though it's bankrupt. That's why many countries are refusing to buy treasuries in favour of central bank gold reserves. It is speculated that Biden was forced to sell oil to China from its strategic petroleum reserve because China refused to accept payment in treasuries. How will the U.S. continue to buy things when the debt they issue through t-bills is in default? Stockholders think that they own their holdings but laws have changed and if the financial institution holding your stocks goes under the stockholders can't cash in the stock. They lose their cash just as the cash account holder's money disappears. So with or without an election, Xmen, we're in for one hell of a bumpy ride. Preparation is the best defence. Best wishes.

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This is the reason why we will see the CBDC ushered in almost without notice and we will sabotage China again(just like we did with the 911 saga).

Zionist Israel controls 98% of the world financing and China will not have a choice unless they go inhouse like Russia.

We need to remember that every nation on earth signed off on agenda 2030.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 20Author

It has nothing to do with Zionism or Israel. it is older and deeper than that, but if you are naive enough to believe that, you are serving the divide and conquer strategy of the real enemy.

That enemy operates through the UN. To solve any real problems, it is imperative to get out of the UN. We can do that by forcing passage of the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act now before the Congress of the US.

It does not matter what the politicians believe. It matters what we compel them to do.

Visit PreventGenocide2030.org and take the action there, then motivate everyone you can reach to do the same.

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Mar 19Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

My spouse and I are signed up for the petition and your site. We will motivate others to do the same, Rima. Thanks for the spirited heads up. Salute.

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Who funds the UN, WHO, and other entities?

Who controls 98%of the world financing?

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Thanks for providing this critical information, Xmen.

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It's only good info if the people take the warning and prepare.

It will not be stopped.

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It will be stopped when we stop it. PreventGenocide2030.org has a mechanism that we need to use in our millions to stop it.

There is no means of preparation for total destruction well planned and currently being implements.

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Dr Rima

I certainly share in your spirit on the situation, but IMO, GOD has called forth for our failure in our position as vicegerent upon earth.

We are all under the same set of trials in this life and the covid vaccinations were just one trial from GOD with more on the way.

It seems to me that GOD will skillfully construct His own army from among us through successive trials.

Covid was the first and many failed this trial(69%in the US).

I have not an inkling of a clue of what GOD will arm his soldiers with, but the selection will not be many and only those with the strongest of faith will serve.

When we are ready to take accountability, then GOD will unleash His army and they will prevail.

No army ever assembled by GOD to fight His enemies upon earth, has ever been defeated in a war, no matter how badly they were outnumbered or at a disadvantage to the enemy.

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The only God is the god complex of the Zionist cabal - the Leviathan Dynasty - not the normal Jew , but the "Levite"

Wizards who crafted the Torah, even the whole Bible. 666 means hidden (Satur in Hebrew) and 666 means religious tradition (paradosis) in Greek. Check the Gematria. The Hebrew alphabeth and language is most esoteric - full of hidden meanings in plain sight

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Mar 17Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I LOVE YOU! Thanks for all you do Rima!

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Thank you kindly, Kathy. Please spread the word on PreventGenocide2030.org and let's get the #ExitUN bill passed with a supermajority, shall we?

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I salute you too, Rima.

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Yes we all need to share and get it done! !

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Mar 17Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Dr. Rima -If Sage was truly interested and concerned in the disaster that may befall us in a few months possibly Sage would have been already actively promoting a solution . Why waste your time and energy on a soul that does not support your or our activism spirit to rid ourselves of this Earthly Evil ? I truly hope your pleading is reciprocated with action.

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Because he has an engaged audience, whatever he is or is not.

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Mar 17Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Brava! I follow Sage too. Getting a bill passed to leave the UN seems such a long shot, but what a coup that would be!

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It is, per survival of humanity, our ONLY shot. How about we take it?

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Mar 17Liked by Rima E Laibow MD


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Praying is good.

Prepping is good.

Politically prevailing is even better. How about we do that? We cannot do it alone, so we must do it together. Go to PreventGenocide2030.org, take the action item there NOW and tell everyone you can reach to do the same and how important it is - and why.

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allready done did

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Mar 17Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I salute you Dr. Rima!

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Thank you, Jean. Go to PreventGenocide2030.org, take the action item there NOW and tell everyone you can reach to do the same and how important it is - and why.

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share https://preventgenocide2030.org/ everywhere get these bills thru and CANADA there is actions for you too send your MP's MLS's emails, do it DAILY

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Yes, Ma'am! That's exactly right!

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💙🧙💙 Thank you for everything you do Dr Laibow. I signed sent off awhile ago.

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Great!. Do it again. There is no limit to the number of times you can bang on your elected representatives.

Now spread it as widely as you can, encouraging others to do the same.

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It would be interesting to see if some of social media will work for me.

Twitter now X was so bad, I made account when I was choosing people to follow in the start up of account. I hadn't even commented, I got instant account suspension. Lol.

Facebook just doesn't post if I write wrong word or link. It seems to let you message though.

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I used to be subscribed to Sage. I unsubscribed when it hit me how negative he/she is. It seems to me that he/she is using hysteria to build negativity. His/her aim is to get attention, not solve problems. I must say, I miss the entertainment of Sage and one or two others who went the same way when I got fed up with their hysteria - drama is fun compared to solutions which are hard work and boring.

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Mar 18Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Same here. Way too much time and energy focusing on why not to trust so many or the people who have spoken out and actually are taking action. Sage’s insistence that there is no movement coming together to stop this madness is about as counterproductive as it gets.Just cannot get behind the doom and gloom view that we are all on our own and we’re royally screwed. I used to argue with him/her about Senator Ron Johnson. How ridiculous to be so critical of one of the only people in the political realm who is standing up for the vaccine injured.

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Mar 18Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Hey indeed eh? Now Trumpy-bear better be talkin’ about this too if he really wants a country to even attempt to make great again, as well, eh? Spread the word! And yes! Thanks!

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There is no solution .

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Bullshit, Wanda. The only way there is no solution is for us to believe that there is no solution and make sure that there is none.

Intentionality creates reality when it is enacted through real-world action.

How about having the courage to prove yourself wrong in your defeatism and make sure that there is a solution.

If I am right, we all win. If you are right, at least we tried, like free men and women, before our species was exterminated.

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Dr. Rima is showing you the way you are looking for. Time to make a stand, Wanda. Be all you can be one step at a time..

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Removed (Banned)Mar 18Liked by Rima E Laibow MD
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Right! She is feeding the Death Machine with her defeatism. C'mon Wanda! Buck up and beat the bastards down, non-violently, of course.

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THIS IS BLOCKED BY GHOULGLE - https://https/PreventGenocide2030.org

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That is because you have "https://" twice, instead of once. Did I do that? I will check and correct it if I did.

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Mar 17Liked by Rima E Laibow MD


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You are welcome. And spread it as widely as you can.

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Removed (Banned)Mar 18
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OK, assume that everything you say is correct.

There is a de facto reality to the powerful system getting ready to crush us all and destroy the reality of humanity.

And changing our relationship to the de facto government does nothing to destroy or even deflect that system.

How about we get rid of it and then we can fix up our governmental apparatus?

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