May 15Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Love Sage's stack and love your work! Thanks to both of you!

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Rima, I think you display noble words, and I thank you for that.

For almost two years I've been studying carefully this specimen of the Sage race from outer space. The most important thing to understand about him is that he really likes being independent. Many of his harsh words are meant to defend the sacred terrain of planet Hana.

Other stuff he says are genuine condemnations of people. Which are probably not liked by many, but it's his right to do, as an author. The salvation of the freedom of opinion even under constant mortar fire over freedom of expression is of capital importance. There's no point in being "free" to express any thought if one is afraid of even having an opinion, or of being wrong.

Sage does a unique form of journalism. A taboo form of journalism. He researches data, analyzes everything, debates everything and passes down sentencing of the sick bastards everywhere who kill children for fun and profit. Journalists are not supposed to condemn anyone. Sage breaks that prohibition. Because he is not a professional journalist, just a substacker, and because it's necessary to point fingers at mass murderers.

But one cannot demand any form of activism from an author who focuses on denouncing evil. Activism requires mincing words, and forging alliances. Not cool.


I asked you earlier what happens after we left the UN. And the WHO. And everything else, like the evil twins of UNESCO and UNICEF.

There is a chance that wars erupt everywhere. What about that?

Europe has always been a battlefield. Conscription and fields of crimson was the main population control method for many centuries (this a dark joke, and not very funny, but I hope you understand.)

Since 1946, there have been no more military massacres in Europe. Except for the horrors of the Balkans war of 1990s. But in Western and Southern countries of Europe, the continuity of constant wars has been broken, because of the military and financial hegemony of the US.

It's painful to think, but it's not impossible to go back to our worst traditions.

This may be one reason why people intuit that it's preferable to put up with the crimes, the vampirization and the brainwashing of the UN.

I'm an isolationist. I think each country should isolate, and the humans living there seek their own prosperity, rejecting the gangsterism of the Anglo-American Empire.

This means poverty. This means living within our means. This means learning to do almost everything by ourselves. Autarky. Nationalism. This is also dangerous, because Nationalism may end up in a burning pile of corpses pretty easily, a result that no patriot of any nation wants.

I think my country, Spain, should probably split up, peacefully, in three or four, or maybe more, independent nations. Maybe 500 little Spains would be optimal, I don't know. But always as far away from the very crazy Europeans as possible. The EU is utterly corrupt and evil. We don't need it, we never needed it. Slow economic growth, based on sound legal principles that reject all Communist traps is much preferable for Spain than any unwholesome alliance with French, German, Austrian or Italian politicians.

I also think that this peaceful national divorce should be considered by other nations. I think the German Unification was a huge mistake, and a crime against many people. Italy is easily seven different countries, and they would be better off walking separate ways. The French oligocrats are the worst of the lot. The French are at their best when their politicians are in gridlock and handcuffed.

But I think I'm reading too much into the future. There are many steps to take before people understand that the economic destruction is inevitable, a purge is needed, and that we have been living in a very evil illusion, where we have been trading iatrogenic murders for fake economic wealth.

It's discouraging to see so many people so asleep, so willfully ignorant of everything, and so incapable of mounting any defense. If everything continues this way, most people will only realize how bad things are when they understand they have been robbed of everything. The ones who are alive, that is. The dead don't care about being stolen from, right?

You do well in trying to wake people up.

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Once we get out of the Death Machine, the real work starts.

But the UN is anything but a peace system. Read its Convention. It is a war document. There are, in essence, no provisions for peace.

It is seriously instructive to read it.

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May 16Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Even without the UN health regs, pandemic treaty in the U.S. wasn’t the PREP act used to do the exact same thing the UN treaty would do…..

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The absence of war is not the same as peace.

I see that most people prefer the false peace of the slavery system of the UN to actual warfare, or the very laborious task of establishing actual peace and keeping it real.

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Agent Roger, your insightful take on Sage Hana resonates. Rima, with all respect, I think you ought to let him alone to do his thing, without pestering him to do yours. You and Sage are both Very Bright Lights in this epic fight, fulfilling separate but equally necessary functions. Besides which, and again I ask with respect, why single him out of so many other substack writers who've just as many or more readers?

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deletedMay 15Liked by Rima E Laibow MD
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His (her?) message of reality does not offend me. Apparently, my message of reality offends him (her?) , but, first of all, c'est la vie, he (she?) is a big boy (girl?).

And second of all, my recommendation is for people to pay attention to what he (she?) writes since it is both profound and important.

The disconnect comes when I say, and will continue to say, that there is another step in that process and suggest that people take it and urge their readers to do so.

Diagnosis and documentation are not the same as fixing something and we are facing extinction at the hands of lunatics so it's all hands on deck. Sage Hana is a valuable and intelligent hand. I will continue to recommend that he (she?) get up on the deck.

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May 15Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I’ve been burned by Sage also but am still there. Thanks for all you do Dr. Rima.

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Thanks, Kemper. As you can see, I value what s/he does, but there is another step that is actually more important than an accurate diagnosis: Curing the disease.

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May 15Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Agreed, the more people exposing this shit, the better

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He does this often to his following.

Does not care.

Take it or leave.

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May 15Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I used to read Sage some time ago, but I was banned for 1,000 years. I hit a nerve. I did enjoy his writing, when I was able to. Only 999 years to go before I might be let back in.

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Time flies. You'll be back among the elect in no time at all.

Meanwhile, you can help get us out of the Death Machine with the same time you would have spent reading Sage.

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Well, 999 years is a long time.

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I think that I have 998 years to go.

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So 1,000 years is the typical sentence?

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If you’re talking to Substack in the background and if you are on their apppoved list of insiders. I can’t levy 1,000 year bans on anyone.

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The only ones who have been able to in my respect are Frances Leader & Sage. Basically a 1000 year ban is suggestive of the levying party being a State sponsored Substacker to me.

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I never saw him ban anyone(not that I have been aware of) and I have gotten into it with him.

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Well, either I am the first (which I doubt) or it's been awhile since anyone hit the nerve I managed to hit. Good luck.

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May 17·edited May 17

No he bans. And then he disses you, writes a few posts about you that he takes down a few years later. And he comes onto your substack to call you a cunt, 20 times or so (he figured on 30 times). Then he threatens your family.

100% prick.

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May 15Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I admit to being overly dramatic when I said it changes everything, on reflection I could have reined it in. Thanks for reply

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May 15Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Find lovable types, ignore the rest.

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I value what s/he writes. I do not need lovable. I need accurate, clear sighted and I value funny. But I really did strike a nerve there, didn't I!

OK, s/he's presumably a big girl/by and can take care of her/himself. But the readers of her/his stack and mine need the info.

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Sorry but we will agree to disagree.

I said what I said. Plenty of sources without attitude. Respectfully…

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Neville Chamberlain over Winston Churchill types.?

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May 15Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

I love her work. I do not see how it changes everything, though, but it does amplify and detail what we need to know about the crimes being carefully perpetrated.

All of her excellent work simply confirms to me that getting out of the Death Machine is essential to having even a hope of setting things right, which is why the action at PreventGenocide2030.org supporting the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2030 is so very important.

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May 15Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Unsubscribe, simple…

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Nope. See my comment above, Charlie.

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Sage is a guy called Nate Klingenstein and he’s a prick.

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Yep. I followed for a while and then decided I didn’t need to support a prick. Plenty of non-prick freedom fighters to get my info and analysis from. I wasn’t really seeing info from sage that I wasn’t gettting from some less prick-y writers.

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Agree about the prick part. I found some of his comments about the victims of this Covid scam to be painful and completely insensitive. I don’t want to spend my time on this kind of communication. There is enough pain in this world as it is.

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how do you know?

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I was in Sage’s gunsights from the start, Kirsch the reason. So I did the research. I’m pretty close to 100% on the identification as Nate. As in 99.9999999% sure.

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I scored plenty of threats from him. Part of his aim seemed to be to reduce my blog’s stats by liberally throwing abuse around on it while blocking me from his own blog. I figure I was the first, or pretty close to the first, to identiy him as male.

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yes but how do you research an anonymous blogger, are you cia?

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No that’s a pretty ridiculous suggestion.

I have practice from Twitter. Nobody is ever anonymous.

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you're probably right, nobody is ever anonymous to the cia.

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I know him personally. He is not Nate.

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You’re welcome to claim that. You’ll have to excuse me though as I’m not going to believe it.

I see that you’ve just followed Sage, your last follow.

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May 16·edited May 16

No, I'm a paid subscriber, for more than 2 years, and I have a business with him. So you can claim what you want but I know his real name and it's not Nate. Probably used it as an alias on twitter...

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Well the evidence stacks up strongly for it being Nate. So if you want to claim otherwise maybe you should bring some evidence to the table. You’ll have to excuse me for taking notice of when Nate called himself silentSage on a financial blog as well as being Sage of Substack’s 1st or 2nd follower. Plenty of other evidence as well.

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May 16·edited May 16

Lots of people go by Sage. He doesn't read any financial blogs, nor has he ever. Not his thing. My proof is that I'm the chief designer of his merch. Probably most people who read his stack know that. I'm not going to out someone who clearly wants to remain anonymous so won't be giving any more proof.

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Sure lots of people go by Sage. But when Sage only has two followers and one of them is Nate who goes by the name SilentSage on a financial blog well then that negates the “lots of people go by Sage” defence.

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can you bring some evidence to the table as to how you discovered his/her true identity. show us how you did it.

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Is this you?


Creative performance marketer, brand strategist and impactful leader with 15+ years"

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Sage is one of the most followed writers on Substack and he has struck a nerve of everyone out there on purpose.(those professing to be advocates of those injured from the covid hoax)

Hard to argue with him because he presents fact after fact.

Yes, he will definitely get into it with his subscribers( I have gone a round with him).

But Sage fears, because he is not GOD fearing and I have said this to him on occasion.

He typically responds as to "What GOD would allow the death and destruction of His creation?"(something like that).

He has lost hope in humanity and he is right about a solution not being able to take hold that will pacify demons wrapped in human skins.

There are those out there that are chomping at the bit to be let loose by GOD to fight this evil among us, but only when GOD decrees.

He is a very gifted writer and he can be very hard to understand for those of normal vocabulary, but he is very entertaining and that is why his following continues to gain members and strength.

He does not care who he pisses off.

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"What GOD would allow the death and destruction of His creation?”

Common in discussions on the holocaust.

And gifted writer? Give me a break.

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The Holocaust is BS and a lie carved into the minds of the entire world.

Gifted because he is rather eccentric in his writing.

Yes, he's rather abrasive at times, but then so are his critics.

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I was merely pointing out the arguments most likely recent origins. Every Jewish kid is taught it.

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The UN what a laugh it is the shit stains behind the scenes pulling the strings We all know the Rothschild crime group and the worms beneath them pulling the strings

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I don't look at everything like they are all distractions. I look at it like we are being attacked on multiple fronts and we need to counterattack on multiple fronts.

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Sage is a limited hangout. I'm sure you understand what that means

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