Thank You, Canada, for a Playbook, Roadmap and Ops Preview of World Destruction, Complete With a Timeline, No Less!
Our would-be masters either are compelled, or they are required, to tell us in advance what they are going to do. If we don't decode the message and interdict their plans, they proceed.
The diagram above is from a Canadian Government report called “Disruptions on the Horizon, 2024 Report” found on the Canadian government website.
So is this preamble orientation to what this report is about and what it is for:
The diagram, however, leaves out what I believe to be the critical first step:
This report, which I strongly recommend you read carefully and take very seriously, is a brief, explicit, clear and unambiguous roadmap for the creation of the “need” for a profound reorganization of every aspect of society, a “Great Reset”.
This roadmap is not a prediction of possibilities: it is a declaration of certainties, the contours of much of which have already been set in motion and are, in some cases, close to set in stone.
When you forbid and destroy agriculture and other food production, you will have widespread famine which will lead to social unrest, revolution, the breakdown of society, increasing illness and death, mass homelessness, etc.
When you destroy the value of a currency which is rooted in fairytale economics, this magic money degrades to sparkle, vaporizing as you watch it and widespread desperate poverty results in what the Report euphemistically identifies as “downward social mobility”.
Every single one of these “disruptions” is both a justification for, and the consequence of the woefully mis-named “Sustainability [sic] Development [sic] Goals of - you guessed it - the United Nations Agenda 2030.
Here’s what you are supposed to think they are:
Pretty, protective, positive, protective, protective, proactive. In fact they are
preposterous, pernicious, perverted, predatory and poisonous.
The precise nature of the Canadian Disruptions chart, whose acknowedgement makes it clear, in case we missed it, just how much of a planning document of the Globalist Cabal this work product belongs to
For some reason, the statement of disengagement and absolution of the people responsible for it is repeated twice (“The content of this document does not necessarily represent the views of the Government of Canada, or participating department and agencies. The content of this document does not necessarily reflect the views of the Government of Canada, or participating departments and agencies.”) so I gather we are to understand that while the Government of Canada and its participating departments and agencies produced this document, they were, what? only funning? not serious? not eager to be held responsible for their part in the destruction of humanity, society, life, limb, nation states, property, genetic integrity and every form of freedom? I guess not. Who would want to be held accountable to that in the minds and hearts of their victims.
Good disclaimer, folks, and doubly disclaimed, at that!
To my mind, once my incredibly insightful (and delightful) colleague Connie Shields presented this to our working group and I examined the document, it became instantly obvious that all of our speculation and documentation of the preplanned nature of the downward spiral of social functioning, world peace, social structure and justice, enhanced identity hatred and conflict, biological nonsense substituted for real science in clinics, schools, virology labs, government, inter-governmental and non-governmental regulatory/control/autocratic/tyrannical agencies, propaganda mills, political uni-party theatrics, censorship/right think/Ministry of Truth legislation and gulag punishment for violation of slavish adherence to the only official truth (“the narrative”) and all of the other improbably, unreasonable, but solidly embraced insanities, inanities and indignities to us and to our rights and freedoms is a well laid, well played psyop of many decades duration.
It’s been laid out on the global tea table: we drink the proffered Kool Aid while the would-be masters dispatch and discard (and disregard) us since to them we have neither intelligence nor worth nor meaning nor significance.
Our biology can be mined for their use, but intrinsically we are so much debris to be swept aside, our lives disrupted and our needs discarded.
By plan, by intent, by step wise progression toward a totally disrupted and destroyed biome, biology, genome, and soul.
At root, the most fundamental human reality which must be “disrupted” is the thing that makes us holy in our deepest being: our ability to love and nurture and care for and elevate one another’s needs above our own. Break the bonds of humanity early and profoundly enough and the would-be controllers just might in making us their own image: love-free, morality-free, conscience-free, ruthless, self-focused psychopaths, as far from the image of God as it is possible to be driven.
In the end, they want to be the new God. As the new God, we, those of us permitted to survive the “Great Culling” will be reshaped into the new, improved, never-tossed-out-of-the-new-and-improved-redesigned-Garden Adam and Eve: sterile, ignorant, dependent, incurious, heedless, vapid, unthinking, obedient and disposable.
And we get there by a planned and well-mapped progression of “Disruptions” which tear the fabric, the very reality of our lives and our safety and security to bloody ribbons.
Or we do not allow the preprogrammed disruptions overcome, overtake and overwhelm, us. We turn our backs on the abusive, murderous agency we have been le3d to see as Mommy Dearest which is, in fact, a monster of unlimited destructiveness.
But it is a membership monster. Its strength comes from our collective endorsement of its need to exist and the hunger for ever more coin to keep it alive.
Turns out that the beast requires us to be part of it if it is to kill us. And right now there is an exit door before the Congress of the United States. Powerful, definitive, brief and explicit legislation exists before the current 118th Congress can get us out of the beast, out of its clutches and out of its wrath.
The legislation is called the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/S: 3428) and it does exactly that: the US leaves the UN and all of its component pieces and the UN is ejected totally from US soil. And you can make it happen, along with several million other people, here:
Visit to help get the US out of the UN by taking the 10 Million Patriot Challenge.
Congress will never pass this Act on its own, let alone pass it with the 2/3 majority necessary to override the inevitable SPIC (Sock Puppet In Charge) veto that it will receive regardless of who is sitting at the moment in the Oval Office.
That’s what happens without you and everyone you can muster to take this 10 Million Patriot Challenge.
When we rise up (peacefully!) in our millions, all demanding the same thing, in this case, Pass the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 with enough votes to sustain the override of a veto, the folks who have been put in Congress to maintain control of the control know that if they do not accede to the Will of the People, they will lose control of the control and their pay masters would not be at all happy with them.
So, we have seen, over and over again, that when you make it so that the matter is forced upon them by huge numbers, they will be compelled to do a 180 degree turn and do what we demand of them in our millions.
I know because I have forced those moves on both the Congress of the United States and the Chilean Parliament. They still fear our mobilized millions.
So before they have a chance to do nothing about this bill, which is definitely the wrong step to take if we are to survive, we have to help them to do the right thing. We have to pummel not them, but their offices, with millions of our demands for them to do our will.
You can read the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act here: and, using the 6 quick and easy steps of the 10 Million Patriot Challenge, demand your Congression Members support, co-sponsor and pass this critical Act or let the US, like the rest of the world fall to a dark tyranny 140 years in the making by the predatory eugenicist Rocekfellarian “philanthropists”.
These psychopathic visionaries (and they are visionaries: they see a totally different world than the one that normal people see and strive for) believe that somehow it is their right to not only rule as kings, but to also ascend, as they solemnly pronounce is their right, he throne of God, remaking us and our kind into their bio digitally converged, trans humanized slaves. Forever.
I differ and, I am sure that when you think about it, you do, too.
But they are brilliant, magnificently funded and indescribably malignant. Unless you want them to ascend both of those thrones and are willing to give them your life as they literally rip our humanity from us, from the DNA outwards, now would be a good time to stop them.
In fact, now is, in my estimation, the last opportunity that we have. And the remarkable legislation before the US Congress is, quite literally, humanity’s last, best hope.
Take 5 minutes for the sake of humanity and take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge. Now.
Compelled, required… or is it the only way to not be guilty with karma? To give the sword to someone and let him do the killing of himself and is surrounding… thats a thought that often passes in my mind when looking for the answer to; -why do they call the shoots evrytime in public before doing nasty stuff? Rule of life, you cant do evil, but can show to all and let there foolishness do the evil for you😈
Yup, we are living the globalists cabul wef scumbags Truedopes young globalist agenda 2021/2030/2050 Vax political nightmare! All the kings men are screwing the commonwealth countries again!!!