Our would-be masters either are compelled, or they are required, to tell us in advance what they are going to do. If we don't decode the message and interdict their plans, they proceed.
Compelled, required… or is it the only way to not be guilty with karma? To give the sword to someone and let him do the killing of himself and is surrounding… thats a thought that often passes in my mind when looking for the answer to; -why do they call the shoots evrytime in public before doing nasty stuff? Rule of life, you cant do evil, but can show to all and let there foolishness do the evil for you😈
I think this is alregly true, and it explains why we see the glorification of evil in the media. They are sending signals that in order to be accepted by the new world order, you will also have to follow their cult rituals. They would wish all prior ancient knowledge to be erased for their fantasy nightmare and usher in a new dark ages, which has already started some time ago. In the last 10 years alone, I've noticed a lot of information is difficult to find, and the internet has been largely scrubbed of important information.
From what I have read about those cultists, they do not believe in karma, so that's not the reason they announce their plans. As this article stated, their plans need our consent and lack of resistance in order to succeed, otherwise they will fail.
Their plan announcements are also propaganda to sucker in as many as possible to consent and not resist. That's also how they recruit their minions to support them.
you may be right, and out of the blue i come with another theory... how about they need to tell us because they need the power of our thoughts as an egregore to make the voodoo prediction possible ;) this way it wouldnt be about the consent, but the acknowledgement and group witness that these situation can be born of. I just like to push hypothesis, i totaly agree with the substack and your comments.
They are fishing for consenters, since they consider a lack of resistance is tacit consent. You either consent or resist. That's how reptilian/psychopathic minds think.
If you let them kill or enslave you, then you consented to that.
If you do not consent to that, then you are their enemy.
Psychopaths also have no remorse or conscience, so they also have no concept of 'karma'. That is the mistake some non-psychopaths make in not understanding the psychopaths.
Until more non-psychopaths understand how psychopaths operate, they are doomed.
Yup, we are living the globalists cabul wef scumbags Truedopes young globalist agenda 2021/2030/2050 Vax political nightmare! All the kings men are screwing the commonwealth countries again!!!
our ancestor in the 1900 lived it too, wef is the grandson of worst. Nothin new under the sun as they say. And as metallica would sing: sad but true🎸🎶🎼🎵🎤
Also a big connect the dots in a round about biblically correct way👉Ask google "What does the bible say about mold?" Why is this significant? Bc, mold is conductive, mold is a disease spreader...Leviticus sais the definition for a clean environment and unclean is mold free vs moldy. Evidently God wants us to live in a clean environment. Then ask google "Does wifi accelerate mold growth?" Yes it does, wifi accelerates it by 600% daily. Therefore, we can deduce, ubiquitous wifi equals ubiquitous disease inducing fungal over growth. The whole world is unclean and wifi is the fuel. Therefore, wifi cant stay...and following thru means no vax pass, no cbdc, no 5gee, no harmfull microwaves...thereby no NWO. Landline will suffice more affectively than wireless. Health status may improve drastically. Living in a clean, mold free world being the goal as per Leviticus, means CLEAN, wifi means unclean. TN passed a bill banning microwaves and chemtrails, enforcement is the learning curve. If TN can do it, all states can and must do it too...get to work.
In terms of downward mobility, I would say that this has indeed been the case of everyone in my family, and every single friend I know who is 3rd, 4rth or so generation. The story is the same. our great grandparents arrive in the U.S. from Europe and prosper. Their children prosper as well, but not quite to the same extent. Same with their children, our parents, who also do well in attaining what they need for a happy life, but not as well as their parents. And so on...Every generation loses opportunity and simply cannot obtain as much as previous generations, which makes no sense, since it should be the opposite. The economy puts the pinch on us over large enough time scales to be only noticed after several generations.
Whoa.....I've heard a lot of this stuff for over 35 years, however this post does not mince words in any way, shape or form.
The Biblical last book of Revelation describes this entire process on the spiritual plane, from the spiritual perspective. The 'book' shows how the rebellion that satan initiated in Genesis 3 is finally squashed and put to rest. Evil must be confronted. God cannot co-exist with evil. His holiness isn't compatible with sin and disobedience and rebellion. Everything planned by the New World Order crowd is exactly what God destroys with the sword of His Word. (Read it for yourself. It may seem strange but you can find help for your understanding out there).
Read Dr. Rima, but give your heart to Christ in faith. It is the only salvation from the eternal lake of fire. These forces are not to be messed with. Humans cannot do it on their own. So, lay down the pride that keeps you from trusting Jesus with your soul.
Why are most/all congressmen and women going along with the globalist technocrat banking cartel's demands? Are they in philosophical agreement with them and therefore no number of signatures will persuade them? Are they under blackmail with their sordid private lives at risk of being exposed or their families lives being threatened ready to be extinguished if they don't do as they are told? Why would they do anything petitioners want? Do you genuinely believe there is a political solution as simple as petitioning our slave masters' middle managers?
The ONLY thing in the top right which is also on the shortest timeframe is "People cannot tell what is true and what is not." Is that game, set, and match for the globalist elite?
Dr. Laibow, I am thankful for finding this article and you on substack. Years ago, as I was embarking on my internet journey to find true health information I found references to your work... (I cannot recall the year, but it was probably in the area of a couple of decades). When you spoke of someone you were providing care to who told you that you would need to be a part of dealing with the 'useless eaters' and how that started your journey to counter that despicable objective and those who demonically were planning and pursuing that end.
I appreciate the alert to what was being perpetrated in darkness and your call to bring it to the light of day. You and your husband's journey was one I followed and prayed for the success of. My condolences to you on the passing of your husband. My prayers for your continued strength, protection, and victory in proclaiming truths.
Compelled, required… or is it the only way to not be guilty with karma? To give the sword to someone and let him do the killing of himself and is surrounding… thats a thought that often passes in my mind when looking for the answer to; -why do they call the shoots evrytime in public before doing nasty stuff? Rule of life, you cant do evil, but can show to all and let there foolishness do the evil for you😈
I think this is alregly true, and it explains why we see the glorification of evil in the media. They are sending signals that in order to be accepted by the new world order, you will also have to follow their cult rituals. They would wish all prior ancient knowledge to be erased for their fantasy nightmare and usher in a new dark ages, which has already started some time ago. In the last 10 years alone, I've noticed a lot of information is difficult to find, and the internet has been largely scrubbed of important information.
From what I have read about those cultists, they do not believe in karma, so that's not the reason they announce their plans. As this article stated, their plans need our consent and lack of resistance in order to succeed, otherwise they will fail.
Their plan announcements are also propaganda to sucker in as many as possible to consent and not resist. That's also how they recruit their minions to support them.
you may be right, and out of the blue i come with another theory... how about they need to tell us because they need the power of our thoughts as an egregore to make the voodoo prediction possible ;) this way it wouldnt be about the consent, but the acknowledgement and group witness that these situation can be born of. I just like to push hypothesis, i totaly agree with the substack and your comments.
They are fishing for consenters, since they consider a lack of resistance is tacit consent. You either consent or resist. That's how reptilian/psychopathic minds think.
If you let them kill or enslave you, then you consented to that.
If you do not consent to that, then you are their enemy.
Psychopaths also have no remorse or conscience, so they also have no concept of 'karma'. That is the mistake some non-psychopaths make in not understanding the psychopaths.
Until more non-psychopaths understand how psychopaths operate, they are doomed.
Yup, we are living the globalists cabul wef scumbags Truedopes young globalist agenda 2021/2030/2050 Vax political nightmare! All the kings men are screwing the commonwealth countries again!!!
our ancestor in the 1900 lived it too, wef is the grandson of worst. Nothin new under the sun as they say. And as metallica would sing: sad but true🎸🎶🎼🎵🎤
Yup the scum still rises to the top of the swamp
Funny fact: in canada one of the worst family who riped us off is called desmarais… talk about draining the swamp 😁
To that aim, also worthy of revolutionary support👉HR8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE. Also required knowledge is to learn how NOT TO GIVE CONSENT, as per commerce law👉 https://open.substack.com/pub/drrimatruthreports/p/thank-you-canada-for-a-playbook-roadmap?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=2asesw
Also a big connect the dots in a round about biblically correct way👉Ask google "What does the bible say about mold?" Why is this significant? Bc, mold is conductive, mold is a disease spreader...Leviticus sais the definition for a clean environment and unclean is mold free vs moldy. Evidently God wants us to live in a clean environment. Then ask google "Does wifi accelerate mold growth?" Yes it does, wifi accelerates it by 600% daily. Therefore, we can deduce, ubiquitous wifi equals ubiquitous disease inducing fungal over growth. The whole world is unclean and wifi is the fuel. Therefore, wifi cant stay...and following thru means no vax pass, no cbdc, no 5gee, no harmfull microwaves...thereby no NWO. Landline will suffice more affectively than wireless. Health status may improve drastically. Living in a clean, mold free world being the goal as per Leviticus, means CLEAN, wifi means unclean. TN passed a bill banning microwaves and chemtrails, enforcement is the learning curve. If TN can do it, all states can and must do it too...get to work.
In terms of downward mobility, I would say that this has indeed been the case of everyone in my family, and every single friend I know who is 3rd, 4rth or so generation. The story is the same. our great grandparents arrive in the U.S. from Europe and prosper. Their children prosper as well, but not quite to the same extent. Same with their children, our parents, who also do well in attaining what they need for a happy life, but not as well as their parents. And so on...Every generation loses opportunity and simply cannot obtain as much as previous generations, which makes no sense, since it should be the opposite. The economy puts the pinch on us over large enough time scales to be only noticed after several generations.
The invisible tax doing its job: inflation.
I'll be printing the Agenda translation charts out for my kids. Good stuff. Spot on.
Thank you
Forced vaccines are a slow kill.
Whoa.....I've heard a lot of this stuff for over 35 years, however this post does not mince words in any way, shape or form.
The Biblical last book of Revelation describes this entire process on the spiritual plane, from the spiritual perspective. The 'book' shows how the rebellion that satan initiated in Genesis 3 is finally squashed and put to rest. Evil must be confronted. God cannot co-exist with evil. His holiness isn't compatible with sin and disobedience and rebellion. Everything planned by the New World Order crowd is exactly what God destroys with the sword of His Word. (Read it for yourself. It may seem strange but you can find help for your understanding out there).
Read Dr. Rima, but give your heart to Christ in faith. It is the only salvation from the eternal lake of fire. These forces are not to be messed with. Humans cannot do it on their own. So, lay down the pride that keeps you from trusting Jesus with your soul.
Why are most/all congressmen and women going along with the globalist technocrat banking cartel's demands? Are they in philosophical agreement with them and therefore no number of signatures will persuade them? Are they under blackmail with their sordid private lives at risk of being exposed or their families lives being threatened ready to be extinguished if they don't do as they are told? Why would they do anything petitioners want? Do you genuinely believe there is a political solution as simple as petitioning our slave masters' middle managers?
The ONLY thing in the top right which is also on the shortest timeframe is "People cannot tell what is true and what is not." Is that game, set, and match for the globalist elite?
I also noticed that too, and that is already happening right now.
This seems more like a 'to do' for them than anything else.
Dr. Laibow, I am thankful for finding this article and you on substack. Years ago, as I was embarking on my internet journey to find true health information I found references to your work... (I cannot recall the year, but it was probably in the area of a couple of decades). When you spoke of someone you were providing care to who told you that you would need to be a part of dealing with the 'useless eaters' and how that started your journey to counter that despicable objective and those who demonically were planning and pursuing that end.
I appreciate the alert to what was being perpetrated in darkness and your call to bring it to the light of day. You and your husband's journey was one I followed and prayed for the success of. My condolences to you on the passing of your husband. My prayers for your continued strength, protection, and victory in proclaiming truths.