Sep 17Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

So those crazy people that get the shots can kill those of us who don’t and may end up dying anyway. OMG

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Yup. That is why it is so damn urgent to get the US out of the UN Death Machine. Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take the actions there. Do it now.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Thank you, Dr. Rima


*****WARNING – BEWARE*****

Dr. Rima Truth Reports – Substack – September 16, 2024


ACAM2000 Package Insert Warning “DEATH of UNvaccinated individuals who have contact with Vaccinated Individuals.”

Hundreds of Millions Fake MoneyPOX DEATH Vials have been stored in the “National Strategic Stockpile.” And are ready for ACTION!

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We aren’t dying fast enough for these psychopaths.

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Right. Let's make them even unhappier by not dying at all. Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take the actions there to help stop the UN Death Machine.

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There is another concept that most people are missing.





Dr's Sam and Mark Bailey have many videos posted that prove the concept that


Do not accept an injection for imaginary unicorns that are claimed to cause disease.

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I am not taking a position on the virus/no virus controversy because I do not have enough expertise to evaluate the data. COVID-19 has never been properly characterized with a definitive genome publication which could be replicated by other groups. The PCR tests are garbage for an uncharacterized entity and, once the replication cycles are increased, the garbage is squared and squared again.

BUT something called varicella has been characterized with a replicable genome. Something called variola has been characterized with a replicable genome.

Something causes fluid and pus filled lesions which in the case of chicken pox can scar but are only rarely associated with death and in the case of smallpox can scar and are far too commonly associated with death.

Something clings to surfaces which have touched these scars (blankets from those sick with smallpox gifted to the Indians of North America did a bang up job of transmitting the same disease to them, if the statistics of devastating decimation is accurate, as did transmission of measles) and that something can induce the same disease that the person whose lesions touched the surfaces suffered from.

Children without antibodies to chicken pox or measles brought together with an ill child also tend to come down with the same disorder and then never come down with it again.

Virus? No virus? I do not know and right now I do not care even a little bit.

What I care about is that under the guise of a "new" threat, the world will be hoodwinked into its own destruction.

This time we are all the Indians, and the blankets are the syringes with ACAM2000 and similar bioweapons and, chillingly, those who have been turned into walking, infecting bioweapons among our families, loved ones and communities.

The evil is astonishing.

Once the smallpox is generated in the vaxxed and the unvaxxed, they will misdiagnosis it as monkey pox and swoop down upon us with the next steps in their planned destruction of humanity.

So, really, virus or not, the reality is more important that the theoretical discussion.

I urge you and everyone else who cares about what is happening to not only reject injections for imaginary unicorns, but to reject injections because they are designed to destroy us.

And I urge you to go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take 10 Million Patriot Challenge there to help get the Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle Act of 2023 passed while we still have the chance.

If we survive the monsters, we can correct the theoretical presumptions about terrain, germ theory and the associated issues, of which we both agree there are many.

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It does not matter if viruses exist.

It does not matter if viruses exist.

It does not matter if viruses exist.

The genocide is real. Stop talking about the damn viruses and help to stop the genocide, Davy. Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and put your passion into saving humanity. Then we can sort out the virus thing. But you have to be alive to do that.

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The point I am trying to make is that it is just one more HOAX in their basket of falsities, and one more reason to go to preventgenocide2030.org and do the work required to get them out of our hair. I have done my part and I encourage everyone else to get their part done as well.

One of these days Alice, POW, straight to the moon!

(And that never happened; In either case.)

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I repeat. There is no good evidence for the existence of viruses.


There are evidence of venom/spike, and nanotechnology delivering such.


Furthermore, there are evidence of all kinds of things from Nonvaxer420 and Psinergy, right from the horse's mouth.

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I repeat. You have missed the whole point of this discussion. It does not matter if there are viruses or not. There is a plan afoot to kill vast numbers of humanity with this bioweapon.

How about focusing on that and getting off the stuck point of virus/no virus and helping to stop the genocide by helping to get the US out of the death machine? That's what PreventGenocide2030.org exists for.

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I love your efforts for the children, but we disagree. I agree with the terrain people. It matters. However, you did not address my second point; THE PROBABLE CAUSE

1. Virus vs terrain:

Does it not matters if you have no credible evidence of viruses and still support their existence, AND completely ignore the other subject I pointed to, namely the probable cause of the Covid-19 problem?


There are humungous evidence of biosensors (read and write), nanotechnology self-assembling inside of people, making people into cyborgs, controlled remotely (Rumble: Psinergy & Nonvaxer420)

Take a deep look! Does it not matter? Doesn't the one who can see it have a responsibility to investigate and to falsify or verify? If it seems real, then should we not talk about it? That is why I am reaching out to you.

If we let the psychos behind these injections distort scientific method, keep pointing to "viruses" without evidence of their existence (as a diversion?) where will we end up? More soul-less cyborgs? The zombie apocalypse?

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The ARR of most vaccines is much lower than the RRR. The clinical trials of BNT162b2 were exposed by competent researchers around the world as being full of fraud, but even with the raw figures, the ARR was low at 0.716%.Advertising RRR as Efficacy is a serious fraud.

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And how does knowing this, which is probably quite right, stop the UN Death Machine? Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take the actions there.

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If they kill us, we shall rise from the dead and kill them back...

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Yeah, well, that is speculation. How about we stop them now. PreventGenocide2030.org lets us get the US out of the UN Death Machine.

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