I can't speak for others but I want a Revolution.

I want the Bankers Hanged.

I want the System Changed.

I want recognition for my work.

And I want to be the first Human to travel around the sun!


Problem... Reaction... Revolution.

Without a Revolution there will be Slavery.

And you be the Slave.


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So how about getting out of the UN first, then taking your solar trip? That would be PreventGenocide2030.org where you can help accomplish the first. I can't help much with the second.

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We don't need to prevent Genocide.

We prevent Genocide by taking the powers of them by educating People.

You and I know that all they are doing is Treason... and Illegal by their own Laws.

So by educating people about their rights... and taken our rights which the powers of the dark do never even had a right to touch... by doing so we not only prevent any Genocide ever to happen again...

No, we also educate people about themselves give them unlimited Free energy based on water and take the rights from those in power either by consent or by force.

The shadow powers think they can make laws that stop us...

These are revolutionary times... and the powers to be will soon fin themselves without heads... as it should be.... not in 2030 but within 12 months from now.

The future according to Fritz Freud is simple:

Energy free clean and unlimited from water.

Free education through the Internet.

End of Aviation.

End of Oil.

Interstellar Space Travel.

And the culling of the 13 tribes of the Illuminati!

So mote it be.


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Educate all you like. When Agenda 2030 is implemented fully, THEY control all discourse and education and your opinion means nothing.

You clearly do not understand that this is a new form of totalitarianism. How about, just in case I am right about this, you take the action at PreventGenocide2030.org, huh? Couldn't hurt. Might help.

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On contrary... i do understand... very well..

What you don't seem to understand is that the people had enough.

And when people had enough there will be a Revolution.

And those who prevent a civilized Revolution will die in a bloody one!

I am so ready... and so are many more.

Make no mistake... we know what is going on.

And we will be ready.

The people are ready to kill... I promise you that!

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The Revolution is in YOUR head.

There will be no change unless the mind makes it so. Because MIND IS THE BUILDER!

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Right, Davy. Intentionality shapes reality. And I am working hard to build the intentionality of our release from the UN Death Machine so we can rebuild, well, everything.

PreventGenocide2030.org has the tools to get out and then the hard work begins.

Please go there, take the Action items and then share it as if your life depends on it. It does.

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You contradict yourself.

Shame you don't use your Brains.

Change comes from people who do... like me... make a change... like me.

We are inventors... we use our Brains..

People like you don't!

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deletedMay 20
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What a stupid question...

How about you answer your own stupid question first then I might consider!!!

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Good God, I hope not.

We need a peaceful revolution. We are outgunned with frequency and other overwhelming weapons.

But we can do this peacefully whereas I believe we cannot do it violently.

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By the way... have you read my Article (s) about STARLINK?


AS a MD you must understand the Schumann / EEG Frequencies and can verify what I am writing.

I ain't no joke... and I am spot on... as I was with NEURAL LACE.

And I predicted the AI war for over 4 years now...

And when it comes nobody stands a chance.


Will you do me this favor?

Contact Gov. Ventura?

Sean Stone?

I can prevent this Genocide for good!

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Dr. Rima I make you a proposition.

My technology is Key.


Because it mot only solves a lot of problems but it is the first technology to achieve theoretical faster than light speed.

But it isn’t that easy to understand. so it needs detailed explanation.

Now I know you know people like Gov Jesse Ventura and Sean Stone Oliver Stone’s son.

Ask them if you pleas to give me a shout to contact me so we can talk about this and how to present this to the public..

Because to have an opinion one needs all the information… and this information is withheld.

People need to know this and how we been gaslighted all along by our very own Governments.

This will not only prevent Genocide but it is a technological Quantum leap they fear and if we can get this out make it public we can save a lot of lives.

And I can build my Spaceship.

I am not joking… as an Inventor I have aquired knowledge that is unique and an understanding that is superior.

My story needs to be told and people need to know what we are capable of…. we are held back technologically over 300 years.

I can prove that.

But to do this I need exposure and explain the intricate workings of what I found.

My work is necessary if we as a species want to travel beyond the stars… and to end this whole charade… fear mongering… and WW3.

Will you do me this favor?

Contact Gov. Ventura?

Sean Stone?

I can prevent this Genocide for good!

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I met Jesse Ventura on an airstrip in 2009. I have never spoken to him again, nor had any contact with him at all.

I have no contact with Oliver Stone's son, never met, spoke to, corresponded with or interacted with him so, no, I cannot help.

BUT unless and until we get out of the UN, we have no hope of not having a genocide continue, since we are already in one.

I have one goal and that is getting us out of the UN Death Machine. Once that is accomplished, everything needs to be rebuilt so it will be time for new technologies.

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I have seen the episode and you were spot on then.

I respect you for that.

But somehow you must have been in contact prior to meeting him.

I know you do have connections.

Can you please try?

If we get out of the UN they will conjure up something else.

I believe we should try both methods...

And I know that my technology can contribute to the world awakening and as such help to stop the UN and their plans..

I need exposure... not fro my sake but to stop this madness from evolving further.

Will you try?

I know you can.

Don't be stubborn or single minded... we are on the same page... I guess... I hope.

A little effort on your side... exposure on my side... and we can stop this.

So please will you try?

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Wait! Are you saying I am not telling you the truth? Ventura

s people called me. I said that I would only come to the US for the interview if I could speak directly to him. We had a 20-minute phone call, which he initiated, and I never saw his number.

I flew in, did the interview and left. I never saw or spoke to him again.

Of course the globalists will conjure up something else. But getting out will give us time that we do not have to restore society and protect ourselves from them.

It is not guaranteed, but it is the absolute best shot we have.

I cannot divert my efforts to support a technology I know nothing at all about.

Good luck with it, but my bailiwick is solving this political problem, not dealing with novel technologies.

Humanity is, in my opinion, at stake. Your technology is an unknown for me.

The threat is a known and it is what I am committed to solving.

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Have you read my article about STARLINK?

Technology and Politics go hand in hand.

The threat of Climate lockdowns is solved by technology such as mine which in reverse takes away their power of climate lockdowns.

The threat of war as a political tool is solved by technology such as mine which can bring Humanity close together and force peace.

I don't ask you to understand my technology... I don't think there are many people out there which would.

I seek exposure to explain the implications and as such take the political threats away from society.

Humanity IS at stake... that is what I am saying all along.

And the threat is worse than just some policies.

Look up... STARLINK this is the direct threat... this AND AI.

Are you committed to solve this?

This is a technological problem that I can solve.

Will you help?

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I want to be left alone. The parasite class cannot alow us to be left alone, because they would lose power.

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Nuremberg 2.0 let's get it done share & copy into a browser. File with local county & sheriff https://5smallstones.com/medical-integrity/

support clouthub.com, it's not cabal controlled🇺🇲 🙏 ❤️

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Rima‼️Love you dear since the codex battle days. THIS IS THE BIG ONE🔥🔥🔥 Let's GOOOOOOO‼️ Thanks for your fierceness and strength 🙏

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Hi Rima, I answered your email to me, that yes, I'd love to do the interview with you tomorrow, Tues - 6-6, I believe. But I've had a couple of glitches with my computer, so I don't know if you haven't answered or I haven't received - or my answer could have ended up in your spam. Maybe you can reply here. That way I'm most sure to get your reply. All the best, Elsa

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WONDERFUL, Elsa. I did not get your email.

Please resend to two email addresses: Dr.Rima@NaturalSolutionsFoundation.com and releyes3@gmail.com. When people use both it has a better chance of going through.

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I have just answered to both addresses - and for good measure will paste in here:

Hi Rima,

I just got your message from Substack.

I can’t access what I sent yesterday (computer glitch - my main computer just refused to open).

But all fine - I’ve just sent a short message, and am resending now. I will also post on Substack - here.

I would be delighted to be your guest - to be in conversation with you.

I look forward to our having a conversation - so many shared topics of concern.

All the best,


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