Mar 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD


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No kidding, doc. Their plans have been on steroids for the past ten years, but few have noticed due to their media controls and manmade disasters & distractions—driving the people to think only for themselves fighting for their lives, while distrusting, hating and killing each-other, even their own families. And if they must retreat to their luxury bomb shelters and use nukes, they will. In fact, I really think they’d rather kill everyone, and then resurface 50 years or a century later at this point. They are hitting the world with every asset within their satanic tool chest, all at once. For the past two years “they” have behaved like terrified gangsters. It’s most likely due to how quickly even the vaxxed are finally coming around to reality, which they many have underestimated, therefore their push for 5G, more chemtrails than ever before, multiple FalseFlag-driven wars, famine, land-grabs…and world death if necessary.

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So let's get the Hell out of the Death Machine, shall we: PreventGenocide2030.org Now. Often. Share. Mobilize. Motivate.

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Yes ma’am.👍🏽

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Mar 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

Amazing post, Dr. Rima! Thank you for leading the charge on this as you always have. ❤️

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The UN headquarters is in the US. Americans don't need to "exit" the UN. They need to END it!

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We can exit the organization. That will make it much weaker. We do not have to get involved with destroying it, just getting all of its bits and pieces out of every aspect of our governments, governance, education, finance, health system and so forth.

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Mar 12Liked by Rima E Laibow MD

There is no time left at all, you are right.

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Every time you use the term “ bat shit crazy “ I love it . It’s such a perfect term to describe this nutbar ideology.

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