Thank you Rima; This is no different than WWII, where Joseph Goebel, Minister of Propaganda, used Edward Bernais' (nephew of Freud) book "Propaganda" theme "Those who control the media, control the masses." and ran with it. He even invited Edward to work with him. He of course refused and regretted writing the book. The entire WWII propaganda theme and agenda never ended and was played out into the US starting in the late 1930s, when all positions of governmental control were infiltrated by the Khazarian mafia to rewrite all education and history books - science, health, technology, agriculture, etc., then filter into Canada and the world. They took governing position in NASA, CIA, DARPA, Banking (District of Columbia Fed Reserve)... I know this for fact, as my father, a WWII double leg amputee vet, found German documents left behind in a Holland camp and brought them home, translated them and asked me to assist him in writing a letter to Judy LaMarsh, Governor Gen of Canada in 1965, 2 years after witnessing JFK's assassination, live on WKBW TV, at age 10. I knew everything was a lie and vowed to find the truth ... and I have. It's all propaganda and programming.

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What did the German documents say? That sounds pretty important.

By the way, there is no Kazarian Mafia. That, too, is propaganda.

The Kazars were said, a couple of hundred years later, to have converted to Judaism by Judah ha Levi and Avram ibn Daub, two Jewish writers who used the standard of history at the time, which we would not call fantasy fiction, to counter the arguments rampant at the time that Judaism had no historical legitimacy (the more things change....) so ha Levi quite literally made up the story that a defunct empire's long-dead emperor had thought enough of it to convert himself and his entire country to the religion. The story was then repeated by ibn Daub, born 5 years before ha Levi's death, based entirely on the "authority" of ha Levi. In other words, a propaganda piece was repeated as true because that is how propaganda works, and now we do the same thing in spite of the fact that there is no historical basis to the story.

The Kazars were a remarkably multi-cultural, multilingual people who were noted for their tolerance of every faith and culture as members of their empire so long as they paid taxes and deference to the treasury and structure of the empire.

In that regard, they were a lot like the rulers of Imperial Rome, unlike the Greeks.

But I digress. Please read my stack called "Guilty as [Not] Charged" on this topic.

Meanwhile, please visit PreventGenocide2030.org and take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge to help get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.

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I will read it. You may want to add this substack on Trudeau and his role in the world genocide and destruction of Chinada to your list. https://open.substack.com/pub/sterry448/p/canada-is-a-foreign-government-not?r=pvup8&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

Thank you for the clarity on the Khazarians. In Truth, these demons are alien Archons, who entered Earth near the end of the Lemurian civilization "Mu continent", just before its sinking, leaving the Hawaiian Islands. They were also there for the sinking of Atlantis (a highly advanced civilization). They are known as the Destroyers, by the Pleiadeans, having wiped out Mars, and destroying their original planet before that, with a machine similar to one within the Earth, the Hadron Collider, built by CERN. They only have as much power as we give them by our consent! the CERN production was halted in 2018, due to concerns of a potential catastrophe - https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/3-ways-the-earth-and-reality-could-be-destroyed-by-the-large-hadron-collider/

I heard that they relaunched it in 2022. Not sure how true this is, but if it is, I pray the proclaimed Ascension of the Earth happens imminently!

Long story short ... I had a close encounter with 5 Pleiadean ships in Niagara Falls in 1971, which had a profound effect on my life, almost as much as a 2 week NDE, at age 2, following the MMR vax. They showed me all that has occurred since then on Earth and what is yet to come. It's a crazy time we are living in and we have a lot of work to do, to wake up the world.

They gave me a message to share, at the beginning of 4 long astral visions, given over 8 years, which at the time I did not understand... I certainly do now!

"Only those who consciously acknowledge God, as the Source and Essence of their being as LOVE, will survive the Apocalypse that is to come."

They also showed a timeline of events, with slight alterations over the years, depending on our choices. The big clincher was the Global Apocalypse beginning in 2020! It seemed so far away in the 1970s. My how time flies.

Life is Eternal and Love is All! The rest is all made up, by lowering our conscious awareness and vibratory frequency...

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Saw a man in a car by himself. Went home and wrote this, a little song.

Driving in my car, mask over mouth and nose

makes me feel secure, even though i am alone.

Never know what's in the air around me

Could be some tiny varments tryna harm me.

Now there's danger all around, I'm in a public place

Gotta sanitize my hands, and cover up my face

The pandemics over, so they say

I'll take no chances, wanna live another day

Can't be too cautious, so much to be feared

Step back, don't you come near

My healths been declining these past few years

I'll line up for next booster soon as it is here.

Hope you enjoy

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Record it and send me the video and I will be happy to post it on PreventGenocide2030.org's music page!

And thanks!

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wow thank you. That will be a stretch for me.

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Yes Lets get rid of that consensus of opinion. That way we have complete control because nobody knows what is really going on and there are so many opinions that everyone is totally confused. Confused people are more easily controlled. Control is the name of the game.

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Once you know the magic trick, it does not work on you anymore. Get wise to the legal deception in my podcast here:


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