Halfway through this great discussion, had to stop and thank Dr. Rima for the history about Fluoride, beginning at the 41:21 mark. Is it any wonder so many are dumbed down, from that alone?

It was first introduced in Grand Rapids Mi, on January 25, 1945, became an official policy in 1951 and by 1960 widely used. Just so happens I was born in Michigan in 1955 and my oldest sibling in 1950…. I am so proud to have been born in the 1st Gulag State Fluoride Experiment! Anyone still using Fluoride toothpaste and having their gums and teeth soaked with it at their Dentist visits, please Stop. Also, distill your Water, I have always used a home filter (no plastic bottles) but about a month ago I finally bought a H20 water distiller. Using the tap water to the distiller was unbelievably gunky/gross, like what is in there? Anyway, I now use the filtered (not tap) water and the distiller stays much cleaner. And the biggest hopeful message I can say, is that my health has improved immensely. Remember they have been poisoning our municipal water systems for 79 years with Fluoride. What else can they add to the mix?

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I need to know what documents are in place to support the idea that WHO and UN have never entered into Treaties with any nation because these organizations are not sovereign nations. I am meeting with a provincial politician in a few weeks and this information would be very useful and maybe even critical. I am wanting to make the case that Alberta as a province can Exit the UN and WHO. Please advise

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Absolutely, Lorraine. When you visit https://PreventGenocide2030.org and you go to the US Action Item on the home page, you will see the Legal Memo prepared by Counsel Ralph Fucetola. The document there is specific to the US in terms of President Truman's actions in 1945, but the legal argument is just as relevant for any other country as it is for the US.

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